Section B -1a-1e.pptx

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1、 SectionB1a 1e Unit9Canyoucometomyparty Wednesday十月 13 What sthedatetoday Whatdayisittoday What stoday It sOctober13th It sWednesday It sWednesdaythe13th calendar 英 k lind 美 k l nd calendarOctober What stoday TodayisMondaythe11th What sthedayaftertomorrow ItisTuesdaythe12th 1 问 日期 的句型有 What sthedate

2、today 今天是几号 或Whatdateisittoday 日期 的表示法有例如 11月5号It sNovember5 November5th 读做November the 5th 2 询问 星期 的句型 Whatdayis it today It sMonday 在英语中表示 星期 的词有 Monday星期一 Tuesday星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 Sunday星期日 3 询问几号星期几的句型 What stoday 今天几号 星期几 It sMonday the28th 今天是28号 星期一 15th 12th

3、13th 14th 1aWritethedatesforthisweekonthecalendar 16th 17th 18th 15th 12th 13th 14th 16th 17th 18th thedaybeforeyesterday yesterday today tomorrow weekend Thedayaftertomorrow weekday 1bWritethewordsbelowthecorrectdates todaytomorrowyesterdaythedaybeforeyesterdaythedayaftertomorrowweekdayweekend 朗读并明

4、确单词 单元的含义 复习 拼写星期词汇 注意事项有哪些 周一至周五的任一天 周末 周一 周六 周二 周日 周三 昨天 周四 今天 周五 明天 前天 后天 weekend weekday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday thedayaftertomorrow thedaybeforeyesterday tomorrow yesterday today Whatdoyouusuallydoonweekends Whatactivitiesdoyoudoonweekends haveto 不得不 A Whatdoyou

5、havetodothisweekend B Ihaveto studyforatest gotothedoctor haveadancinglesson Whatweekendactivitiesdoyoudo 1cAskandanswerquestionsaboutthedaysin1a A what stoday B It sMondaythe14th A what stomorrow B It sWednesdaythe15th A what sThedayaftertomorrow B It sThursdaythe16th YesNo 1d Listen CanVinceplayte

6、nniswithAndy CircleYesorNo c b a a b 1e Listenagain MatchVince sactivitieswiththedays Pairwork Roleplay VinceandAndy Andy Hi Vince canyouplaytenniswithme Vince Andy Today Vince Sorry Ican t I Andy Whatareyoudoingtomorrow Vince Andy Howabout Vince Ihavetolookaftermysister havetogothedoctorandstudyfor

7、atest When I mplayingsoccerandhavingapianolesson thedayaftertomorrow Tapescript Andy Hi Vince Vince Yeah hi Andy Andy Vince canyouplaytenniswithme Vince Uh when Andy Today Vince Uh no sorry Ican t Ihavetogotothedoctorandstudyforatesttoday Andy Howabouttomorrow Vince Sorry tomorrowI mplayingsoccerand

8、Ihaveapianolesson Andy Oh Well whatareyoudoingthedayaftertomorrow Vince Ihavetolookaftermylittlesister Andy Oh Isee Vince I msorry Andy I mreallybusythisweek 1fStudentsAisAndyandStudentBisVince Andy inviteVincetoplaytennis A Hi Vince Canyouplaytenniswithme B When A Today B Sorry Ican t I Roleplay Vi

9、nceandAndy Andy Hi Vince canyouplaytenniswithme Vince Andy Today Vince Sorry Ican t I Andy Whatareyoudoingtomorrow Vince Andy Howabout Vince Ihavetobabysitmysister havetogothedoctorandstudyforatest When I mplayingsoccerandhavingapianolesson thedayaftertomorrow 2 英语中多个时间的排列顺序 1 通常情况下 如果在同一个句子中有年 月 日

10、星期 其排列顺序一般是星期 月 日 年 eg HewasbornonFriday January5th 1990 2 假若在句末同时出现几个时间状语 通常按表示时间的确切程度排列 即确切的时间在前 较笼统的时间在后 或者说表示较短时间的在前 表示较长时间的在后 eg IsawthefilmonFridayeveninglastweek Theyarrivedatfiveo clockyesterdayafternoon 4 well的用法 1 adj 健康的eg Howareyou I mverywell 2 adv 好eg Hesingswell 3 interj 1 表示快慰 舒服的感觉时

11、发出的一种感叹词 好啦 eg Well hereweareatlast 2 表示出于无奈 让步等感情时发出的感叹 哎 好吧 也罢 等eg Well badluck 3 表示惊讶 微带不满之意 哎 咳 唷 等eg Well whowouldhavethoughtit 4 表示疑问 催问或期望 喂 怎么 eg Well whataboutit 5 表示重新开始转入另一话题或重新开始说话 喔 噢 等 eg Well who syourEnglishteacher Exercises I 词汇 1 TodayI mverybusy butsheis 空闲的 2 Theyarestudyingfora

12、数学测验 3 Igethis 邀请 butIcan tgo 4 Ihavetoo 多 homeworktodo 5 Mr Kingsometimesgoestothe 音乐会 free mathtest invitation much concert II单项选择 1 Canyoucometoplaysoccerwithme A IcanB That sallrightC Sure I dloveto2 Hecangowithyou butI A amnotB can tC don t3 Whatareyoudoing Mondaymorning A onB atC in C B A 4 Th

13、anksfor metotheparty A askB askingC asks5 Bobcan tcomeouttoplaybecausehe helpDadinthegarden A canB can tC hasto6 Wouldyoulikeacupofcoffee A No Idon twantB No thankyouC Idon tlikeit B C B 1 TodayisMonday 提问 today 2 TheyaregoingtothedoctorsonMonday 提问 theygoingtothedoctors 3 Callmeafterthetest 否定句 mea

14、fterthetest 句型转换 What s Whenare Don tcall the date 5 Whydon tyouhaveanEnglishparty 同义转换 haveanEnglishparty 6 Doyouwanttocomeovertomyhouse 同义转换 tocomeovertomyhouse youcomeovertomyhouse Wouldyoulike Can Whynot Planaparty Writeeverythingyouhavetodonextweek Chooseadayandtimetohaveaparty Theninviteclassmatestoyourparty Homework ThankYou


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