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1、Unit3myweekendplan visitmygrandparents seeafilm gotothesupermarket takeatrip 看望外祖父母 看电影 去超市 旅行 Let sreview thismorning thisafternoon thisevening tonight nextweek tomorrow 今天早上 今天傍晚 今天下午 在今晚 明天 下周 PPT模板 词典 连环画册 单词书 明信片 wordbook comicbook dictionary postcard 句型 1 询问对方打算做什么及回答 Whatareyougoingtodo 你打算干什

2、么 I mgoingtovisit 动词原形 mygrandparentsthisweekend 2 询问对方打算去哪里及回答Wherearewegoing 我们将去哪里 Iamgoingtothebookstore 去书店 3 询问对方打算什么时候去及回答Whenareyougoing Iamgoing 时间短语 1 一般将来时概念 表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态 标志语 tomorrow thedayaftertomorrow thisafternoon thisevening nextweek month year intheyear2022 begoingto 动词原形will 动词原

3、形 写出同义句 1 Iamgoingtoeat I 2 Heisgoingtoeat He 3 Sheisgoingtoplaypiano She piano 4 Thecatisgoingtojump Thecat 5 Wearegoingtoflykitestomorrow We tomorrow willeat willeat willplay willjump willflykites 一 谓语形式 1 begoingto V 2 will V 一般将来时 三 否定式 be或will后加notwillnot won t 二 疑问形式 be或will放主语前 Choosetheright

4、answer 选词填空 wherewhatwhen 1 aretheygoingtodointhepark They regoingtohaveapicnic 2 areyougoingnextweek I mgoingtoGuangzhou 3 isMickeygoingtothebookstore He sgoingat9 00onSundaymorning What Where when IV Listenandjudge 听短文 根据短文内容 判断下列句子是否正确 正确写 否则写 1 I mgoingtotheGreatWallontheNationalDay 2 I mgoingth

5、erewithmygrandparents 3 Grandpahasafarm 4 Therearen tanyhorsesonit 5 I mgoingtothefarmbyplane II Readandchoose 读一读 选出正确的答案 1 Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon A I mgoingtobuyabook B I mastudent C Igotoschoolbybike D Areyouateacher 2I mgoingtobuyanEnglishbook A Doyouhavecomicbook B Whatareyougoingtobu

6、y C Thisafternoon D I mgoingtoplanttrees 3 Areyougoingtobuybooks Yes Iwanttobuycomicbooks A some anyB any someC any anyD some some 4 Whereareyougoingthisafternoon A I mgoingtobuysomecomicbooks B I mgoingtothebookstore C CanIhelpyou D I mgoingtovisitmyaunt A B B B 6 It s2 00 Theboys ontheplayground A

7、 runB runningC arerunningD run 7 What they nextweek A do doB are doingC does does areD are goingtodo 8 Areyougoingtotheparkwith A IB heC meD my 9 I mgoingtobuysomebooks car A forB withC aboutD by 10 She sgoingto theGreatWallnextweek A visitB visitsC visitingD isvisiting C D C C A 一 连词成句1 are What go

8、ing you to do 2 draw going We to are pictures some 3 see I going to am film a 4 a good Have time 5 are to They going supermarket the Whatareyougoingtodo Wearegoingtodrawsomepictures Iamgoingtoseeafilm Haveagoodtime Theyaregoingtothesupermarket Putthewordsinasentence 1 doareyoutogoingwhattheweekendon

9、 2 thegoingtheycinemaareto 3 togetherwegoingtoareTVwatch 4 hegoingtoistakeatrip 5 howyougoingare Whatareyougoingtodoontheweekend Theyaregoingtothecinema WearegoingtowatchTVtogether Ishegoingtotakeatrip Howareyougoing III Readandchoose 读句子 选出正确的答语 1 Whatareyougoingtodo A Bytrain 2 Whenareyougoing B T

10、akeatrip 3 Whereareyougoing C Yes Iam 4 Howdoyougotothezoo D At3o clock 5 Areyougoingtouseanybooks E I mgoingtoBeijing B D E A C VII Writing 写作 周末你打算做什么 你有什么计划吗 用 begoingto 结构来写一写你的计划 要求 1 条理清晰 用词得当 书写工整 规范 2 不少于5句 MyweekendplanMynameis It sSundaytomorrow I mgoingtothebookstore I mgoingtobuysomewordbooks IlikereadingBooks Intheafternoon I mgoingtodomyhomework ThenI mgoingtovisitmygrandparents


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