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1、2 玉米果穗收获机械化研究 2020年4月 玉米果穗收获机械化研究 本文关键词:果穗,机械化,玉米,收获,研究 玉米果穗收获机械化研究 本文简介:摘要中国是世界上玉米生产与消费大国,很多地区农作物以玉米种植为主,玉米也是中国四大经济作物之一,它是国家粮食安全的重要保证,玉米在生产过程中的机械化包括耕地、播种、施肥、除草、收获、脱粒和对玉米秸秆的处理等农艺。论文主要研究玉米的收获机械化存在的问题及对策的探讨。研究玉米收获机械化可以明显提高玉 玉米果穗收获机械化研究 本文内容:摘 要 中国是世界上玉米生产与消费大国,很多地区农作物以玉米种植为主,玉米也是中国四大经济作物之一,它是国家粮食安全的重要

2、保证,玉米在生产过程中的机械化包括耕地、播种、施肥、除草、收获、脱粒和对玉米秸秆的处理等农艺。论文主要研究玉米的收获机械化存在的问题及对策的探讨。研究玉米收获机械化可以明显提高玉米收获效率,降低生产成本,增加总收入,同时可以找到合适的玉米机械化收获方式,保护生态环境。尤其是玉米秸秆收获后处理,可以很大程度减少环境污染,实现农业生产的可持续发展。 论文通过参阅大量相关国内外研究资料,结合玉米机械收获的分类和特点,对玉米收获机械化发展现状和发展趋势做了详尽的探讨,分析了当前玉米收获机械化发展所面临的主要问题,研究了适合中国玉米收获的自走式联合收获机的割台及主要工作部件,提出了发展对策,为玉米收获机

3、械化的进一步发展提供参考。 论文主要研究适合本地区玉米收获的自走式玉米收获机的主要部件,并对整机及主要工作部件进行了分析、虚拟设计和相关试验。研究主要结论如下: (1)对玉米收获机械化发展现状和发展趋势做了详尽的探讨,分析了当前玉米收获机械化发展所面临的主要问题,针对存在的问题进行了对策研究。 (2)对自走式玉米联合收获机主要部件进行了分析和考核,对主要工作装置,如发动机、行走系统、前后桥、割台、升运装置、剥皮机构等部分进行了部分设计和选型。 (3)对设计出的玉米果穗收获机主要部件进行试验验证,田间试验结果表明:设计和选型的主要工作部件具有良好的工作性能。 (4)论文还对玉米收获机的其它部件进

4、行了选择和计算,还考虑到未来的发展方向和技术路线,为后期的玉米收获机产品升级做技术储备。 关键词:玉米;果穗收获;收获装置;性能分析Abstract China is the worlds leading producer and consumer of corn Many local crops are mainly corn Maize is also one of Chinas four major economic crops It is an important guarantee for national foodsecurity Mechanization of corn in

5、the production process includes cultivated land Agronomy, sowing,fertilization, weeding, harvesting, threshing and treatment of corn stalks, the paper mainly studies cornharvesting mechanization tools, corn harvest mechanization research has a lot of improvement on cornharvesting efficiency, and can

6、 also reduce farmers production costs and increase The total income offarmers is very helpful, and the continuous improvement of corn mechanization can not only change theway of harvesting corn, but also improve the ecological environment, especially when the straw iscrushed and returned to the fiel

7、d, which can greatly reduce air pollution and build modern agriculture Make some dedication The paper mainly designs a cutting platform and shut-off parts for the self-propelled corn harvesterof China corn harvest through a large amount of relevant domestic and foreign materials, combined withthe ch

8、aracteristics of mechanized harvesting of corn in China, and the development and basic status ofmechanization of corn harvesting A more detailed discussion is made, and the classification of cornharvesting machinery is fully described At the same time, the favorable conditions and current mainproble

9、ms faced by the current corn harvest mechanization development are analyzed, and theinfluencing factors and countermeasures for corn harvest mechanization are analyzed provide help The paper mainly studies the main components of the self-propelled corn harvester suitable forcorn harvesting in this r

10、egion, and carries out theoretical analysis, virtual design and related experimentson the whole machine and key components The paper mainly carries out the following work: (1) Firstly, the research direction and significance of the paper were determined, and a largeamount of domestic and foreign dat

11、a were collected, and the research was carried out according to theproblems existing in the current corn harvester (2) Complete the overall design of the self-propelled corn harvester, and at the same time, carry outtheoretical and reliability checks on key components At the same time, it also selec

12、ts the maincomponents, such as the engine, the walking system, the front and rear axles (3) Test the main components of the designed corn ear harvester For example, the field test contentis the header and machine test of the corn harvesting prototype, and obtain accurate data, which willleave data f

13、or future improvement (4) The paper also selected and calculated the other components of the corn harvester, and alsoconsidered the future development direction and technical route, and made technical reserves for the later corn harvester product upgrade Key words: maize; Ear harvesting, harvesting

14、machinery; performance analysis目 录 1 前言 1.1 研究的目的与意义 中国是世界上玉米生产与消费的主要国家,玉米的种植面积在世界上名列前茅,它也是中国主要的粮食作物,不仅可以用于人的食物,还可以通过加工成为动物的饲料,还可以用于工业生产中,也可以提炼出能源,用于汽油的添加物,现在中国已经成为世界第二大经济体,人民生活水平有很大提高,已经解决温饱问题,现在最求的是高品质的生活,所以作为动物饲料的主要物质,也在不断提高产量,现在玉米是中国四大作物排在第二位,已经仅次于水稻。 玉米常年的种植面积达到了 027 亿 hm2,其每年获得的产量大约为 1500 亿 kg

15、,然而在进行玉米生产的整个流程中,玉米收获机要开展的工作较多,而且工作强度很大,所以对玉米开展机械化收割的显得特别关键。 伴随当前中国农业逐步的引入了机械化生产和农业在本国的快速发展,如今中国玉米收获开始由之前的人工收获朝着机械化方式转变。从有关的数来看,在 2016 年一年,中国总共种植了大约 31825 万 hm2的玉米,其中有 28427 万 hm2面积的玉米使用了机械化的收获方式。到了 2017年,大约 30141 万 hm2面积的玉米使用了玉米机收获,同比增加 2680 千 hm2,在全国范围内,机械化水平突破 90%。在进行玉米生产的工作中,收获的机械化生产水平已处于比较发达的状态,而且其发展速度很快,令中国的机械化发展得到很大提高。 黑龙江省是是中国主要生



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