7No Stopping!.pptx

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1、Unit4MyNeighbourhood NoStopping 第一PPT模板网 WWW 1PPT COM JennyandBrianareontheirwaytoschool 詹妮和布莱恩正在去学校的路上 onone s thewayto意思是 在去某地的路上 Onmywaytothebookstore Ifoundawalletontheground 在去书店的路上 我在地上发现了一个钱包 Usuallywetaketheschoolbus 通常我们乘坐校车 takeabus和bybus都表示 乘坐公共汽车 前者是动词作谓语 后者是介词短语作状语 eg Itakeabustothesupe

2、rmarket 我乘坐公共汽车去超市 Doyougotoschoolbybus 你乘公共汽车上学吗 Heispointingtotheright 他正指着右边 pointto与pointat都指 指 的含义 一般情况下可以互换 但二者侧重点不同 pointto侧重指的方向 意为 指向 pointat侧重指对象 意为 指着 如果表述的内容强调对象就用pointat 如果强调方向 则用pointto 但事物名词作主语 用pointto要常见些 PPT模板 eg Itisrudetopointataperson 指着人是失礼的 Thebuildingpointstotheeast 这所大楼朝东 po

3、intout表示给某人指示方向 要点或错误等 意为 指出 out是副词 eg Theteacherpointedoutmanymistakesinmyhomework 老师指出我作业里的许多错误 walkpast中past是介词 意为 过 eg Wewentpastaschool 我们经过了一所学校 past还可以作形容词 意思是 过去的 刚过去的 eg Hehasbeenillforthepastfewdays 几天来他一直病着 拓展 pass是动词 相当于gopast walkpast 类似的用法还有 cross动词 表示 穿越 越过 相当于goacross walkacross 一 根据

4、句意及首字母或汉语提示填写单词 1 Let s theroadandtakeabus 2 Mumalwaysbuyssomebreadformeinthe 3 Thereareallkindsofbooksinthis 4 Thebabylikeseatingthatkindof 饼干 5 EverymorningI 经过 abeautifulpark cross bakery bookstore biscuits pass 二 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Heoften buy cakesfromthebakery 2 notbe lateforschool 3 Ihavesomanyth

5、ings do 阿凡题1074760 4 Look thedog cross thestreet 5 Doyouwant tell meanythingaboutyourschool 6 Thegirl pass theshopeveryday buys Don tbe todo iscrossing totell passes 三 单项选择 1 Turnleftat trafficlightsandyouwillsee libraryin frontofyou A the the aB the theC a the D the the 2 thewaytotheshoppingcenterI

6、metafriendof A On myB On mineC In myD In mine D B 3 Youmustbe whenyou theroad A careful crossB carefully crossC careful acrossD carefully across 4 Whenhelosthisway apolicemanhelpedhim time A onB atC withD in 5 Shehasalotofclothes A washB washesC washingD towash A D D 四 根据短文内容及所给提示填空 阿凡题1074761 Jenny

7、andBrianare1 theirwaytoschool Usuallytheygotoschool 2 bus buttodaytheywanttoseethingsbetter Brian3 tothewrongdirection sotheygoinanotherdirection Theywalk4 abigstorewindow buttheydon tstopforsomethingtoeat becausetheydon twanttobe5 forschool Theydon tstopatthebookstore either on by points past late



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