Unit5 Section A 1.pptx

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1、Doyouwanttowatchagameshow SectionAPeriodOne Wordsandexpressions sitconnewssoapeducationalplanhopefindout 情景喜剧新闻节目 新闻肥皂剧教育的 有教育意义的打算 计划希望查明 弄清 Wordsandexpressions discussionstandhappenmayexpect 讨论 商量忍受 站立发生 出现也许 可能预料 期待 Thekindsofthemovies actionmovie comedy cartoon thriller documentary Otherkindsofm

2、ovies sciencefiction科幻电影 romance爱情片 warmovie战争片 Beijingopera京剧 musical歌舞片 gameshow WhataretheseTVshows CCTVNews 中央电视台新闻联播 EveningNews 晚间新闻 体育新闻 SportsNews Tellitlikeitis 实话实说 世界报道 World sReport 天气预报 WeatherReport Dialogue AroundtheWorld Lawtoday AnimalWorld CultureChina soapopera sitcom situationcom

3、edies 情景喜剧 fashionshows 时尚节目 MatchtheTVshowswiththepictures a g 1a 1 talkshow 4 sitcom 2 soapopera 5 gameshow 3 sportsshow 6 talentshow 7 news d e b c a g f talentshow talkshow soccergame news 1b Listenandnumbertheshows 1 4 intheorderyouhearthem 1 2 3 5 Mark Hey Jack IplantowatchTVtonight Doyouwantt

4、ojoinme Jack Sure Whatdoyouwanttowatch Mark Well whatdoyouthinkoftalkshow Jack Idon tmindthem butsometimestheycanbeabitboring Mark That strue Doyouwanttojustwatchthenews Jack Iguessso Maybewecanwatchthatnewtalentshowafterthenews Iusuallycan tstandtalentshows butthatoneisquitefunny Mark OK sure butth

5、esoccergamestartsat5 00p m Jack Oh yeah Iwanttowatchthatgame too 1c Practicetheconversation Thenmakeyourownconversations A Whatdoyouwanttowatch B Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows A They OK Idon tmindthem B Thenlet swatchatalkshow sitcoms news gameshows talkshows soapoperas ListentoLinHuiandSally sconversat

6、ion NumbertheTVshows 1 5 1 2 3 2a 4 5 2b Listenagain Completethesentences 1 Sallylikestowatch 2 LinHuithinksshecanlearn fromsitcoms thenewsortalkshows somegreatjokes 3 Sallythinks aremoreeducationalthansitcoms 4 Sallyloves SheplanstowatchDaysofOurPast shows soapoperas tonight 2cAskandanswerquestions

7、abouttheTVshowsin2a Useinformationthatistrueforyou A Doyouplantowatchthenewstonight B Yes Ilikewatchingthenews Iwatchiteverynight A Why B BecauseIhopetofindoutwhat sgoingonaroundtheworld 2d Role playtheconversation Grace Whatdidyoudoinclasstoday Sarah Sarah WehadadiscussionaboutTVshows Myclassmatesl

8、ikegameshowsandsportsshows Grace Oh Ican tstandthem Ilovesoapoperas Iliketofollowthestoryandseewhathappensnext Sarah Well Idon tmindsoapoperas ButmyfavoriteTVshowsarethenewsandtalkshows Grace They reboring Sarah Well theymaynotbeveryexciting butyoucanexpecttolearnalotfromthem IhopetobeaTVreporterone

9、day LanguagePoints Doyouplantowatchthenewstonight 你今晚打算看新闻吗 planvt vi 计划 打算 常用搭配为plan还可作名词 如 makeplans制定计划accordingtoplan根据计划 例如 Iplantogoswimmingtomorrow Itisbetterforyoutomakeplanforyourfuture plantodosth计划做某事 2 Doyouwanttojoinme 你想要加入我吗 1 wantvt 意为 需要 想要 Iwantasweater 我需要一件毛衣 TheboywantstogotoTai

10、yuan 那个小男孩想去太原 want n想要 wanttodosth想要做某事 e g Ifyouwanttoberespected pleaselearntorespectothersfirst 如果你想别人尊重你 就请先尊重别人 wantsbtodosth想让某人干某事 Iwanthertogotoamoviewithme 我想让她和我去看电影 3 Whatdoyouthinkofgameshows Whatdoyouthinkof 你认为 怎么样 谈论对某事物的喜好程度 可选择的回答有 Ilikeit Idon tmindit Idon tlikeit Ican tstandit Il

11、ikeitverymuch Iloveit It sbeautiful They refantastic 2 think 想 考虑 思索 v 动词 可以和许多介词搭配 组成新的意思 thinkof 考虑 有 的看法 有时等同于thinkabout e g WhatdoeshethinkofBeijingOpera 他对京剧有什么看法 Mymotheralwaysthinksofeverything 我妈妈总是想到所有的东西 e g Mr Blackthinkshighlyofhisson 布莱克先生对他儿子评价甚高 thinkabout 考虑 指计划 观念 看它是否相宜 可行 e g Heis

12、thinkingaboutgoingtoChina 他正在考虑去中国 thinkhighlyofsb sth 对某人或某物评价甚高 4 Idon tmindthem 我不介意他们 mind 介意 在乎 反对 其后接名词或v ing形式或从句作宾语 常用于疑问句 否定句 条件句中 表示请求或征求意见 e g Wouldyoumindopeningthedoor e g Doyoumindmydog Wouldyouminddoing Doyoumind 5 Ican tstandit 我不能忍受它 我受不了它 stand1 站 站立 e g Standup 起立2 顺利接受 忍耐 忍受 多用于否

13、定句 疑问句 后可接动名词 e g Ican tstandthemovie Itistooboring Marycouldn tstandthehotweather Canyoustandthepain 你忍受得了疼吗 Ican tstandwaitinganylonger Ican tstandyourbeingtreatedlikethat 1 Mygrandfatherlikeswearingfashionclothes He whatyoungpeople 认为 him 2 Theoldmen rockmusic Theythinkit stoonoisy 3 Hersister so

14、apopera That sherfavorite 4 I togoshoppingwithMother It scrowdedinthestore doesn tmind thinkof can tstand loves don tlike Fillintheblanks 5 What youthinkofsoapoperas I stand 6 What yourclassmatesthinkofsportsshows They mind 7 What shethinkofmynewshirt She like 8 What Tonythinkofthefood Helikes 9 Wha

15、t theythinkofthecat Theylove do can t them do does doesn t it does it do it don t them 1 你觉得肥皂剧怎么样 我受不了 doyou I 2 他不喜欢情景喜剧 He 3 Tina对运动节目不在乎 Tina What thinkofsoapoperas can tstandthem doesn tlikesitcoms doesn tmindsportsshows 中译英 4 Tony认为谈话节目怎么样 他很喜爱它 What Tonythinkof He it 5 我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧 Mybrother SportsWorld mysisterlikes does talkshow loves likes while sitcom 6 你认为这条裙怎么样 我无法忍受它的颜色 7 你妈妈喜欢访谈节目吗 非常喜欢 因为她认为它们很有趣 Whatdoyouthinkofthisskirt Ican tstanditscolor Doesyourmotherliketalkshows Yes shedoes Shethinksthey reinteresting



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