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1、翻译.2017.6 第一套 明朝统治中国276年,被人们描绘成人类历史上治理最有序、社会稳定的最伟大的时代之一。这一时期,手工业的发展促进了市场经和城市化。大量商品,包括酒和丝绸,都在市场销售。同时,还进口许多外国商品,如时钟和烟草。北京、南京、扬州、苏州这样的大商业中心相继形成。也是在明朝,由郑和率领的船队曾到印度洋进行了七次大规模探险航行。还值得一提的是,中国文学的四大经典名著中有三部写于明代。The Ming Dynasty, which reigned China for 276 years when the country was characterized by good gove

2、rnance and social stability,was depicted as one of the greatest periods of human history.During this period, the thriving handicrafts industry boosted the development of market economy and urbanization.Commodities, including alcohol and silk products, were available on the market in large quantities

3、.At the same time, clocks and tobacco products,among many other foreign goods, were imported.Beijing,Nanjing,Yangzhou and Suzhou emerged as large commercial centers one after another.It was also during the reign of the Ming Dynasty that fleets headed by navigator Zheng He made seven large-sclae, adv

4、enturous voyages to the Indian Ocean.What is also worth mentioning is that three of the Four Great Classical Novels of China were written during this period.翻译.2017.6 第二套宋朝始于960年,一直延续到1279年。这一时期,中国经济大幅增长,成为世界上最先进的经济体,科学、技术、哲学和数学蓬勃发展。宋代中国是世界历史上首先发行纸币的国家。宋朝还最早使用火药并发明了活字印刷。人口增长迅速,越来越多的人住进城市,那里有热闹的娱乐场所。

5、社会生活多种多样。人们聚集在一起观看和交易珍贵艺术品。宋朝的政府体制在当时也是先进的。政府官员均通过竞争性考试选拔任用。During the Song Dynasty,which lasted from 960 till 1279,the economic boom made China the most developed country in the world.With the thriving economy came flourishing scenes of science, technology,philosophy and mathematics.China back then

6、 was the first country to issue paper money, use gunpowder and invent movable-type printing in the world.As population ballooned, more and more people moved to cities where there were dynamic entertainment venues.China during the Song Dynasty featured diverse social life.People gathered to appreciat

7、e and trade valuable art works.The Song Dynasty featured advanced administration, with all officials selected through competitive examination.翻译.2017.6 第三套唐朝始于618年,终于907年,是中国历史上最灿烂的时期。经过近三百年的发展,唐代中国成为世界上最繁荣的强国,其首都长安是当时世界上最大的都市。这一时期,经济发达、商业繁荣、社会秩序稳定,甚至边境也对外开放。随着城市化和财富的增加,艺术和文学也繁荣起来。李白和杜甫是以作品简洁自然而著称的诗

8、人。他们的诗歌打动了学者和普通人的心。即使在今天,他们的许多诗歌仍广为儿童及成人阅读背诵。The Tang Dynasty, which lasted from 618 through 907,was the most splendid period of the Chinese history.The 300 years of rapid development during the Tang Dynasty turned China into the most prosperous country,with Changan the then capital,becoming the lar

9、gest metropolis in the world.China during this period was marked by economic boom, commercial prosperity and social stability.It even opened its borders to outside world.As the country got more urbanized and wealthier, art and literature also flourishedLi Bai and Du Fu were poets recognized for thei

10、r plain and simple works.Their poetry touched the hearts of scholars and commoners alike.Many of their poems are still widely read and recited by both children and adults today.翻译.2016.12 第一套随着生活水平的提高,度假在中国人生活中的作用越来越重要。过去,中国人的时间主要花在谋生上,很少有机会外出旅游。然而,近年来中国旅游业发展迅速。经济的繁荣和富裕中产阶级的出现,引发了一个前所未有的旅游热潮。中国人不仅在国

11、内旅游,出国旅游也越来越普遍。2016年国庆节假日期间,旅游消费总计超过4000亿元。据世界贸易组织估计,2020年中国将成为世界上最大的旅游国,在未来几年里将成为出境旅游支出增长最快的国家。With the improvement of living standards, holiday is occupying a more and more prominent position in Chinese peoples life.In the past, making a living takes most of peoples time,which gives them rare chan

12、ce to go off on a trip.However, tourism has undergone a rapid growth in China for the past several years.The prosperity of economy and the emergence of the affluent middle class trigger an unprecedented tourism boom.Not only does domestic traveling become common,but traveling abroad is also enjoying

13、 an increasing popularity among Chinese people.During the National Day holidays in 2016, tourism consumption amounts to more than 400 billion yuan.According to the statistical data by the World Trade Organization, China will have become the worlds largest tourism country by 2020,and she will also se

14、e the fastest growth in overseas traveling expenditure in the next few years.翻译.2016.12 第二套随着中国经济的蓬勃发展,学汉语的人数迅速增加,使汉语成为世界上人们最爱学的语言之一。近年来,中国大学在国际上的排名也有了明显的提高。由于中国教育的巨大进步中国成为最受海外学生欢迎的留学目的地之一就不足为奇了。2015年,近四十万国际学生蜂拥来到中国学习。他们学习的科目已不再限于中国语言和文化,而包括科学与工程。在全球教育市场上,美国和英国仍占主导地位,但中国正在迅速赶上。As Chinas economy surg

15、es,so does the number of people learning Chinese, which makes it become one of the favorite languages to be learned in the world.In recent years, Chinese universities have also made notable gains in the international university league table.Owing to the great progress of Chinas education, its no won

16、der that China has become one of the most popular destinations for overseas students to study abroad.In 2015,nearly four hundred thousand international students flocked into China to study.Their courses of study are no longer confined to the Chinese language and culture, but include Science and Engineering.In the global educatio



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