高中英语Module3 The Violence of Nature

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《高中英语Module3 The Violence of Nature》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语Module3 The Violence of Nature(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3The Violence of Nature 合作与讨论1.1头脑风暴1.Can you name some natural disasters?A.Typhoon.B.Hurricane.C.Flood.D.Tornado.E.Landslide.F.Earthquake.G.Volcanic eruption.2.Have you ever experienced such a natural violence?Can you describe it?Its up to the students themselves to complete the task.1.2语篇探究

2、1.What damages does a tornado do to the area?A.Destroy buildings.B.Cause deaths.C.Bring great loss to the people.2.Do you know something about a hurricane and typhoon?They are both strong tropical storms,which can do great damage to the people.Hurricanes usually happen in the southern Atlantic Ocean

3、,the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico,while typhoon usually occur in the southern Pacific Ocean.Module3 The Violence of Nature 学习方案2.1口语训练Patterns:1. happened/took place/erupted at 3:00 a.m. on December 26th,1990.2. saw/noticed/a house fall(ing)down.3.I felt the floor under me moving.4.I heard t

4、he wind roaring.5.The earthquake caused 1 000 deaths and many more injuries.6.1 000 people were killed in the accident and many more were injured.7.Its terrifying/horrible/panic/frightening/scaring.Sample Dialogue:Carl(C) and Wang Bing(W) are students.Wang is reading a book about earthquakes.W:Carl.

5、What does “quake” mean,as in the word “earthquake”?C:It means “to shake”.So in an earthquake,the earth shakes.And so do you,if youre afraid,and if the earthquakes a big one.W:Were you in San Francisco at the time of the big earthquake in 1989?C:Sure I was.Ill never forget that.W:What was it like?C:V

6、ery strange.It was my first earthquake,you see,and I didnt know what was happening.First I heard a noise.W:A noise?C:Yes.It sounded like a train that was going under my house.W:What happened next?C:I was in the kitchen cooking something and I felt the floor moving.And then I watched all the glasses

7、that were on the table fall off onto the floor.W:Were you afraid?C:Yes,but not very.It was like being on a boat.The earth shook for quite a while.The house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall,but that was all.2.2写作指导写作技巧对于自然灾害的描述要注意以下几点:1.选取自身的经历或采访目击者,使文章真实生动。2.要将灾难发生的时间、地点、经过及影响交代清楚。3.尽量用第一

8、人称来写,这样会使文章更逼真。4.在写作过程中要注重心理描写,不要对事实无根据地夸大,这样会适得其反。5.学习使用以上归纳的句型,避免出现语法错误。Sample Writing:EARTHQUAKEAt 5:13 on the morning of April 18th,1906,the city of San Francisco was shaken by a terrible earthquake.A great part of the city was destroyed and a large number of buildings were burnt.The number of p

9、eople who lost homes reached as many as 250 000.About 700 people died in the earthquake and the fires.Another earthquake shook San Francisco on October 17th 1989.It was Americas second strongest earthquake and about 100 people were killed.It happened in the evening as people were traveling home.A wi

10、de and busy road which was built like a bridge over another road fell onto the one below.Many people were killed in their cars,but a few lucky ones were not hurt.Luckily the 1989 earthquake did not happen in the center of town but about 50 kilometers away.In one part of the town a great many buildin

11、gs were destroyed.These buildings were over 50 years old,so they were not strong enough.There were a lot of fires all over the city.The electricity was cut off for several days too.2.3解题技巧阅读理解自我强化练习法阅读理解的能力是在阅读的实践中培养出来的,大量的阅读是必要的,但是科学的方法有助于阅读理解能力的迅速提高。1.学好课文英语课文是学习英语的主要材料,是国家对高考考生考核和选拔的重要依据,同学们通过学习课



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