初三英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B(3a-Self Check)课后

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初三英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B(3a-Self Check)课后_第1页
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初三英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B(3a-Self Check)课后_第2页
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初三英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B(3a-Self Check)课后_第3页
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初三英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B(3a-Self Check)课后_第4页
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初三英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B(3a-Self Check)课后_第5页
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《初三英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B(3a-Self Check)课后》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初三英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section B(3a-Self Check)课后(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3Couldyoupleasetellmewheretherestroomsare SectionB 3a SelfCheck 九年级上册配人教版 课后作业 一 单项填空 1 MustIbehomebeforeeighto clock Mum No you Butyouhavetocomebackbeforeteno clock A needn tB can tC mustn tD may 2 Tomwantstoknowifyouwillhaveapicnictomorrow Yes Butifit we llplaychessinstead A willrainB rainedC

2、israiningD rains A D 3 Hesuggestedthatyoushould theretomorrow A goingB wentC goesD go 4 Showmethemap please Iwonder Look it shere intheeastofChina nearTaiwanProvince A whereisDiaoyuIslandB whereDiaoyuIslandisC whatisDiaoyuIslandlikeD whereIslandisDiaoyu D B 5 I mnotsurewhetherhewillcomehere becausei

3、t hisfeeling A standsforB dependsonC livesonD agreeswith 6 Trytoguessitsmeaningwhenyoumeetanewword Don t yourdictionaryallthetime A workonB tryonC keeponD dependon B D 7 Ontheway themountainvillage wefoundthelocalhousesdifferentfromours A toB byC atD on 8 I mdoingasurvey Couldyoutellme Sure Iusually

4、gotoworkat7 00a m A whyyougotoworkB howyougotoworkC whenyougotoworkD whoyougotoworkwith A C 9 Youlook What sup sir Ican tfindmyticket butit stimetocheckin A sleepyB hungryC tiredD worried 10 ThatactoroftenjoinsindifferentactivitiesinBeijing Doyouknow For5years A howsoonhewillcomebackB howlonghehasst

5、ayedthereC howlonghashestayedthereC howoftendoeshegothere D B 11 Itisimportant people learnteamspirit A of ofB of toC for toD to to 12 Pleaseholdontoyourdream onedayitcomestrue A ifB untilC unlessD though 13 Julie sfather toLondonlastmonth He therethreetimes A went hadgoneB hasgone hasbeenC went has

6、beenD hasbeen hadgone C B C 14 Ifeelstressedfromtimetotime Couldyougivemesomeadvice sharingyourworrieswithyourparents A Whydon tyouB HowaboutC WhynotD Wouldyoulike 15 Studentsshouldlearnhow problems A solveB solvingC cansolveD tosolve B D 二 完形填空Mr andMrs BrownlivedinasmallhousenearLondonwiththeirchi

7、ld SometimesMr Browncame1fromhisworkverylatewhenhiswifeandthechildwereasleep Thenheusually2thefrontdoorofhishousewithhiskeyandcameinvery3 Hedidn twanttodisturbthem Butonenightwhenhewascominghomelate helosthis4 Sowhenhereachedhishome he5thebell butnothinghappened Herangitagain Againnothinghappened 6m

8、ovedinside thehouse Mr Brownknockedatthebedroomwindows Hespoketohiswife heshouted 7shedidnotwakeup Atlasthestoppedand8forafewseconds Hehadagood9 Thenhebegantospeaklikeasmallchild Mother hesaid Iwanttogotothetoilet HespokequietlybutatonceMrs Brown10 Thenhespoketoher andsheopenedthedoorforhim 1 A upB

9、backC toD on 2 A openedB closedC madeD drove 3 A quicklyB quietlyC fastD happily 4 A bikeB carC keyD knife 5 A rangB knockedC openedD made B A B C A 6 A SomebodyB AnybodyC NobodyD Everybody 7 A andB butC orD then 8 A sangB criedC thoughtD laughed 9 A ideaB planC keyD way 10 A stayedupB wokeupC picke

10、dupD setup C B C A B 三 短文填空Thereoncelivedabusinessmanwhohadalazyson Hewantedhissontobe1 Thenhetoldhisson Today Iwantyoutogetsomemoney Theboywenttohismother crying 2 me Hismothergavehimagoldcoin Intheeveningthesonshowedhisfatherthecoin Thefatheraskedhimtothrowitintoawell Theboy3 whathewastoldto hard

11、working Help did Thenextdaythebusinessmansenthiswifeto4 townandaskedhissontomakemoney Thistimehewenttohissister crying Hissistergavehimarupee 卢比 Whenhisfatheraskedhim5 hehadgot theboy6 himtherupee Thefatheragainaskedhimtothrowitintoawell Thesondiditquitereadily 爽快地 Thefatherthensenthisdaughtertohero

12、wnhouse Heagainaskedhissontogooutandwork another what showed Thistimethesonhadtoworkfor7 Ashopkeepertoldhimthathewouldgivehim8 rupeesifhecarriedgoodsforhim Thesonfinishedthejob Ashereturnedhomeandgavehisfatherthetworupeesandwasaskedtothrow9 intothewell heshouted Father Mywholebodyispainfulandyouarea

13、skingmetothrowthemoneyintothewell Thistimethebusinessmansmiled He10 happy money two them felt was 四 读写综合A 信息归纳请阅读下面这封电子邮件 根据所提供的信息 完成信息卡 DearEmma Yourproblemislikeacircle Theharderyoustudy thelesstimeyouhavetomakefriendsandthelessfriendlyyoulooktoyourclassmates Thefewerfriendsyouhave theharderyoustu

14、dytomakeyourselffeelbetter Trytobreakthisbadcircle Perhapsyouare afraidofmeetingnewpeople becauseyouaretooshyortooserious Youarenot Everyonehasafunsidetohischaracter Pushyourshysideawayandshowyourclassmateshowfunyoucanbe Lookatyourclassmates Arethereanypeoplewithwhomyoufeelyouhavealotincommon First

15、smileatyourclassmates Dothisasoftenasyoucan untilyourclassmatesbecomeusedtoyoursmileandsmileinreturn Next talktoyourclassmates Dothisbetweenclassesorduringyourlunchbreak Youmayfindit easiertostartbytalkingtopeoplewhentheyarealone Perhapsyoucouldaskaclassmateaboutyourstudies Theyarelikelytorespond 回答

16、 inaverypositiveway Peopleliketofeelimportantandhelpful Theremustbesomeoneelseinyourclasswhoisalsoquiet Itmightbeeasiertotrytotalkwithhimorher Yourproblemismainlyaboutconfidence Smilefirst talknextandslowlyyouwillmakefriends Onceyouhavemoreconfidence youcanmakeasmanyfriendsasyouwant Editor InformationCard Shespendsallhertimeonherstudies Itmightbeeasiertotrytotalkwithhimorher Howtomakefriends Smileatherclassmates Tostartbytalkingtothem B 书面表达每个人都是独一无二的 都有与众不同之处 人们喜欢你一定会有很多原因 请以 WhatMakesMeaGoodFr



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