20春人教PEP版3下--Unit 4 Where is my car--Unit 4 第六课时(教案)

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《20春人教PEP版3下--Unit 4 Where is my car--Unit 4 第六课时(教案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《20春人教PEP版3下--Unit 4 Where is my car--Unit 4 第六课时(教案)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第六课时l 课时内容B. Start to read; Lets check; Lets sing. C. Story timel 课时分析 本课时是在基本掌握本单元重点词汇和句型的基础上,进行的练习测试与故事阅读课。Start to read中,教材展示了一张教室的图片,陈洁蒙着眼睛,其他同学以及Miss White在与她进行猜物的游戏。陈洁和同学们的面前摆着一张课桌,桌子上有地图、铅笔盒、笔等物品,桌子里有书和一个玩具象,桌子下边有一个球。桌子旁边的椅子上有一个书包。仔细看的话,会发现书包里伸出来了一条大尾巴。这条尾巴就暗示了调皮的Zip的位置。Zoom让大家找一找Zip在哪里。教室前边的

2、黑板上有六个句子,分别猜测它在船上、椅子下面、地图上、桌子里、球上、书包里,学生需要仔细观察找到Zip,然后判断位置的正误。在实际教学中,可以让学生两两结组,玩寻物的游戏,最大限度地利用图片资源,进行重点句式的问答训练。Lets check部分包括两个练习活动。第一个活动为听录音判断正误。学生需要判断听到的内容与图片所显示的位置是否一致。这个活动考查学生能否听懂重点句式。第二个活动为看一看,选一选。学生观察图片中的玩具,读一读旁边的单词,并勾选出看到的玩具对应的单词。这个活动考查学生是否能够正确认读重点词汇。Lets sing的歌词内容是玩具车在哪里,呈现了重点句式:Where is the

3、.? Is it on .? Its on. 学生在学唱歌曲的同时,复习了本单元的重点句式。Story time中,Zoom和Zip玩起了捉迷藏的游戏。调皮的Zip一直藏在Zoom的身后,所以即使Zoom又在桌下找,又在床下找,甚至到玩具箱中找,都没有找到Zip。故事呈现了重点句式:Where are you? Under the table. 同时呈现了游戏名称:hide and seek 以及词汇:table, behind, find. 这个故事非常有趣,可以通过分角色表演,让学生在表演中熟悉、理解并掌握这些句式及词汇。l 课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。2. 能够听懂

4、故事,并表演。3. 能够会唱歌曲Where is the toy car。4. 能够完成阅读、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。l 课时重难点1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词。能够完成阅读、判断等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式。2. 难点:能够在具体的情境中正确使用本单元的重点句式。l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。2. 故事中两个主要人物的头饰、实物。l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm upChant: Where is it? 先播放,再和学生齐唱。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets chant. Listen to the ch

5、ant first. Then lets chant together.Where is it? Where is it?Is it under the desk? Is it under the desk?No, no, no, it isnt.Is it in the desk? Is it in the desk?No, no, no, it isnt.Is it on the desk? Is it on the desk?Yes, yes, yes, its on the desk.设计意图:以韵句进行热身,可以营造良好的英语学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣。韵句的内容为本单元的重点句式

6、,热身时以此为内容,可以为之后的不习环节做好知识上的准备。 Step 2 Lead in1. 展示Lets check中Look and tick的图片,讨论看到的内容。Teacher:The toy box is on the desk. Whats in the toy box? What can you see?学生抢答看到的玩具名称。Teacher: Can you see a bag? No? Can you see a cat? No. Can you see a pen? Yes. So tick the word pen. Now, tick, please. Read the

7、 words then. 设计意图:由位置衔接此环节,完成复习本单元重点单词的任务,先交流再完成选单词的认读活动,帮助学生以听说、认读的方式复习、巩固重点词汇。2. 展示一个玩具球,请学生猜猜它在哪里。Teacher:I have a ball, too. Close your eyes.(把球藏好)Now, open your eyes. Guess where the ball is. 设计意图:ball也是本单元的重点词汇,通过藏球这样一个有趣的活动,学生可以复习、使用重点句式Is it in/on/under.?来猜测它的位置,并为接下来的故事学习做好准备。 Step 3 Presen

8、tation1. 播放故事,初步感受。Teacher: We played a game. Zoom and Zip are playing a game, too. Whats the name of the game? Please watch the video.Teacher: Now, who can tell me the answer? Yes, they are playing hide and seek. Read after me, hide and seek. Who hides? And who seeks? Yes, Zoom seeks and Zip hides.

9、 设计意图:以玩游戏为切入点连接上一环节的游戏与故事阅读。初步感受故事,学习游戏名称。2. 再次播放故事,通过与学生交流,使其理解故事的内容。Teacher: Is Zip under the table? Is this a table?(指向学生的书桌)No, we call it desk. Yes, this is a table.(多媒体展示桌子的图片,或指向故事中的桌子)Is Zip under the table?(在学生理解了table的含义之后,再次询问)Is she under the bed? Is she in the toy box? Where is Zip? Ye

10、s. She is behind Zoom. In our classroom, we can see, XXX is behind XXX. (根据教室中学生的位置来使学生明白behind的含义)设计意图:通过针对课文内容的交流,使学生一方面理解课文内容,另一方面理解了故事中陌生词汇的含义,并能够初步感受其用法。 Step 4 Practice1 分角色读课文,之后,再分角色表演课文。Teacher: Lets read the story. Boys will be Zoom. Girls can be Zip. Lets read it.Teacher: Now, lets try to

11、 act the story out. Who wants to be Zoom? Who can play Zip? 设计意图:通过分角色朗读,使学生能够朗读故事,再通过表演,使学生能够真正理解故事内容,并能够正确表演故事。2. 完成阅读判断练习,并根据图片内容进一步进行对话练习。Teacher: Zip is so clever. Lets play hide and seek with her. Are you ready? (出示教材第43页阅读部分的图片)Where is Zip? Can you find her? Is it on the boat? Read the sente

12、nces on the blackboard. Tick or cross. Teacher: Do you finish? Lets check your answer. Is Zip on the boat? No. Is it under the chair? No. Is it on the map? No. Is it in the desk? No. Is it on the ball? No. Is it in the bag? Yes!Teacher:Zip is in the bag. We find it. Now who can tell me where the map

13、 is? Is it under the desk? Is it on the blackboard? Is it in the desk? Is it on the desk? Teacher: Talk about the classroom like this. Ask and answer in pairs. Lets do a pair work. Teacher: Which pair wants to show your dialogue? Lets find the best pair.设计意图:完成阅读练习之后,让学生针对教材图片内容进行物品位置的询问及猜测,以两人小组为单位

14、进行问答练习,从而在相对真实的情景中操练本单元的重点句式。使我们的目标语言真正成为他们自己的语言。3. 完成Lets check部分的听音判断练习。Teacher:You can find so many things. Everyone did a good job. Now, lets listen to the tape. Can they find the things? Listen and tick or cross. Teacher: Look at Picture one. What do you hear? Is that right? What about Picture

15、Two? Who can show your answer of Picture Three? Lets see Picture Four. 设计意图:本活动检验学生能否听懂本单元的重点句式,并根据所听到的内容来辨别图片展示的位置是否正确。在学生完成练习之后,再让学生谈一谈他们听到的内容及图片展示的内容,从而在能听懂的基础上,保证他们能够自由表达本单元的重点句式。 Step 5 Summary播放歌曲Where is the toy car,讨论歌曲内容,学生跟唱。然后练唱,展示歌曲。Teacher:You can find things. Can you find the toy car?

16、Lets listen to the song Where is the toy car. Teacher: Where is the toy car? Is it on your desk? Is it on your chair? Yes, its on your chair. Listen to the song again and sing with it. Teacher: Now who wants to show the song? You can do some actions when you sing the song. 设计意图:通过听、学、唱、表演几个层次的活动,保证学生会唱歌曲,并在演唱歌曲的同时



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