2013年七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do youhave a soccer ball(第1课时)New words教案 --新人教 新目标版

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2013年七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do youhave a soccer ball(第1课时)New words教案 --新人教 新目标版_第1页
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《2013年七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do youhave a soccer ball(第1课时)New words教案 --新人教 新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013年七年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do youhave a soccer ball(第1课时)New words教案 --新人教 新目标版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 生词课Unit Five (Period One)Teaching and learning goals: Learn the new words of Unit 5 in one class. Let the Ss read the words correctly and try to memorize them.Teaching and learning steps:Step 1 let Ss read the new words by themselves in groups for 5 minutes. Then le

2、t them read first, then correct their pronunciation.(让学生小组成员间先自读单词,初步感知,了解自己哪些还不会读,以便下一步重点学习。)Step 2 Teach them how to read them by reading the phonetic symbols.Pay attention to the underlined letters and their pronunciation. do , volleyball, hey, us, great, play, sound, boring, fun, difficult, spor

3、t, them, easy (此步骤的目的是让学生注意这些字母及组合的发音,复习了部分音标,了解几个字母组合。)Step 3 Get some individual Ss to read and correct their pronunciation .(为了重点解决学生不会读的单词。)Step 4 Read after the tape.(整体感知录音中的发音。)Step 5 Read after the teacher . (因为学生听老师的发音会更清楚更有针对性, 老师可随时停下来纠正学生的发音,并可重复多次。)Step 6 Learn to remember words.Let Ss

4、look at the pictures, learn the words.(利用图片使学生更直观的学习单词。)baseballsping-pong batsoccer ballvolleyballbasketballbaseballbaseball and baseball batStep 7 let Ss classify the wordsSports:_( tennis, basketball, volleyball, ping-pong, soccer)Balls:_( tennis ball, ping-pong ball, basketball, volleyball, socc

5、er ball)动词:_(do, have, has, let, go, get, play, watch, like, love, sound)其他名词:_(TV, television, fun, love, sport, class, classmate,)形容词:_( late, great, interesting, boring, fun, difficult, easy, relaxing, same)代词:_(us, we, them)其他单词:_(hey, after, only, with, Bill)(让学生单词分类有助于他们理解词性,便于相对集中的进行单词学习,比对其中

6、的反义词,代词间的转换,区分词义等。)完成思维树:名词动词形容词代词Step 8 try to write the words.(利用助学54页的单词当堂检测,有能力的学的快的同学可以默一下。)亮点:我认为亮点是第二步,让学生注意单词中字母及字母组合的发音,经常复习语音对学习英语很重要,还有给图片进行形象直观的教学,以及单词分类对帮助学生了解词性和集中记忆单词都会有帮助。课后反思:本单元单词较多,学生读的时间很长,再进行单词分类(思维树),给学生自测的时间就不太充分了,没几个学生进行第8步骤,即使进行的也没能全部默完,我觉得一节课学那么多单词想都记住也是不可能的,学生能记住名词就很好,课后还得再记。7实用文档


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