20春人教PEP版6下--Unit 4 Then and now--Unit 4 第三课时(教案)

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1、第三课时课时内容 B lets learn Listen, match and say课时分析本课时是人教版六年级下册第四单元第三课时。围绕“对季节和运动的喜好的变化”这一话题展开,主要通过对话学习单词和词组thought, could, go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton及表达自己对季节和运动的喜好变化的句型I didnt likebefore. I couldnt Now I love to/like向学生渗透运动的好处,引导学生合理的运动。激发学生学习英语的热情,保持对英语学习的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。第一课时、第二课时学习如何描述学校过去和现在

2、的句型为本课时做了很好的铺垫。本课时的重点是四会短语的掌握以及能够在情景中结合适当的句型描述自己对季节和运动的喜好的变化。本课时包括Lets learn 和match and say两个板块。Lets learn呈现了吴一凡去骑自行车、滑冰、打羽毛球的三幅场景图,体现了词汇的意义。此板块呈现的对话情境是吴一凡向Mike介绍自己对季节和运动的喜好的变化,从而引出学习内容。此话题的设置,符合学生的心理,贴近学生的实际生活,能引起学生学习的共鸣,更能激发学生学习的兴趣。Listen, match and say板块是听力操练活动,由三个小语篇组成,分别由三位同学介绍自己过去和现在的变化,用于巩固操练

3、B Lets learn板块中的新词和重点句型。本课时虽然是新授课,但是生词较少,句型简单,所以学生很掌握容易。在设计教学过程时,遵循以学生为主体,教师为主导的原则,利用真实的生活情景展开词汇教学,采用游戏、小调查、写作等多种活动有效的活动形式巩固教学。教学方法有合作学习法、情景教学法、愉快教学法。课时目标1.能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton2.能够听、说、读、写句型I didnt likebefore. I couldnt Now I love to/like3.能够在情景中结合适当的句型描述自己对季节和运动的喜好的变化

4、。4.能够在教师的引导下梳理、归纳已学过的有关运动的动词短语。5.激发学生学习英语的热情,保持学习英语的兴趣。课时重难点1. 重点(1).能够听、说、读、写单词和词组:thought, could, go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton(2).能够听、说、读、写句型I didnt likebefore. I couldnt Now I love to/like(3)能够在情景中结合适当的句型描述自己对季节和运动的喜好的变化。2. 难点(1)能够在情景中结合适当的句型描述自己对季节和运动的喜好的变化。(2)能够转述他人对季节和运动喜好运动的变化。 (3) 单

5、词thought 的读音。教学准备 课件、图片、录音机、磁带、调查表教学过程Step 1 Warm up 1. GreetingT: Good morning, everyone.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its sunny/hot/ warmT: What did you do yesterday/ last night/ last weekend?S1: I

6、watched TV/ go swimmingT: Did you have fun?Ss: Yes,T: Ok. Are you read for English?Ss: Yes, were ready.教学意图:师生之间问候、聊天,加深学生和教师的感情,拉近师生之间的距离。)2. T: Great. Lets enjoy a chant first.(播放季节儿歌。)Spring is green with flowers and songs.Summer is hot and the days are long.Fall is golden and famers are busy.Win

7、ter is gone and the year is gone. 教学资源:课件设计意图:朗朗上口的儿歌,活跃了课堂气氛,帮助学生回忆过去的知识。 Step 2 Lead inAsk and answerT: How many seasons are there in a year?Ss: Four. T: What are they?Ss: Spring, summer, fall, winter.T: What season is it now?Ss: Its spring.T: What can you do in spring?S1: I can fly kites/S2: I ca

8、n go hiking.T: Which season do you like best?S3: I like summer best.T: Why do you like summer?S3: Because I can swim/T: Which season do you like best? Why?S4: I like winter. Because I can make a snowman /T: I all like the seasons. Because I can play these sports.设计意图:问答导入,能有效的引起学生对话题的兴趣,并使学生积极的参与课堂,

9、主动的思考,复习旧知,为引出新知做准备。Step 3 PresentationLets learn1. Teaching “go cycling, ice-skate, play badminton.” (1)展示教师骑自行车、滑冰、打羽毛球的图片,学习词汇。T: Look at the pictures. Whos she?Ss: Its you.T: Yes, its me. What am I doing? Look at Picture 1.Ss: Going cycling. (引导学生回答。板书短语go cycling,教读,指名读,领读,齐读。)T: Look at Pictur

10、e 2 What am I doing?Ss: Ice-skating.(板书ice-skate,联系单词ice-water和元音字母a 的发音规律,让学生自己试读,领读,齐读,指名读,注意它的现在分词。)T: Look at Picture2 What am I doing?Ss: Playing badminton.(板书play badminton, 将单词拆开教读,指名读,讲解play的用法。) (2)Listen to the tape and follow the tape. (3) Read the phrases together. (4) Spell the phrases.

11、教学资源:图片、录音机、磁带设计意图:教读单词,引导学生联系旧知,培养学生的迁移能力和自主学习单词的能力。2. Learn the dialogue (1)T: Look at the pictures, whos he?Ss: Wu yifan.T: From the pictures, what can you see? ( 教师展示教材中的插图。)Ss: We can see Wu yian is going cycling, ice-skating and playing badminton.T: During which season can we play these sports

12、?(学生说出上述运动对应的季节。)Do you think Wu yifan likes all the seasons?(2) 播放录音,讨论下面问题。 Did Wu yifan like winter before? Why or why not? Does he like winter now? How do you know that?(3)理解对话。 T: Did Wu yifan like winter before? S1: No, he didnt. T: He didnt like winter before.( 板书didnt likebefore.) Why?Ss: He

13、 thought It was too cold.(学生们不会说thought, 教师引导学生说出。板书单词thought,教读,,领读,指名读。讲解too的用法,理解句子,齐读句子。)T: What else?Ss: He couldnt go cycling.( 板书couldnt,讲解couldnt 的用法,领读,拼读,指名读,齐读句子,理解句子。) T: Does he like winter now? Ss: Yes. T: How do you know that? He saysSs: Now I love to ice-skate.(板书I love to_. 理解句子,齐读句

14、子。讲解love的用法。)(4)听录音,跟读课文。(5)分角色朗读课文。 两人一组、分角色朗读。 男生女生分角色朗读。(6) 按季节归纳已学过的运动类词汇。 What sports can we play in different seasons? Spring Summer Autumn Winter go hiking fly kites go swimming dive play footballclimb mountainsice-skateskiing (7)练习句型。 T: Wu yifan didnt like winter before. Which season didnt you like before? Why? Do you like it now? Why? Please talk about it in pairs. I didnt like _ before. I thought it was_. I couldnt _. Now I like/ love to _, So I like_.(将板书补充完整。) a. 同桌之间互相交流,指名说。 b. 写


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