20春人教PEP版3下--Unit 5 Do you like pears--Unit 5 第二课时(教案)

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1、第二课时l 课时内容A. Lets learn; Lets dol 课时分析 Lets learn部分依照惯例,仍然是重点词汇和重点句式的呈现、学习。本环节中呈现了一张餐桌,餐桌上摆着四种水果。Sarah正在和吴一凡进行交流,询问吴一凡对水果的好恶。由餐桌上摆放的水果引出了本单元的四会词汇:apple, pear, orange, banana。以及重点句式:Do you like .? Yes, I do. 由于重点句式在前一课的Lets talk部分已经出现过,学生已经有了初步的理解和使用,所以此课时重点要让学生学习如何替换重点词汇进行表达,能够认读重点句式。四个四会词汇在上一课时出现了三

2、个,上一课时的主要目标是能够听懂、会说这些重点词汇,本课时在此基础上,还要让学生能够认读这些表示水果的单词。Lets chant是有关水果的一个小歌谣。主要句式为:I eat apples。学生会了解到两个口语词汇:yummy和tummy,还有一个名词bowl。在唱这个歌谣时,学生能够重复说出四种水果的名称,从而起到操练重点词汇的目的。l 课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读单词:apple, banana, pear, orange。2. 能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Do you like .? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 3. 能够在与同学合作对话和唱

3、一唱、说一说等活动中掌握重点词汇及句式。l 课时重难点1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读单词:apple, banana, pear, orange能够在真实或虚拟的情景中听懂、会说、认读句式:Do you like .? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 2. 难点:能够准确使用重点句式及重点词汇来询问他人对于水果的好恶。l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 水果图片、水果实物、单词卡片l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲Apple tree。学生先听,再歌唱。 Apple red, apple round, apple juicy, apple s

4、weet. Apple, Apple, I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat. Teacher:Boys and girls, lets listen to a song about apples. Teacher:Can you sing with it?设计意图:本单元的中心话题围绕水果展开,以这样一首以苹果为主题的儿童歌曲开始课程,既可以把学生的注意力始终放在水果上,也能使他们积极愉快地进入本课时的学习。 Step 2 Lead in1. 展示苹果图片,与学生针对苹果进行交流,并引出另外一种水果,初步展示词汇和重点句式。Teacher: Whats

5、this? Yes, its an apple. (板书单词)A sounds /. It has two ps. Lets spell and read it together, a-p-p-l-e, apple. Do you like apples? Teacher: Look at this fruit. Whats this? Yes, Its an orange. Say with me, please, an orange. Lets spell it. o-r-a-n-g-e, orange. Do you like oranges?设计意图:以上环节中的主题苹果引入本课的学习

6、。因上一课时此单词已经出现过,本课重在强调单词的拼写、认读。以同样的方式复习呈现本课的另一重点词汇:orange。 Step 3 Presentation1. 播放课文录音,回答问题。Teacher:What does Wu Yifan like? Lets listen to the tape. Listen carefully and try to find the answer. Teacher: Now, show me your answer, please. 设计意图:以问题衔接上一环节,同时引出课文内容,让学生带着问题倾听。2. 播放课文录音,学生跟读。Teacher:Liste

7、n to the tape again. Read with it this time. 3. 展示课文中出现的图片,指向水果,学生说出单词,并进行交流。Teacher: Look at the picture. What do you see? Who is she? Who is he? Whats this? Say with me, pear. We can see an ear in the pear. Lets spell it, p-ear, pear. Whats this? Yes, its a banana. How many as in it? How many ns i

8、n it? Lets spell it together, b-a-n-a-n-a, banana. Do you like bananas?设计意图:在学生能够正确朗读本课重点单词及重点句式之后,利用课文提供的图片,来讲授其他两个单词的拼写及发音。在讲授中引导学生观察单词的特征,提高他们记单词的效率。 Step 4 Practice1. 以游戏操练单词。先出示四种水果的图片,再突然消失其中一个,请学生说出消失的水果是哪一种。练习几次之后,变成出示四种水果的单词,再随机使其中一个消失,请学生说出消失的是哪个单词。Teacher:Lets play a game. Whats missing?

9、Now, look at these four pictures. What are they? Good, you know them all. Oh, now there are three pictures. Whats missing? Put up your hands and say your answer. Teacher: This time, we can see four words. Can you read it one by one? Now, watch carefully. Whats missing? Can you say the word? Can you

10、spell it? 设计意图:以游戏的方式来操练单词。虽然是一种形式,但第一轮的游戏旨在检验学生能否正确理解单词,能否将单词的发音与其含义正确匹配。第二轮的游戏重在检验学生能否正确认读单词。2. 游戏:猜单词。仍然分两个轮次。将apple, orange, pear, banana, fruit五个单词卡的背面朝向学生,打乱顺序,请学生猜测是哪个单词。第二个轮次,教师描述水果的样子,请学生猜出单词。Teacher:Heres another game for you. Lets guess the word. We have five pictures of fruit here. Now I

11、 turn them back. (抽取任意一张)Whats this? Guess. You can say like this. Is it an apple? Is it an orange?Teacher: Now, listen carefully. Ill give you some words about one kind of the fruit. Please guess what it is. The first one, red, green, yellow, sweet. What is it? Next one, yellow, juicy, sweet, what

12、is it? Yellow, long, sweet, what is it? 设计意图:第一轮游戏,学生在没有任何提示的情况下猜单词,他们会反复重复本单元学到的几个单词,比起机械性地重复,这种游戏性的更有趣,他们也会更主动,记忆的效果更好。第二轮,虽然还是猜,但是却考查了学生对于几个新学单词的理解。3. Lets chant. 播放韵句,观察教材中图片,用动作使学生理解韵句的内容。Teacher: Time for a chant. Listen to a chant, please. Teacher: Look at the picture. What can you see? You c

13、an see Zoom. He eats many apples, pears, grapes, oranges and bananas. Look at his tummy. Oh, its so big. He eats too much fruit. Why does he eat too much? Because the fruit is yummy. (通过表情使学生明白yummy的意思)设计意图:通过谈论图片、观察图片来引导学生理解韵句的意思。一方面可以使学生比较直观地获得新知识的相关信息,另一方面也培养了学生搜集信息整理信息的能力。4. 再次播放韵句,学生跟读。Teacher:

14、 Lets listen to the chant again. This time please follow it.5. 学生练习说唱韵句,并表演。Teacher: Practice the chant freely. Then please show it. You can do it yourself. And you can do it in groups. Lets find the best one. 设计意图:通过跟读,使学生能够掌握韵句的正确读音。在练习之后,让学生用自己喜欢的方式或独自或结组来表现,可以大大激发他们参与的积极性。同时,他们自己创造的动作也可以帮助他们理解和记

15、忆韵句的内容。 Step 5 Summary出示本课中的四个重点水果词汇及韵句中出现的葡萄,共五种水果,老师出示的数字,学生读相应的遍数,并齐说、齐答句子。Teacher:Now I will show the fruit quickly. And I will say a number. I say one, you read the word one time. I say three, you read the words three times. Are you ready?Teacher: Lets say together. Do you like apples? Yes, I do. Do you like pears? Yes, I do. DO you like bananas? Yes, I do. Do you like oranges? Yes, I do. Do you like grapes? Yes, I do. Do you like fruit? Yes, I do!设计意图:以快速朗读单词和齐唱句子来结束课程,加深学生的记忆。l 课堂作业一、 将下列字母按正确顺序排列组成单词,并写在相应图片的下方。p p l e a a n b a n a r a o n g e e r a p二、判断以下各句与


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