20春人教PEP版3下--Unit 5 Do you like pears--Unit 5 第一课时(教案)

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《20春人教PEP版3下--Unit 5 Do you like pears--Unit 5 第一课时(教案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《20春人教PEP版3下--Unit 5 Do you like pears--Unit 5 第一课时(教案)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一课时l 课时内容A. Lets talk. Lets play. l 课时分析 在Lets talk部分,Sarah跟着妈妈来到了超市。妈妈准备给Sarah买一些水果,因此问她喜欢不喜欢一些水果。在母女两人的对话交流过程中,我们可以接触到本单元的重点句式:Do you like .? No, I dont. / Yes, I do. 并且对话中呈现出了三会词汇:apple, orange, pear, 词汇:buy, fruit。Lets play的游戏中,陈洁与John结成一组,陈洁手里拿着梨的图片,问John:Do you like pears? 这是个帮助学生熟悉、掌握重点句式结构的

2、活动,在玩的过程中,学生可以由初步了解重点句式结构过渡到熟悉句式结构,为自由表达奠定基础。本课时的主要内容为谈论是否喜欢水果。水果是学生日常生活中比较常见的物品,可以说他们对水果非常熟悉。而且,一般情况下,大部分学生可能都多多少少知道一些水果的英文名称。所以,本课时的重点内容就是在与学生以水果为主题的交流中,使学生理解并掌握本课的重点问答句,完成对话交流。l 课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说单词:apple, pear, orange2. 能够听懂、会说句型:Do you like .? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 并在真实或模拟的场景中使用句式询问他人对水果的好恶3. 能够

3、理解对话大意,并用正确的语调朗读对话4. 能够在重点句式中正确使用名词的复数形式l 课时重难点1.重点能够听懂、会说单词:apple, pear, orange能够听懂、会说句型:Do you like . ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 能够理解对话大意,并用正确的语调朗读对话2. 难点能够在真实或模拟的情景中正确使用重点句型Do you like .? 来询问他人对水果的好恶能够在重点句式中正确使用名词的复数形式l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带。2. 单词卡片l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1. TPR:Bounce the ball. Teach

4、er:Boys and girls, Lets do some actions. Do and say with me. Bounce, bounce, bounce the ball, bounce, bounce, bounce.Row, row, row the boat, row, row, row.Drive, drive, drive the car, drive, drive, drive.Read, read, read a map, read, read, read.设计意图:将上单元中的短语改编成韵句,在这里用来热身。一是可以复习已知的知识,为新知识的学习做好引导和铺垫;另

5、一方面,学生们可以边做动作边说韵句,充分调动他们的多种感官,为接下来的英语学习做好心理和情绪的准备。 Step 2 Lead in1. 展示球的图片,和学生进行交流,谈论他们的好恶。Teacher: Look, whats this? Yes, its a ball. Do you like balls? Yes, you do. Say with me: Yes, I do. Can you ask another student? Ask, please. 设计意图:学生在热身环节中刚刚接触、复习过球这个词汇,因此交流起来非常自然。通过已知的词汇来展示本课的重点句式,能够使学生自然理解、接

6、受新知识。2. 画一个苹果,和学生进行交流,教授新词汇和句式:Teacher: Look at this, is it a ball? No, its an apple. Boys read it, please. Now, girls, please. Its an apple. Do you like apples? Yes. Good. Apples are very good for you. 设计意图:通过简笔画展示新授词汇,并与上一环节的内容相衔接,可以有效帮助学生迁移已掌握的知识到未知,从而比较容易地理解和接受新学习的知识。 Step 3 Presentation1. 接着画橘子

7、、梨,或呈现橘子、梨的图片,教授新单词,并谈论其对于橘子的好恶。Teacher: Whats this? Is it an apple? No, its an orange. Read it one by one, please. Do you like oranges? Say with me: oranges. Do you like oranges? What about you?Teacher: This is a kind of fruit, too. Its not an apple. Its not an orange. Its a pear. Boys read it, ple

8、ase. Girls read it. Do you like pears? Teacher: Apples, oranges, pears are fruit. Do you like fruit?设计意图:通过图片的方式来展示新单词,使学生能够直观地了解新单词的含义。再通过上一环节学生已经基本理解和能够表达的句式来代入新学习的词汇,使学生能够在语境中懂得单词的含义及用法。2.播放教材对话录音,学生认真倾听,寻找答案。Teacher:Most of you like fruit. What about Sarah? Does Sarah like apples? Listen and fin

9、d the answer.Teacher: Now, who can answer my question? Does Sarah like apples? Yes, she does. Attention, please. She does. I do. 设计意图:学生带着任务听录音,以培养他们认真倾听及抓住重点词句倾听的能力。 Step 4 Practice1.播放课文录音。学生跟读课文。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets read the dialogue after the tape. Please listen carefully, read carefull

10、y.2. 自由读课文,针对对话内容进行交流。Teacher:Who are they? Where are they? What does Sarahs mother want to do? What does her mother want to buy? Do you buy fruit with your mother? Does Sarah like pears? Does Sarah like oranges? 设计意图:通过跟读课文掌握重点单词和重点句式的发音。再通过问答交流,检验学生能否真正理解对话的内容。并在交流中引出三会单词buy,让学生在语流中掌握其用法。3. 分角色朗读课

11、文。Teacher: Lets read the dialogue in roles. Who wants to be Sarah? Who wants to be Sarahs mother? Lets find the best pair.设计意图:通过分角色朗读课文,使学生能够达到正确朗读对话,理解对话内容的目标。 4. 两人小组活动,快速询问同伴是否喜欢某种水果。Teacher: You know that Sarah likes pears and apples. What about your partner? Does he/ she like apples? Does he/

12、she like oranges? Does he/ she like pears? Lets do a pair work. Ask and answer in pairs.Teacher: Which pair wants to show your dialogue? Lets find the best pair. 设计意图:在学生能够正确读出重点句式的基础上,通过两人小组问答,自由操练重点句式及重点词汇,达到能够听懂、会说的目的。5.游戏:抽图片说句子。准备水果图片,学生随机抽取一个,选择同伴进行问答。Teacher: Look, I have many fruit cards. Pl

13、ease choose one, then ask with this fruit. If you choose a card of grape, please ask: Do you like grapes? You can find a friend play with you. Are you ready? Lets do it. 设计意图:变换一下操练的形式,给学生提供一个再一次两人结组进行问答,了解他人对水果好恶的机会。6.小组活动:调查小组内同学对于水果的好恶,选出最受欢迎的水果。Teacher: Lets do a group work. Do a survey about th

14、e fruit in groups. Ask the members of the group. Do you like apples? Do you like grapes? Write the fruit that they like in the blanks. Make a chart. Then say something about the chart. 设计意图:让学生在活动中使用重点句式。在完成调查的过程中,不断使用重点句式和词汇进行信息的搜集。在完成任务的同时,熟练地掌握重点句式的表达。 Step 5 Summary出示水果图片,学生复习水果名词。同时询问其对这一种水果的好恶

15、,复习总结本课时重点句式。Teacher:Whats this? Do you like apples? This is an orange. Do you like orange? And this is a pear. Do you like pears? Fruit is good. Eat more, please. 设计意图:以问答的方式重现、总结本课时学习的重要知识,并向学生传达水果有利于身体的信息。l 课堂作业一、将正确的单词填写到相应图片的下方。fruit apple pear orange_ _ _ _二、根据图片提示依照例句写一写。例:I like balls. I dont like cars. 1. I _.2. I _.3. I _. 4. I _. 三、连词成句。1. buy Lets some fruit (.)_



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