Topic 1 Section A.pptx

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1、Unit5Topic1I msohappy SectionA 第一PPT模板网 WWW 1PPT COM Howdotheyfeel happy Howdotheyfeel excited Howdotheyfeel funny Howdotheyfeel worried Howdotheyfeel sad Howdotheyfeel angry Howdotheyfeel frightened PPT模板 1 WhydoesKangkangfeelexcited BecausehisfatherandmotherwanttoinviteJane sparentstogotothemovie

2、2 Whatmoviearetheygoingtosee TheSoundofMusic Listenandanswer 3 Whenaretheygoingtoseethemovie ThisSaturday 4 WhatwillKangkang smomdo Shewillpreparesomedeliciousfoodforthem Keypoints 1 Howareyoudoing 相当于Howareyou 意为 你最近好吗 2 Youlooksoexcited look是系动词 后接形容词excited做表语 构成系表结构 常见的这类动词有 feel smell sound tas

3、te turn get become go等 如 Treesturngreeninspring 树木在春天变绿 3 Guesswhat Myfatherandmotherwanttoinviteyourparentstogotothemovie 猜猜看 我父母想邀请你们的父母一起去看电影 Guesswhat 用于即将告诉某人令其惊讶之事时 2 want的用法 wantsth 想要某物Iwantanewpen 我想要一支新钢笔 wanttodosth 想做某事Hewantstoplaybasketball 他想打篮球 wantsbtodosth 想让某人做某事Theteacherwantedhi

4、sstudentstostudyhard 那位老师想要他的学生努力学习 3 invitesb todosth 邀请某人做某事MayIinviteyoutogoshoppingwithme 我能邀请你一起去购物吗 invitesb tosp邀请某人去某处Mr Wanginvitedmetohisbirthdayparty 王先生邀请我去参加他的生日宴会 4 Oh itisoneofmyfavoritemovies 啊呀 它是我喜欢的电影之一 oneof 表示 之一 后面的名词要用复数 如 Thesweaterisoneofmyfavoriteclothes 毛衣是我喜欢的衣物之一 Heisone

5、ofthetallestboysinhisclass 他是他们班最高的男孩之一 5 Andwecanspendtheeveningatmyhouse 我们可以在我家度过一晚上 spend表示 度过 花费 主语一定是人 spendtime moneyonsth in doingsth 花费时间或金钱做某事 如 Hespenttenyuanonhisbook orHespenttenyuan in buyinghisbook 他花了十元钱买书 6 Pleasesaythankstoyourmom 请代我谢谢你妈妈 saythanksto 意为 向 代我 表示感谢 类似的短语还有 sayhellot

6、osb 向 问好saygoodbyetosb向 告别 1b Listento1aandmatchthethreeparts 1 Theparents 2 Thechildren 3 Mr Brown couldn tgetatickettothemovie willgotoseethemovie canspendtheeveningtogether happy excited disappointed Example A Howdotheparentsfeel B Theyfeelhappy A Whydotheyfeelhappy B Becausetheywillgotoseethemov

7、ie 1c Askandanswerquestionsinpairsbasedon1b Payattentiontotheunderlinedparts 1d Read1aandcompletethepassage Kangkanglooks becausehisparentswantto otherchildren sparentstogotoseethemovie TheSoundofMusic this Thechildrenplanto theeveningathishouse Hisparentswillpreparesome foodforthem Jane sparentswil

8、lfeel aboutthenews KangkangsawMr Brownonhisway Mr Brownwasdisappointedbecausehecouldn tbuya tothefilm excited invite Saturday spend delicious happy ticket smell nice 2 Lookatthepictures Thenaskandanswerinpairs Example A Howdotheflowerssmell B Theysmellnice feel excited look happy taste delicious sou

9、nd wonderful Actouttheconversationingroupsoffour Competition 3 A Listentotheconversationsandnumberthepictures 1 2 3 4 5 6 3A lookshappy issad areactive feelsangry tastesdelicious soundsgreat B Listenagainandwritedownthelinkingverbsandtheadjectives 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 Workingroupsandmakeconversations using

10、thelinkingverbsandtheadjectives A Howareyoudoing Mike B Verywell thankyou Youlookhappy Why C Because Whataboutyou Maria Howdoyoufeel C Ifeel worried funny sad happy frightened angry active Project 1 Collectasmanyadjectivesaboutfeelingsasyoucan 2 Makeconversationsusingtheinformationonthetable A Howar

11、eyoudoing Mike B Verywell thankyou Youlookhappy Why A Because Whataboutyou Maria Howdoyoufeel C Ifeel WelearnNewwords Linkingverbs Adjectivesaboutfeelings Sentencepattern WecanUsethestructure Talkaboutourfeelings Use because totalkaboutthereasons Summary invite smell film disappointed be look feel s

12、mell taste sound happy angry excited Howareyoudoing Verywell thanks linkingverbs adjectives disappointed upset frightened Exercises Howisyourfatherdoing Heisvery good well Thankyou Englishis myfavorite 最喜欢的学科之一 Davidwantsto 邀请 somefriendstohisbirthdaypartythisFridayevening Helen you 看起来不高兴 What sthe

13、matter Ican tfind 的票 HanHong sconcert 音乐会 Youmust 道谢 himorherifgettingone shelp The 气味 ofrosesisverynice well oneof subjects invite lookunhappy theticketto saythanksto smell Completethefollowingsentences 1 这个主意听起来很不错 sound 2 学生们看来非常兴奋 look 3 Mr Brown觉得很失望 feel 4 这鱼很好吃 taste 5 那些食物闻起来很香 smell Theideasoundsgreat Thestudentslook lookedveryexcited Mr Brownfeels feltdisappointed Thefishtastesdelicious Thefoodsmellsgood Homework 1 Complete4onPage2 2 Makemoresentencesincludinglinkingwords



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