Lesson 7 What Is the Meaning of Life.pptx

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1、WhatIstheMeaningofLife Unit2GreatPeople 第一PPT模板网 WWW 1PPT COM 课前自主预习 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife meaning mean dialogue survey neighbour Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife missing miss successful success succeed successfully PPT模板 deepinthought tryone sbest succeedin begoodto Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLi

2、fe 听上去正确 考虑 思考 赞同 支持 写下 记下 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife in meaning succeed deep thought of Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife in sure to try our best Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife be down good to write Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 课堂互动探究 词汇点睛 successfuladj 获得成功的 有成就的 观察 Forexample whyaregreatpeoplesosu

3、ccessful 例如 为什么伟人如此成功呢 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 辨析 succeed success successful与successfully Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife WefinallysucceededingettingMaryupthestairs 最后我们成功地让玛丽上了楼梯 Failureisthemotherofsuccess 失败是成功之母 Itwasasuccessfulexperiment 那是一次成功的试验 Intheend theypassedthedrivingtestsuccessful

4、ly 最后 他们成功地通过了驾照考试 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 拓展 成功做成某事 的多种表达方法 1 succeedin doing sth 2 havesuccessin doing sth 3 besuccessfultodosth 4 dosth successfull Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 活学活用 1 2016 连云港 Comeon Sandy Everybodywillbeluckyor 成功的 sometimeintheirlife Thanks I lltryagain 2 2017 绥化Atlast t

5、hedoctorssavedthegirl slife successful 3 2017 兰州Theroadto succeed istoworkhonestly successful successfully Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife success 句型透视 1Whatisthemeaningoflife 生活的意义是什么 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 探究 themeaningof意为 的意思 意义 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 拓展 该句型还可以用mean来表达 What sthemeani

6、ngofthisword Whatdoesthiswordmean Whatdoyoumeanbythisword 活学活用 1 1 Thiswordhasseveral mean 2 What sthemeaningofthispassage 改为同义句 What thispassage meanings does mean Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 2I mnotsurehowtoanswerthem butIthinkweshouldtryourbesttoliveagoodandhappylife 我不确定如何回答它们 但我觉得我们应该尽最大的努力去过

7、幸福快乐的生活 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 探究 1 howtoanswer是 结构 意为 如何回答 在句中作sure的 语 当主句的宾语和从句的主语 时 可以用此结构 还可用此结构的动词有know ask tell teach learn show wonder consider等 CanyoutellmehowIcanimprovemyEnglish CanyoutellmehowtoimprovemyEnglish 你能告诉我怎样提高我的英语吗 2 tryone sbesttodosth 意为 尽某人最大努力去做某事 相当于doone sbesttodos

8、th 特殊疑问词 动词不定式 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 宾 一致 相同 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 拓展 tryon试穿tryout参加 选拔 试用trytodosth 尽力做某事trydoingsth 尝试做某事 2 1 2017 宿迁Thegirlstudentsarediscussing thewallsintheclassroom A whattopaintcolourB topaintwhatcolourC whichcolourtopaintD topaintwhichcolour C Lesson7WhatIsth

9、eMeaningofLife 2 Lindaistrying besttofinishthescienceproject A herB hisC myD our A Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 3Mydadalwayssaysthatweshouldbegoodtoothers 我爸爸总是说我们应该对别人友好 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 探究 begoodto 意为 其后一般接表示人或人格化的 词或 词 对 友好 Lesson7WhatIstheMeaningofLife 拓展 begoodfor 意为 对 有好处 begoodat 意为 擅长 后接名词 代词或动名词 Doingmorningexerciseseverydayisgoodforyourhealth 每天做早操对你的健康有好处 AreyougoodatEnglish 你擅长英语吗 名 代 代 名



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