Lesson 1 At the Airport.pptx

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《Lesson 1 At the Airport.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson 1 At the Airport.pptx(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit1LiMingGoestoCanada Lesson1AttheAirport 第一PPT模板网 WWW 1PPT COM one 抢答啦 two three fourteen thirteen WARMING UP WARMING UP Aguessinggame Whattimeisitnow It s PPT模板 WARMING UP A Hello everyone Ihaveagoodfriend HeisLiMing Look Heiscoming B Nicetoseeyou LiMing C Nicetoseeyou too B Wheredoyoulivenow C

2、IliveinCanada B Why C BecauseIstudyEnglishinCanada B Whendoyougetup gohomeeveryday LiMing English Canada home tired Presentation WhereisLiMing Wherewillhego HewillgotoCanada LiMingisattheairport 1 DoesLiMingliveinCanada 2 WhywillLiMinggotoCanada 3 WhendoesLiMingarrive 4 HowlongwillLiMingbeinCanada P

3、resentation No hedoesn t HewantstogotoschoolinCanada HewillonSeptember1 Tenmonths 回答问题 Presentation Keys 1 F2 F3 F4 T Presentation 观察图片 回答问题 WhenwillLiMing splanearrive Presentation Part2 Practice 小组合作学习 完成Part3 Keys 1 a Tenmonths b HewillgohomeonJune25 c Hefeelstired 2 a It soneo clockinthemorningi

4、nOttawa b It stwothirtyinthemorninginBeijing It sseventhirtyintheafternooninLondon Consolidation 1 完成调查表 并介绍 2 结合表格内容 仿照课文 创编对话表演 Summingup 1 Words home time clock half gohome month plane past2 Sentences LiMingarrivestoday Whattimeisitnow It s Didyouhaveagoodtrip Yes thanks butI mtired 这节课我的收获是 这节课我的不足是 Homework 1 听录音 朗读本课的第一 二部分 2 完成相关习题 3 结合本课学习内容创编对话并表演



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