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1、Unit 1Will computers be used more than books in the future?.根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词1You can visit some _(网站) on the Internet in your free time.2Yesterday I _(借) a book from Linda.3. Please read the _(说明书) before you take the medicine.4You cant put anything into the fridge. Its _(满的)5My brother is going to

2、buy a magazine on computer science and _(技术).用所给单词的适当形式填空1China is a very _(power) country in the world now.2. In the past, we _(main) got information from paper books.3Mum, this is an _(electricity) book.4Dont worry. The camera can _(fix)5The camera is very precious. Please use it _(proper).连词成句根据括

3、号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子,每个句子首字母需大写,句末需加标点符号。1put up, the, on, will, the, picture, be, school website(这幅画将被张贴在学校网站上。)_2hear from, great, is, my, to, pen, it, friend(很高兴收到我的笔友的来信。)_3in the past, huge, information, got, pages, from, we, books, with, thousands of(在过去,我们从有上千页的厚书上得到信息。)_4wait for, him, o

4、utside, the, you, school, let(让他在学校外面等你。)_5take good care of, you, books, the, should, in the library(你应当好好保管图书馆的书。)_.单项选择()1.This glass is _ of water so I cant pour anything into it.Aempty Bfull Cclear Ddirty()2. If you want to get more information about English learning, please visit our _ Acompan

5、y Bstore Coffice Dwebsite()3.Wow, an iPhone 7, what a big surprise! Thanks, darling!Its your birthday present. But please read the _ carefully before you use it.Ainformation BinstructionsCinvitation Dinstrument()4.The volunteers _ many signs to remind people to protect the environment.Aput on Bput u

6、pCput down Dput off ()5.2016荆门Could you _ me your bike, Tom?OK. And you can _ it for a week.Alend; keep Bborrow; lendClend; borrow Dborrow; keep()6.When will the party _, on Monday evening or Tuesday evening?Ahold Bbe heldCheld Dbe holding()7.2017吉林_ birds have come back because the environment here

7、 becomes better and better.AThousands of BThousand ofCThousands()8.2017北京 Lily is my classmate. We _ each other since she came to our school. Aknow BknewChave known Dwill know.补全对话A: 1._B: Yes. And many people think that it will be used more widely in the future.A: 2._B: I often read ebooks and play

8、 games online. 3._A: 4._B: Yes, I do. I hate shopping in crowded shops.A: 5._B: I dont agree with you. Nothing will go wrong.ABut I dont think it is safe to buy things online.BWhat do you use the computer for?CSometimes I see films and make friends on the computer.DDo you like shopping online?EThe c

9、omputer is very important in modern life.完形填空Paper was first invented by a Chinese man called Cai Lun in 105 AD.It was made _1_ the wood of a kind of tree.Today, paper still _2_ from trees. We use _3_ paper every day. We must begin using _4_ paper now because it _5_ about 100 years for a tree to gro

10、w up.How can we _6_ paper? We can use _7_ sides of every piece of paper. We can reuse envelopes. We can choose drinks in_8_ instead of drinks in cartons(纸盒). We can use china cups and plates instead of paper _9_. We can also use handkerchiefs instead of paper tissues(纸巾). We can use fewer paper shop

11、ping bags and we can reuse these paper bags _10_ as well.()1.A.of Bfrom Cwith Dfor()2.A.comes Bmakes Cgets Duses()3.A.many Ba few Ca lot of Da little()4.A.more Bfewer Cless Dsmaller()5.A.takes Bspends Ccosts Dpays()6.A.use Bsave Cget Dmake()7.A.every Ball Ceach Dboth()8.A.bowls Bbottles Cboxes Dcups()9.A.one Bones Ccups Dplates()10.A.later Blate Clatest Dlately.2017贵阳阅读理解Compas


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