牛津版七年级英语上Unit3 Grammar(1)课件

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1、Unit3Grammar 1 Personalpronouns 人称代词 LookatSunYang isamemberofChineseswimmingTeam swimswell Manygirlslike he LookatYeShiwen isonly16yearsold But swimsfast Somestudentslike areourheroes Weusuallywatch onTV He him She she her They them Lookatthetwogirls are and gotoschooltogethereveryday arenotinthesa

2、meclass But don twearthesameclothesWhatdoyouthinkof Do looktheSame They They They they they them they Personalpronounssubjectform 人称代词 主格 Do 我 havelonghair Do 你们 havelonghair Do 我们 havelonghair Do 他们 havelonghair we I you they Does likeswimming Does likeswimming Does likeswimming he she it Millie Mu

3、m lookatthepicturesofmyfriendsonthewall Mum Ok Letmesee IsthisDaniel Millie Yes itis Danielisclever isgoodatMaths Mum IsthatSimon Millie Millie Yes Mum Simonistall isinourschoolfootballteam Mum ThisisKitty Ithink Millie No ThisisAmy hasshorthair That sKitty haslonghair Mum Oh yes aregoodfriends righ

4、t Millie Yes Mum areallverynice lovethem I He They She P35 He She They MynameisMillie am12yearsold Hello Simon Howare TheyareSandyandAmy areplayingtennis HerearemyfriendsandI areinGrade7 ThereisMrWu isourteacher SimonandDaniel are readingComicbooks I you They We He you Exercises 1 Myjobisateacher wo

5、rkinNo 1MiddleSchool 2 MyhomeisonQinyeRoad livenearmyschool 3 Sandy shouldlistentomecarefully 4 Simon do knowwhereMr Huis 5 Millielovesreading isamemberoftheReadingClub I I you you She 6 Simonlovesplayingfootball oftenplaysfootballafterschool 7 Thecatisverylovely isclimbingupthetree 8 SimonandMillie

6、 worktogether saysMissWang 9 DanielandKittygotoschooltogether liveneareachother 10 Thechildrenareplayingbasketballontheplayground areveryhappy He It you They They ThisisapictureofourSingingClub Therearesixstudentsinourclub TheyarefromGrade7 andallofthemareboys MrsZhangistheirmusicteacher Canyouseehe

7、rinthepicture Sheisinthemiddle TheboybesideherisWangWei Heisverytall Ilikehim Heismybestfriend IambetweenWangWeiandtheboywithafootball Canyoufindme WealllikeMrsZhangandshelikesus too PersonalPronouns subjectform objectform I matanewschool Grandpa Letmetellyouabout 2 MrWuisourEnglishteacher Wealllike

8、 3 Ihavesomenewfriends Iliketoplaywith afterclass 4 I mnotgoodatEnglish SometimesMilliehelps 5 IsGrammaathomenow Iwanttosayhelloto 6 Pardon Daniel Ican thear wellonthephone it him them me her you Practice Show my yoursharpener please Youmustlookafter she his listenstotheteacherverycarefully 认真 4 Tha

9、tisnot you modelplane isoverthere 5 Whosebagsarethese them arenottheirs Theyaremy uncle me her He your It They Uncle s 1 WhendoesSandyplaybadminton SheplaysiteveryTuesday ThursdayandFriday 2 WhatdoSandyandSimondotogether Theydotheirhomeworktogether 3 WhatteamisSimonin HeisintheschoolFootballTeam 4 W

10、hatdoMillieandAmydounderthebigtrees Theysitandtalkthere 5 HowoftendoesKittygotoherdancinglesson Shegoestoherdancinglessoneveryday 课后检测 1做作业doone shomework2互相帮助helpeachother3一直allthetime4擅长begoodwith begoodat5遇到某人meetupwithsb 6有许多时间做 havemuch notimetodosth 7去上舞蹈课gotodancinglesson8有许多好消息havemuchgoodnews9在网球场atthetenniscourt10在周三晚上onWednesdayevening 汉译英 1 我和Andy都有好消息告诉他 2 Simon在昨天的篮球赛中夺冠 我们所有的人很愉快 3 我父亲常在网球场遇到他的老朋友 他们总是一起打网球 4 Kitty在周三和周五去上舞蹈课 5 我哥哥擅长电脑 他是电脑小组的成员 6 那位老人喜欢坐在那儿的大树下和他的朋友聊天


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