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1、Unit 1If I start after dinner, Ill finish it before I go to bed. 单词闯关1.协议_ 2.未能及格;未能达到 _ 3.考试 _ 同义词 _4.音乐的 _ 音乐(名词) _5.志愿者 _ 6.必要的;必需的 _ 7.可惜;遗憾 _ 同义词_8.知识;学识 _ 9.社区 _10.考虑;斟酌 _短语互译1.get into the habit of_2.make a deal with_3.instead of_ 4.last word_5.同意 _ 6.一就 _7.弹吉他 _ 8.能做某事 _连词成句1.suggests, Tony,

2、 guitar lessons, Tonys, that, have, mum, should(托尼的妈妈建议托尼应该上吉他课。)_2.shame, a, thats(真遗憾。)_3.think, the library, I, go, really, so much, dont, should, to, you(我真的认为你不应该常去图书馆。)_4.point, not, the, thats(那不是我想说的。)_ 1deal n协议 观察 Tonys parents want to stop him enjoying music, although they have made a dea

3、l with him before. 托尼的父母想要阻止他玩音乐,尽管他们以前已经和他达成了一项协议。He has made a great deal of money. 他挣了很多钱。探究 deal作名词时,意为“协议”。拓展 make a deal with意为“与达成协议”。deal作名词时还可译为“交易;大量”。deal还可作动词,意为“处理”。deal with意为“_”,与do with同义。do with常与what连用,而deal with则与how搭配使用。How do you deal with this problem? 你怎样处理这个问题?活学活用12016南京 It

4、took me almost a whole day to _ so many emails.Adeal with Bcut inCcheer for Drun out2fail v未能及格;未能达到 观察 I passed the maths exam but failed in English. 我数学及格了,但英语没及格。I failed to work out the problem. 我没能解出这道题。探究 (1)fail既可以作及物动词,后接名词、代词、不定式作宾语,又可作不及物动词,意为“失败;不及格;倒闭;破产”。(2)fail的固定搭配: fail in sth.意为“在某方

5、面不及格/失败”; fail to do sth.意为“未能做某事”。拓展 fail的反义词为succeed;其名词形式为_。活学活用2Please wake me up, or Ill fail _ the early bus tomorrow.Ato catchBnot to catchCcatchingDnot catching3instead adv.代替;而不是观察 I didnt do my homework. Instead, I watched TV. 我没有做作业。相反,我看电视了。If you do all these other things instead of you

6、r homework, you wont have time to study. 如果你尽做这些其他的事情,而不做作业,你就没有时间学习了。探究 instead为副词,意为“代替;而不是”,常用作状语,放在_或句尾,所跟内容是已做的事或要做的事。常用搭配为instead of,意为“_”,后常接名词、代词或v.ing形式,放在_,所跟内容是未做的事或不做的事。活学活用3To reduce air pollution, wed better ride more often instead of _ (drive)4consider v考虑;斟酌 观察 We are considering goi

7、ng to Hainan for the Spring Festival.我们在考虑赴海南过春节。He considered how he should answer the question. 他考虑应当如何回答这个问题。We should consider what to do next.我们应该考虑下一步做什么。探究 consider的五种结构:活学活用42017荆州I dont know where to go this summer vacation.Why not _ visiting Jingzhou? There are many places of interest.A. r

8、egardB. considerC. wonder D. suggest1Tonys mum suggests that Tony should have guitar lessons.托尼的妈妈建议托尼应该上吉他课。 探究 该句型为“suggestthat宾语从句”,此时从句要用虚拟语气,即“should动词原形”,should可以省略。但suggest作“表明”讲时,不用虚拟语气。The look on her face suggested that she failed the exam.她脸上的表情表明了她没有通过考试。拓展 (1)suggest doing sth.建议做某事He s

9、uggested going home at once.他建议立刻回家。(2)suggest sth. to sb.向某人建议某事What did you suggest to the manager?你向经理建议了什么?活学活用12016沈阳We talked about the problem and Tim _ doing some research first.Afinished Benjoyed Csuggested Dpractised2Thats a shame.真遗憾。 探究 “Its a shame./Thats a shame./What a shame!”经常用在口语中,

10、表示“真遗憾!/多可惜啊!”Its a shame that you have to leave so soon.真遗憾,你们这么快就要走了。Oh, its raining. We cant go to the cinema. What a shame!噢,下雨了,我们不能去看电影了。真遗憾!活学活用22017孝感My uncle hasnt been back to our home town for years._. He must miss his family very much.A. Its a shame B. No wayC. Good job D. No problem详解详析

11、【课前自主预习】单词闯关1deal2.fail3.exam; test4musical; music5. volunteer6. necessary7.shame; pity8. knowledge munity10.consider短语互译1养成的习惯2.与达成协议3而不是4.最后一句话;最终决定5agree with6.as soon as7play the guitar8.be able to do sth.连词成句1. Tonys mum suggests that Tony should have guitar lessons.2. Thats a shame.3. I really

12、 dont think you should go to the library so much.4. Thats not the point.【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 处理A2 failureA3 句首; 而不是; 句中driving4 B考查动词辨析。句意:“我不知道今年暑假去哪里。”“为什么不_参观荆州?那里有许多名胜古迹。”regard意为“看作”;consider意为“考虑”;wonder意为“想知道”;suggest意为“建议”。根据句意可知选B。句型透视1 Cfinish意为“完成”;enjoy意为“喜欢”;suggest意为“建议”;practise意为“练习”。句意:我们讨论了这个问题,Tim建议先做一些调查。suggest doing sth.意为“建议做某事”,符合语境。故选C。2 A考查情景交际。Its a shame.意为“真遗憾,真可惜”;No way.意为“不行,没门”;Good job.意为“干得好”;No problem.意为“没问题”。根据“他一定很想念家人”可知,“好几年没回家乡”是一件令人


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