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1、 Unit3 Unit3I mmoreoutgoingthanmysister SectionB 学习目标 1 帮助学生确定正确的对朋友的定义 2 会运用句型发表自己的观点 3 掌握bedifferentfrom thesameas短语 4 会使用makesb sth adj 使 让某人 某事怎么样 makesb dosth 让某人做某事 istalentedinmusic careaboutme coolclothes goodatschoolwork dothesamethingsasme popularinschool makesmelaugh goodatsports isagoodl

2、istener Isheagoodfriend Whenyoufightwithothers hehelpsyoutofight Whenyouaretired hedoeshomeworkforyou Whenyouarethirsty hegivesyouacupoftea Whenyoumeetathief herunsawayquickly Whenyoudon tknowtheanswersintheexam hegivesyoutheanswerstocopy Friendship Friendshipisveryimportantinourlife Wemayhavemanyfr

3、iends Somearethesameasus Somearedifferent Afriendinneedisafriendindeed 1a Discuss Whatkindofthingsareimportantinafriend Rankthethingsbelow 1 7 1isthemostimportant Agoodfriend a hascoolclothes b istalentedinmusic c likestodothesamethingsasme d isgoodatsports e trulycaresaboutme f makesmelaugh g isago

4、odlistener Myview A Ithinkagoodfriendmakesmelaugh B Forme agoodfriendlikestodothesamethingsasme C Yes andagoodfriendistalentedinmusic too D That snotveryimportantforme Talkaboutwhatyouthinkagoodfriendshouldbelike Thenmakeareport 合作展示 你认为好朋友该是什么样 Pairwork 1b 1c Peterlikestodothesamethings Listen what

5、doMollyandMarylikeabouttheirbestfriends He spopular He sgoodatsports Lisaisagoodlistener 1d Listen HowareMollyandMarythesameasanddifferentfromtheirbestfriends Thesameastheirbestfriends Differentfromtheirbestfriends They rebothtall Lisaisquieter Mollystudiesharder They rebothprettyoutgoing Theylooksi

6、milar Theybothhavelong curlyhair Mollyisalittlequieter Peteplaysbaseballbetter Hespeaksmoreloudly She ssmarter Maryismoreoutgoing Peterlikestodothesamethings popular goodatsports Lisaisagoodlistener Theyarebothprettyoutgoing Mollystudiesharder Mollyisalittlequieter Peterplaysbaseballbetter speaksmor

7、eloudly They rebothtall looksimilar bothhavelong curlyhair Lisaisquietershe ssmarter Maryismoreoutgoing Pairwork 1e Thesameastheirbestfriends TalkaboutMollyandMaryandtheirbestfriends 1 talent n 天才 ed talented adj 有才能的 比较级 2 dothesamethingsasme 翻译 thesame as 表示 3 isgoodatsports 翻译 begoodat 意为 其后可接名词

8、代词或动名词 同义词组 He English 他擅长英语 I m basketball 我擅长打篮球 4 careabout 意为 carefor意为 takecare 当 小心 takecareof 照顾 5 makesmelaugh 翻译 makesb dosth 意为 Hisfatheralways upbeforefiveo clock 让他起床 让 使 某人做某事 make后跟不带to的不定式 自主探究 moretalented 做与我一样的事情 与 一样 擅长 dowellin Isgoodat goodatplaying 关心 在意 喜欢 照顾 使我笑 让 使某人做某事 make

9、shimget 1 Thebossmakestheworker 10hourseveryday A workB toworkC workingD works2 MrBeanenjoys jokesandoftenmakesus A totell tolaughB tells laughC telling laughD telling laughing3 Hisparentsoftenmakehim hishomeworktill10pm A doB doesC todoD doing4 这个消息使每个人都很快乐 Thenews everyone 8 Ithinkagoodfriendmakes

10、melaugh 我认为好朋友会使我笑 makev 制造 使 让 常用结构 makesb sth adj 使 让某人 某事怎么样 makesb dosth 让某人做某事 例如 Mothermadeabirthdaycakeforme Thenewsmakeseveryonehappy Hismothermadehimfinishtheworkalone Friendwanted Tom Idon tknowhowtomakemyselfmorehandsome Myclothesaretoougly Ifmyfriendhavesomecoolclothes thatwillbegreat To

11、mthinksagoodfriendhascoolclothes Mary Theschoolworkissodifficultforme Idon tknowhowtogetgoodgrades Iwanttoaskmyfriendforhelp Marythinksagoodfriend Tara Iamveryoutgoing Ilikegoingshopping swimming sightseeingandsoon Iliketodothesewithmyfriendtogether Tarathinksagoodfriend isgoodatschoolwork likestodo

12、thesamethingsasher Tim Iamveryathletic IlikeplayingsportsandIamgoodatsports Iwanttoplaysportswithmyfriendtogether Timthinksagoodfriend Jimmy Iamnotverypopularinschool MaybeIamtooquiet Ilikethestudentwhoisverypopularwithothers Jimmythinksagoodfriend Holly SometimesIfeeltiredandsad Ithinkagoodfriend i

13、sgoodatsports ispopularinschool makesmerelaxed laugh Tapescript Interviewer Who syourbestfriend Molly Molly Peter Interviewer Whydoyoulikehim Molly BecausehelikestodothesamethingsasIdo He spopular too andhe sgoodatsports Interviewer Ishedifferentfromyouinanyway Molly Well yes Iliketostudy Istudyhard

14、erthanpeter Heplaysbasketballbetterthanme Interviewer Ok Isee Molly Oh andhespeaksmoreloudlythanme I malittlequieter ButI dsaywe rebothprettyoutgoing Interviewer Howaboutyou Mary Who syourbestfriend Mary MybestfriendisLisa Interviewer Whatdoyoulikeabouther Mary Well she sagoodlistener andthat simpor

15、tanttome Interviewer Isshealotlikeyou Mary Somepeoplesaywelooksimilar We rebothtall andwebothhavelong curlyhair ButLisaisquieterthanme I malwaystalking She salsosmarter I mmoreoutgoing 1 与 一样不如 2 有点外向alittle much alot even far adj 比较级3 与某人做相同的事4 使某人 不 做某事5 对于我来说那并不重要 6 最好的朋友7 大多数的孩子mostofthekids mos

16、tkids as adj adv 原级 as notas so adj adv 原级 as alittlemoreoutgoing dothesamethingsassb make letsb not dosth That snotimportantforme thebestfriend ask tellsb not todosth 1eTalkaboutMollyandMaryandtheirbestfriends A Mollystudiesharderthanherbestfriend B Well Maryandherbestfriendarebothtall Groupwork Talkaboutwhatyouthinkagoodfriendshouldbelike A Ithinkagoodfriendisagoodlistener Whataboutyou B Forme agoodfriendlikestodothesamethingsasme That sveryimportantforme C Yes andagoodfriendispopular too D Th


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