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1、可编辑CONTRACT 合同 合同号日期地址The Buyer(买方)The Seller (卖方)This Contract is made and between the Buyer and the Seller, whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:1. COMMODITY, SPECIFICATIONS, QUANTITY AND

2、UNIT PRICE (品名、规格、数量、单价)TOTAL VALUE (总价):2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS:(原产地及制造厂家)3. PACKING(包装):To be packed in new strong wooden case(s) or in carton(s) suitable for long distance ocean/air freight/parcel post transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and nu

3、merous handling. The Seller shall be liable for any rust, damage and loss attributable to inadequate or improper protective measures taken by the Seller in regard to the packing.4. SHIPPING MARK(唛头):On the surface of each package, the package number, measurement, gross weight, net weight and the wor

4、dings ”HANDLE WITH CARE”, “RIGHT SIDE UP”, “KEEP DRY”, the hoisting position and the following shipping mark shall be stenciled with fadeless paint.5. TIME OF SHIPMENT(装运期):6. PORT OF SHIPMENT(装运期):7. PORT OF DESTINATION(目的港):8. INSURANCE(保险):9. PAYMENT(支付):(1) In case by L/C: The Buyer, upon receip

5、t from the Seller of the shipping advice specified in Clause 11 hereof, shall open an irrevocable Letter of Credit days prior to the date of delivery, in favour of the Seller, for an amount equivalent to the total value of the shipment. The Credit shall be payable against the presentation of the dra

6、ft(s) drawn on the opening bank and the shipping documents specified in Clause 10 hereof. The Letter of Credit shall be valid until the 15th day after the shipment is effected.(2) In case by Collection: After shipment, the Seller may draw on the Buyer at sight and send the draft(s) together with the

7、 shipping documents specified in Clause 10 hereof, to the Buyer through the Sellers Bankers and the Bank of China, Beijing for collection.(3) In case by M/T or T/T: Payment shall be effected not later than two weeks after receipt of the shipping documents specified under Clause 10 of this Contract.1

8、0. DOCUMENTS:(单证)(1) The Seller shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation:(a) In case of sea-freight:Full set of clean on board ocean bills of lading marked “Freight to Collect”/”Freight Prepaid”, made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying China National Foreign Trad

9、e Transportation Corporation at the port of destination.In case of air-freight:One copy of airway bill marked “Freight to Collect”/”Freight Prepaid” and consigned to the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the airport of destination notifying the Buyer.In case of air parcel po

10、st:One copy of air parcel post receipt addressed to the Buyer.(b) Five copies of Invoice, indicating contract number and shipping mark (in case of more than one shipping mark, the invoice shall be issued separately), made out in details as per the relative contract.(c) Five copies of Packing List wi

11、th indication of shipping weight, number and date of corresponding invoice.(d) Two copies of Certificate of Quality and Quantity issued by the manufacturer as specified in Item (1) of Clause 15.(e) A copy of cable or telex to the Buyer, advising shipment immediately when it is made.(2) The Seller sh

12、all send together with the shipment one copy each of the above-mentioned documents, with the exception of Item (e) of this Clause, to the China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination.11. TERMS OF SHIPMENT:(装运条款)In case of FOB Terms:(1) The Seller shall, 40 days

13、before the date of shipment stipulated in the Contract, advise the Buyer by cable or telex of the Contract No, Commodity, quantity, value, number of package, gross weight, measurement and date of readiness at the port of shipment for the Buyer to book shipping space. Should any package reach or exce

14、ed 20 tons in weight, 10 meters in length, 3.4 meters in width and 3 meters in height, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with 5 copies of packing drawing indicating the detailed measurement and weight 50 days before dispatch of the goods so as to enable the Buyer to arrange transportation.(2) Booki

15、ng of shipping space shall be attended to by the Buyers Shipping Agents, China National Chartering Corporation, Beijing, China.(3) The Buyer shall, 10 days before the estimated date of arrival of the vessel at the port of shipment, notify the Seller of the name of vessel, estimated date of loading a

16、nd Contract No. for the Seller to arrange shipment. The Seller is requested to get in close contact with the shipping agents. When it becomes necessary to change the carrying vessel or in the event of her arrival having to be advanced or delayed, the Buyer or the Shipping Agents shall advise the Seller in time.Should the


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