Unit 5 Sport四年级英语下册上海出版社

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1、Unit5 Sport sp rt Learn ping pong basketball football baseball volleyball badminton tennis tabletennis b sk tb l 篮球 f tb l 足球 be sb l 棒球 p p 乒乓球 台球 ten s 网球 乒乓球 桌球 b dm nt n 羽毛球 v lib l 排球 Joe Look Peter There sanewfootballclubinourschool Peter Ilikeplayingfootballl Joe Ilikeplayingfootballtoo Let s

2、jointheclub Peter That sagoodidea Joe Let stellAliceaboutthefootballclub Peter DoesAlicelikeplayingfootball Joe Yes shedoes Peter Great Wecanjointheclubtogether kl b d n PeterandJoemeetAliceintheclassroom Peter Joe Hello Alice Alice Hello Peter Hi Joe Joe There sanewfootballclubinourschool PeterandI

3、wanttojointheclub Wouldyouliketocomewithus Alice Sure Ilikeplayingfootball Peter HowaboutKitty Doesshelikeplayingfootball 和 mi t Alice No shedoesn t Peter Whatdoesshelikedoing Alice Shelikesplayingtabletennis Peter There satabletennisclubinourschooltoo Shecanjointhatclub d znt Thinkandwrite Ilikepla

4、ying Myfriend name likes sounds OntopofatallwallSitsaverysmallball AsmallgirlandatallboyStandbehindthewall t l w l sm l b l ll l st nd t p Mark马可Bill比尔Lisa丽莎Polly波莉Harry哈利Peggy佩琪Max马克斯Jane简Vicky维琪 P29 feel感觉 觉得tired疲劳的 疲倦的biscuits饼干 sportscentre体育中心then那么overthere在那边fast快 P30 chessclub象棋俱乐部acitivities活动 P31



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