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1、Unit5cutin的用法Second,dontcutinonothers.第二,不要打断别人说话。(P64)1.cut in on sb/sth意为“打断谈话;插嘴”。例如:The old man cut in on their conversation.老人打断了他们的谈话。2.cut in = push in,意为“插队,加塞”。例如:She cut/pushed in at the head of the line.她在列队的最前头插队。cut短语小结cutacross 抄进路,走捷径cutaway切除,剪掉cutdown削减;砍倒cutoff 中断供应cutout 剪下cutsthi

2、ntosth 把某物切成某物avoid的用法Butpleaseavoidsubjectslikeage,weightormoney.但是请避开像年龄、体重或金钱那样的话题。(P66)avoid意为“避免”,常用短语:avoid doing sth“避免做某事”。 例如:You should avoid eating such unhealthy food.你应该避免吃不健康的食物。辨析loudly,loud与aloudBritishpeopledontliketoshoutorlaughloudly.英国人不喜欢大声喊或者大声笑。(P67)1.loudly 意为“高声地”,有时可与loud通用

3、,但更多地含有“喧闹”的意味。它与表示发出声响的动词连用,而aloud,loud多指人的声音,尤指人从声带里发出的声音。例如:Who is knocking loudly at the door? 谁在那么大声地敲门?Id prefer them not to play too loudly at the beginning.我希望他们在开始时不要弹那么大声。2.loud 意为“高声地,大声地,响亮地”。常与loud 连用的动词有call,cry,shout,talk,speak,laugh 等。loud有比较级形式。例如:Speak louder please.I cant hear you

4、.请大点声说。我听不到。He then laughed loud.然后他放声大笑。注意:loud 也可用作形容词。如in a loud voice “高声地”。3.aloud意为“出声地”,有使声音能被听到的意味,而不只是在脑子里默默地“说”,往往与read,think 连用。当其意为“高声地,大声地” 时,常修饰call,cry,shout 等词,用法与loud相同。 例如:Please read the story aloud.请朗读这个故事。She called aloud for help.她高声喊叫求救。注意:aloud没有比较级形式。enoughto的用法Youareoldenou

5、ghtolearnaboutmanners.你已经足够大了,可以学习礼仪了。(P70)enough to后接动词原形。常用句型:主语+be+形容词+enough+to do sth,意为“足够做某事”。例如:He is tall enough to reach the ball on the shelf.他足够高,可以够到架子上的球。The classroom is big enough to hold so many students.这间教室足够大,能容纳如此多的学生。其否定句式为:主语+be not+形容词+enough+to do sth,意为“不够而不能做某事”。例如:The man

6、 isnt strong enough to carry the bag.这个人不够强壮,拿不动这个包。too.to.的用法TheUKistoofarawayforJennytogotoonherown.英国对珍妮来说太遥远,她自己不能去那里。(P71)1.too.to.常见句型:主语+be+too+形容词+to do sth,意为“太而不能做某事”。例如:The boy is too young to help you.这个男孩太小而不能帮你。注意:句中的动词必须为及物动词,若为不及物动词须再加上适当的介词。例如:The text is too long for us to read.这篇课

7、文太长我们读不了。(read是及物动词)The room is too small for us two to live in.这个房间太小我们两个人住不下。(live是不及物动词)2.“too+形容词+to do sth”可与“not+该形容词的反义词+enough+to do sth”转换。例如:The man is too weak to do the job.=The man isnt strong enough to do the job.这个男人太瘦弱而不能做这项工作。3.enough to和 too.to.均可与so.that.结构转换。例如:The doctor is kind enough to help us.=The doctor is so kind that he will help us.这个医生很善良,他会帮助我们。Lucy is not careful enough to get high marks.=Lucy is too careless to get high marks.=Lucy is so careless that she cant get high marks.露西不够细心,以至于得不到高分。3


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