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1、unit5 练习题一、单项选择1. Lets _ after school. A. to play basketballB. play basketballC. play a2. _ see the giraffes. A. Let B. Let we C. Lets 3. - _ do you like animals? - _ they are cute. A. Why, Because B. Why, So C. What, Because4. Do you want _?A. eat rice B. to eat rice C. to eat rices5. A: Lets see t

2、he monkeys first. B: _? A: Because theyre interesting. A. Why B. What C. Where6. _ these tigers _ from? A. Where, are B. Where, come C. Where are, /7. I like koalas because they are _ friendly. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kinds of 8. Where is he _? South Africa.A. for B. from C. like 9. -_ he _ break

3、fast at home? - Yes. A. Do, have B. Does, have C. Does, has10. _ pandas from China?A. Are B. Is C. Do11.The elephants _great danger in Africa. A.are B.is C. does D.do12. I like_, but this afternoon I dont like_. A.swimming;swimming B.to swim; to swim C.swimming; to swim D. to swim; swimming13.The tr

4、ees are green. Dont_ A. cut down them B. cut them up C. cut them dowm D. cut up them14. One of the boys_pet. The pet is really cute. A. have B. has C. keep D. save15.There is _ elephant in the zoo. _ elephant is from Africa.A. a, The B. an, The C. /, An D. a, An16. - Why do you like penguins(企鹅) ? -

5、 Because they are very _. A. cute B.dirty C. lazy D. tall 17. My work is interesting, but_ dangerous. A. a kind of B. a kind C. kinds of D. kind of 18. Does your mother like sleeping during the day _? A. No, he doesnt B. No, he isnt C. No, she doesnt D. No, she isnt19. Chinese people are very _. A.

6、friend B. friends C. friendly D. friendy 20. - Do you like _? - Yes , theyre very smart. A. elephant B.tigers C. panada D. animal 21. One of the students _ from France. He speaks _. A. are, Japanese B. is, English C. is, French D. come, French22. - _ do you like dogs ? - Because theyre very friendly

7、. A. What B. How C. Why D. Where 23. There is _ elephant and _ tiger in the picture. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. a, an 24. The girl is _ shy. A. very much B. a little C. much D. little 25. Where _ lions(狮子) _ ? A. does, from B. do, come from C. is, from D. are, come from26. He likes _ my friend. A.

8、 to play with B. to play C. play with D. play 27. - Cant you see a lion in the cage? - _. A. Yes, I cant B. No, I cant C. No, I can D. Yes, you cant see it28. What _ animal do you like ? A. else B. other C. others D. others 29. He works only _. A. at the night B. in night C. at the evening D. at nig

9、ht30. I am afraid _ tigers because they are scary. A. with B. of C. for D. in 31. Mr Li is kind _ us. But sometimes he is kind _ serious(严肃). A. to, of B. with , to C. of, to D. of, of 32. Lets _ the dolphins(海豚)now. They are very smart. A. read B. watch C. look D. see 33.This term the teacher wants

10、 to have some change(变化), he hopes his students will have fun _English. A. learn B. learning C. learns D. to learn34. They are good_, they are very _. A. friends, friends B. friends, friendly C. friendly, friends D. friendly, friendly35. She often _ the piano, she likes _ it very much. A. plays, pla

11、ys B. plays, playing C. playing, playing D. playing, plays36. I want _ the lions, lets _ them. A. to see, to see B. see, to see C. to see, see D. see, see37. - _ lions from? - They come from South Africa. A. Where do B. Where are C. Where is D. Where 38. Elephants can remember places _ food and wate

12、r, this helps them _. A. with, live B. with, to live C. in, to live D. A and B39. _ trees! A. Not to cut down so many B. Dont cut down so many C. Not cut down so many D. Dont cut down so much40. People kill elephants _ their ivory(象牙). A. with B. in C. for D to 二、按要求完成句子1. I like monkeys because they are cute. (就划线部分提问) _ _ you like monkeys?2. us let pandas see. (连词成句)_


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