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1、Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?名词:square 平方;正方形meter 米;公尺desert 沙漠population 人口;人口数量Asia 亚洲tourist 旅行者;观光者wall 墙achievement 成就;成绩condition 条件;状况force 力;力量nature 自然界;大自然ocean 大海;海洋birth 出生;诞生bamboo 竹子keeper 饲养员;保管人excitement 激动;兴奋illness 疾病government 政府oil 油;食用油;石油protection 保护;保卫动词:pr

2、otect 保护;防护include 包括;包含succeed 实现目标;成功achieve 达到;完成weigh 重量是;称的重量形容词:deep 深的ancient 古代的;古老的wide 宽的;宽阔的thick 厚的;浓的awake 醒着wild 野生的huge 巨大的;极多的兼类词:tour n&v 旅行;旅游research n&v 研究;调查adult adj 成年的;成人的 n 成人;成年动物短语:feel free (可以)随便(做某事)as far as I know 就我所知take in 吸入;吞入(体内)in the face of 面对(问题、困难等)even tho

3、ugh 即使;虽然at birth 出生时walk into 走路时撞着fall over 绊倒or so 大约in size (面积、体积等)大小up to 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;不多于知识点:1、大数的读法:9600,000 nine million and six hundred thousand千位数以上的读法:先从数字的右端向左读,每三位数加一个逗号。第一个逗号前的数字为thousand(千),第二个逗号前的数为million(百万),第三个逗号前的数为billion(十亿),然后一段一段的表示。2,687 two thousand six hundred and eigh

4、ty-seven18,357,089 eighteen million, three hundred and fifty-seven thousand, eighty-nine164,213,430 one hundred and sixty-four million, two hundred and thirteen thousand, four hundred and thirty1,123,456,789 one billion, one hundred and twenty-three million, four hundred and fifty-six thousand, seve

5、n hundred and eighty-nine多位数基数词读法口诀:读数前,先分开;写数前,先摆位。billion,million,thousand排好队。注意:几百几千几百万等不要加s !39882、表示长宽高基数词 + 单位词 + adj(deep深,long长,wide 宽,high 高)基数词 + 单位词 + in + n(depth深度,length长度,height高度,width宽度) at a depth/length/height/width of + 基数词 + 单位词单位词:meter米,kilometer千米,foot英尺基数词 1,单位词变复数This well

6、is 10 meters deep. 这口井十米深。Its about 10 meters in width. 它宽约10米。We found water at a depth of 30 meters. 我们在30米深处找到了水。3、表示比其他任何一个都:adj/adv比较级 + than any other + 单数名词(同一范围类别)adj/adv比较级 + than any + 单数名词(不同范围类别)China is larger than any other country in Asia (同一范围)中国比亚洲的其他任何一个国家都大。China is larger than an

7、y country in Africa (不同范围)中国比非洲的任何一个国家都大。He is taller than student in class. 他比班里任何一个学生高。The Pacific Ocean is larger than lake in the world. 太平洋比世界上任何一个湖都大。4、population 人口;人口数量,是集体名词(1)做主语时,谓语动词用单数形式The worlds population is increasing faster and faster. 世界人口增长越来越快。(2)前面有分数或百分数修饰时,谓语动词用复数70% of the p

8、opulation live in the countryside. 70%人口住在农村。two thirds of the population live in the countryside. 三分之二人口住在农村。(3)形容人口多少用large(多)或small(少)China has a large population, but Singapore has a small population. 中国人口众多,而新加坡人口很少。(4)询问人口多少:Whats the population of ? 的人口有多少? 回答:have/has a population of + 数字 有人

9、口。 The population of is 的人口有。Whats the population of China?中国有多少人口?It has a population of 1.3 billion. = The population of China is 1.3 billion. 有13亿人口。5、 amazing 令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜(惊叹)的 修饰物amazed 惊奇的;惊喜的;惊叹的 修饰人 be amazed at sth 对惊讶、惊奇This is an amazing discovery. 这是一个惊人的发现。Im amazed at his rapid progres

10、s. 我对他快速的进步感到惊讶。6、protect against/from 保护免于The sunglasses protect eyes against the strong sunlight. 太阳镜保护眼睛不受阳光上海。What can women do to protect themselves from heart disease? 女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?7、 one of the + n复数 之一one of the + adj最高级 + n复数 最的之一Miss Li is one of the most popular teachers in our school

11、. 李老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。此结构做主语时,谓语动词用单数One of the boys likes playing soccer. 其中一个男孩喜欢踢足球。8、succeed v 实现目标;成功 反义词:fail 失败succeed in doing sth 成功做某事I couldnt believe that they succeeded in solving the problem. 我很难相信他们成功解决了这个问题。success n成功的人或事(可数名词);成功(不可数名词)He is a great success as a writer. 作为作家,他是一个伟大的成

12、功者。Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。successful adj成功的He is a successful writer. 他是个成功的作家。9、achieve v达到;完成;成功achieve ones dream = make ones dream come true 实现某人的梦想He achieved his dream of becoming an engineer. = His dream of becoming an engineer came true.他实现了成为一名工程师的梦想。 achievement 成就,成绩(可数

13、名词);达到,完成(不可数名词)He has many great achievements. 他有许多伟大的成就。We felt a strong sense of achievement when we reached the top of mountain. 当我们到达山顶时,我们有极大的成就感。10、even though 即使;虽然 = even if,不能和but连用Even though I should fail, I will have a try. 哪怕失败,我也要试一下。Even though you had wings, you cant be there in tim

14、e.即使你长了翅膀,也无法及时到那里。11、weigh v 重量是,称的重量At birth, most babies weigh between 6 and 8 pounds. 大多数婴儿出生时的体重在6到8磅之间。She weight the stone in her hand. 她用手掂了掂那块石头的重量。weight n 重量,分量put on/gain weight 增加体重lose weight 减重12、 preparefor 为准备 prepare for 为做准备She prepared a nice breakfast for us. 她给我们准备了一顿可口的早餐。He works hard to prepare for the exam. 他努力学习为考试做准备。13、cut down 砍倒;减少 cut up 切碎cut off 切断;打断 cut away 切除;剪去 cut out 删除;裁剪In order to protect the environment, we shouldnt cut down the trees anymore. 为了保护环境,我们不应该再砍伐树木了。The tree is so tall, so we should cut it down. 这棵树太高了,我们应该砍倒它。14、enough 足够的;充足的形后名前


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