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1、Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow Hello oldfriends IsaySelmayousayHi Selma Hi Selma Hi sports goskateboarding playbadminton swimming kickboxing newmovies closetohome Thesmallestcountryintheworld TheVaticanCityState DoyouliketheTVplay HappySheepandGreyWolf sturdysheep prettysheep greywolf happysheep laz

2、ysheep NewYorkCity teacher actor BillGates basketballplayer engineer pilot computerprogrammer BillGates Aims Wecantalkaboutentertainment 娱乐 Whatdoyouthinkof 你觉得 怎么样 SectionAWhatkindofTVshowisit QuizShow 开心辞典 gameshow竞赛节目 Tellitlikeitis 实话实说 talkshow脱口秀 news 新闻联播 talentshows soapoperas sportsshow fas

3、hionshows sitcom situationcomedy gameshow cartoon hopeEnglish Chineseculture Chinesecooking AnimalWorld WeatherReport 1 talkshow 2 soapopera 3 sportsshow 4 sitcom 5 gameshow d a c b 1aMatchtheTVshowswiththepictures e Rememberme stand famous expect may Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows Ican tstandthem Whatdo

4、youthinkofEnglish Whatdothesefacesmean Love like don tmind don tlike can tstand Whatdoyouthinkofgameshows Ilovethem Whatdoyouthinkofsportsshows Ilikethem Whatdoyouthinkofsitcoms Idon tmind Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows Ican tstandthem soapoperas Whatdoyouthinkofsoapoperas Idon tlikethem Whatdoyouthinkof

5、gameshows Ilovethem Whatdoyouthinkofweatherreports Ilikethem Doyoulikemovies Whatkindofmovieisit It sacomedy Whatdoyouthinkofit It srelaxing Doyoulikemovies Whatkindofmovieisit It saactionmovie Whatdoyouthinkofit It sexciting Whatdoyouthinkof I him her Makeyourownconversations A Whatdoyouthinkofgame

6、shows B Idon tlikethem A Whatdoeshe shethinkofgameshows B He Shedoesn tlikethem A whatkindofshowsdoyoulike B Ilikerealityshow Justlike 勇往直前 非诚勿扰 andsoon Thewaystoexpresslikesanddislikesa Expressinglikes1 I really enjoy 2 IlikewatchingTV playingfootball 3 Iquitelike 4 IthinkDumplingKingisinteresting

7、b Expressingdislikes1 Idon tlikedancing 2 Idon tthink finddancingisinteresting 3 Ican tstandthemusic 4 Idon tmindwatchingtheTVshow 3aMakeaconversationandthenpracticeitwithapartner A WhatdoyouplantowatchonTVtonight B Ihopeto butIalsowantto Howaboutyou Doyou atalkshowor A Oh Iwantto watchatalkshow wat

8、chagameshow wanttowatch agameshow watchatalkshow Unit5Doyouwanttowatchagameshow SectionB WhatkindofTVshowisit It sagameshow Whatdoyouthinkofit Iloveit DoyoulikeTVshows WhatkindofTVshowisit It sasitcom Whatdoyouthinkofit Idon tlikeit Butmymotherlovesit WhatkindofTVshowisit It satalkshow Whatdoyouthin

9、kofit Idon tmindit Butmyfatherlovesit WhatkindofTVshowisit It sasportsshow Whatdoyouthinkofit Ican tstandit Butmybrotherlovesit educational relaxing boring meaningless serious exciting enjoyable exciting wonderful boring Pairwork A Whatdoyouthinkof B I them What sthebestbirthdaygiftforaboy Anotebook

10、 abelt apairofsunglasses Abottleofperfume awatch akeyring ascarf somescarfs scarves awallet FixedGear 中央电视台新闻晚间新闻世界报道天气预报体育新闻实话实说肥皂剧中国好声音情景喜剧人与自然 SportsNews CCTVNews EveningReport World sReport WeatherReport SoapOpera Sitcom Tellitlikeitis TheVoiceofChina ManandNature TellitlikeitisLegalReportCCTVNe

11、wsNewsin30MinutesManandNatureChineseCookingAroundChinaSportsnewsLucky52AnimalWorldCultureChina 人与自然中国饮食新闻联播今日说法中国各地新闻30分实话实说幸运52动物世界中国文化体育新闻 Look MatchandTalk 根据汉语 补全英语句子 1 你觉得游戏节目怎样 我忍受不了那些东西 doyou gameshows I them 2 那是个仅5岁的男孩 但他会写字 会看书 Thatisonly boy buthecanwriteand 3 晚饭后散步对健康有益 aftersupperisgood

12、for 4 他们对每样东西的看法如何 didthey everything What thinkof can tstand afive year old read Takingawalk health What thinkof 5 他们中的一些答案使我们大感意外 theiranswers us 6 我家乡的每个人都很友好 inmyhometown very 7 我们喜欢在课堂上用英语问问题 Weenjoy inclass 8 你介意把这件事告诉他好吗 Wouldyou himaboutthis Someof surprised Everyone is friendly askingquesti

13、onswithEnglish mindtelling 1他们不能忍受太阳镜 你的看法呢 Theycan tstandthe What syour 2Tina对运动节目不在乎 Tina 3Tony认为谈话节目怎么样 他很喜爱它 What Tonythinkof He it 4谢谢你帮助我 helpingme sunglasses idea can tstandsportsshows does talkshow loves Thankyoufor 5你怎样认为连续剧 我受不了 doyou I 6他不喜欢情景喜剧 He 7Evan对围巾不在乎 Evan mindthe 8 你去哪里度假了 我参观了博

14、物馆 你的假期怎么样 事实上 相当不错 didyougo I yourvacation it What thinkofsoapoperas can tstandthem doesn tlikesitcoms doesn t scarf Where onvacation visitedmuseum Howwas Infact wasprettygood 9 我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧 Mybrother SportsWorld mysisterlikes 10 我可以问你一些问题吗 MayI you questions 11 我不能忍受老人没有权利打扮漂亮的观念 Ican t the

15、ideathatoldpeoplehavetobe 12 我们的教室是多彩的 Myclassroom likes and sitcoms ask some stand beautiful iscolorful 连词成句1 talk think you what of do shows2 mind I don t them3 she of think what does soap operas Whatdoyouthinkoftalkshows Idon tmindthem Whatdoesshethinkofsoapoperas 1 A What yourbrotherthinkofthebi

16、ke B Helikesit A doesB doC is2 A Whatdotheythink themovie B Theylikeitverymuch A toB ofC for Exercises 3 A Whatdoyouthinkofsitcoms B Oh I mindthem A can tB don tC amnot4 A Whatdoesshethinkofthescarf B She standthem A isn tB doesn tC can t 5 Sheenjoys A swimB swimmingC swims6 Youhaveno tosayso A rightB leftC wrong7 Mary a girl isanewstudent A tenyearsoldB ten yearsoldC ten year old 8 Thanksfor meA inviteB invitingC invites 单项选择1 Yourhandsareverydirty Pleasegoandhaveawashwith A asoapB soapsC soap



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