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1、第 1 页 共 13 页专科英语(管理类) 课程期末复点 注意事项:1. 请将答案写在本卷面上,写在他处无效。2. 答题需用钢笔或圆珠笔,字迹要清楚,卷面要整洁。 共三个大题 一、用括号中词语的正确形式将句子补充完整。 (共 2 道小题,共 10 分)这些小题考察每个单元对话里出现的词汇或词组的用法,例如:1. What about _ (go) to a Chinese restaurant? 二、请将下列句子翻译成英语 (共 5 道小题,共 30 分)这些小题考察对话中出现的句子的意思,这些句子基本上是原文的汉语译文,要求你将这些句子还原成英文,句意基本上是严格对应的,即使改变也只是在无关

2、紧要处,大家细心点即可,例如:3. 我们周日可以休息一下。 三、请将下列段落翻译成汉语 (共 4 道小题,共 60 分) 这些小题考察单元中课文(text)的句意理解,原文原句,没有变化。例如:8. Today,with our complex methods of transport and communication,it is not necessary for buyers and sellers to have direct contact with each other, so it is better not to think of a market in terms of a

3、particular place. 所以总的说来,大家熟读每个单元的对话 (dialogue)和课文(text)部分即可。下面将每个单元的对话、课文及其译文统一放在这里,大家熟读。G Unit 1 ar Dialogue: ShoppingMary: Are you free this weekend? I want to go shopping1.Linda: OK. Is there anything that you want to buy?第 2 页 共 13 页Mary: Nothing in particular. I just havent gone shopping for a

4、 long time.Linda: Me neither. Where shall we go?Mary: What about2 going to Nu Ren Jie? There are a lot of clothes stores there.Linda: OK, I havent been there before. When do you want to go?Mary: Saturday, then we can rest on Sunday.Linda: Where do you want to meet up3?Mary: At the Dongzhimen subway

5、station. Its near Nu Ren Jie.Linda: Alright, see you then.Words and expressions:1 go shopping 去购物,去买东西2 what about? 提出建议、询问消息或征求意见时用怎么样?例句:What about doing a spot of work ?做点儿事怎么样? 。What about playing football now?现在踢足球好吗?What about going shopping with me?和我一起购物怎么样? 3 meet up 约见,会见。例句:Lets meet up a

6、fter the play.看完戏后,我们碰碰头。I met up with him/We met up at the supermarket.我们在超级市场偶然相遇。对话:购物玛丽: 这周末有空吗?我想去购物。琳达:好啊,你有什么要买的吗?玛丽:也没什么特别要买的。我就是好久不去买东西了。琳达:我也是。那咱们去哪儿逛呢?玛丽:去女人街好不好?那里卖衣服的小店特别多。琳达:好啊,我还没去过女人街呢。你想哪天去呢?玛丽:周六吧,这样周日还可以休息。第 3 页 共 13 页琳达:你想在哪儿碰头呢?玛丽:在东直门地铁站里碰头吧。那儿离女人街很近。琳达:好,到时见喽。Text:MarketA mark

7、et may be defined as a group of people or firms1 who have contact with2 each other3 with the purpose of4 exchanging some goods or services. The term “market” at least5 involves two parties: the sellers and the buyers.Today,with our complex methods of transport and communication,it is not necessary f

8、or buyers and sellers to have direct contact with each other, so it is better not to think of a market in terms of6 a particular place. Sellers are the suppliers of something of valuethe supply. The buyers are the demanders of something of valuethe demand. Price is determined by the interaction of s

9、upply and demand7. Practically all goods and services have a price. A car has a price; your fathers labor service has a pricehis wage,or salary. We refer to market demand as the total of all the individual demands for a particular commodity. By individual demand we mean the quantity particular indiv

10、iduals are able and willing to purchase in the market at various price levels at a particular point of time8.Changes in demand (increases or decreases) occur with changes in population, wage rates, taxation,fashions,etc.,and mean that more or less of a quantity is demanded at the same price. (217 wo

11、rds)New Wordsdefine difain vt. 定义,解释,下定义,限定,规定purpose p:ps n. 目的,意向,决心,意义,论题 vt. 意欲,企图,计划term t:m n. 术语,名词,期限,学期,任期,条款involve invlv vt. 包缠;使卷入,使陷入;使专注;必须包括;包围complex kmpleks n. 合成物,情结,复杂 a. 复杂的,合成的method med n. 方法,方式,教学法transport trnsp:t n. 传送器,运输 vt. 传送,运输第 4 页 共 13 页communication kmju:nikein n. 通讯

12、,传达,传送particular ptikjul a. 特别的,特殊的,详细的value vlju: n. 价值,重要性,价格determine dit:min vt. 决定,决心;确定,限定,测定interaction intrkn n. 相互作用;干扰wage weid n. 薪水,工资salary slri n. 工资,薪水,薪金refer rif: vt. 把称作,把当作;把归因于,把归类于individual individjul a. 个人的,个体的,单独的 n. 个人,个体commodity kmditi n. 日用品,商品population ppjulein n. 人口,人口

13、数rate reit n. 比率,率,速度taxation tksein n. 税收,征税,租税fashion fn n. 流行,时髦,时尚,时装课文市场市场可解释为一群人或一些商行彼此接触,以达到交换商品或服务的目的。市场 这一术语至少包括买卖双方。 当今随着复杂的交通工具及通讯手段的出现,买卖双方彼此间不必直接接触,因此最好不要把市场想象为某个特定的场所。卖方供应某些有价值的商品,是供方;而买方则需要某些有价值的货物,是求方。价格多少则由供求双方的相互作用决定。 实际上,所有的商品和服务项目都有其价格。汽车有价格,你父亲的劳动服务也有价格,即他的工资或薪金。 市场需求是指社会所有成员对某种

14、商品需求的总和。所谓个人需求,是指某些个人在一定时间以不同的价格在市场上能够并愿意购到的商品量。商品的需求量(增加或减少)随人口、工资率、 税收、生活方式等而变化。这就是说,虽然价格不变,需要的商品是可能增加,也可能减少。 Unit 2第 5 页 共 13 页Dialogue: Buying a Laptop Alice: Is there any discount 1 on this laptop2?Clerk: Its already very cheap. Lets make it 6000 Yuan3. Thats as cheap as it can get.Alice: Alrig

15、ht, Ill buy this one. Can I pay using a credit card?Clerk: Sorry, you can only pay cash. Well also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you.Alice: How long is the warranty good for?Clerk: One year. The maintenance store location and telephone numbers are on the warranty card.Words and expressions:1 discount diskaunt n. v. 折扣,打折扣,贴现,不重视 ,低估2 laptop lptp n. 笔记本电脑3 Lets make it 6000 Yuan. 这样吧,六千元。make it 是美国俚语,是一个用途极广的多义性习语,在书刊中俯首即是,在日常交谈中随时可听得到,常与 can,let,want 等词连用,可用来表示达



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