2011年高考英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测 Unit 10 American literature 人教版大纲第三册.doc

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1、第三册Unit 10 American literatureI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1bake 2一urniture 3rarely 4:wear 5pray 6approval 7simplification;simple;stinply 8long高考须掌握的短语:1to 2in 3up 4down sat 6.out 7down 8through 9away 10OUt 11inside 12Still 13onupon 考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇 1 furnish vt装备;布置;供应;提供eg: The r

2、oom was completely furnished房间里家具齐全。 The room is furnished with the simplest necessitiesa beda chair and a table 房间里只布置了最简单的必需品一张床,一把椅子和一张桌子。 I11 furnish you with an you need我将为你提供你所需要的一切。相关链接:furniture n(总称)家具用法拓展:furnish sthsbwith sth为提供 furnish sthto sb为某人提供某物 、特别提醒:furniture是不可数名词。一件家具可表达为:a pie

3、ce of furniture或 an article of furniture案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1 (典型例题分)The new house is with only two chairs and a bed. A. offered B. given C. fixed D. furnished考题1点拨:答案为D。根据题意。可知,考查be furnished with“用装备”,而其他三项不符合题意厦搭配。句意为:“这座新房只配备了两把椅子和一张床。” 总结提示:be furnished wit1用装备”2flash vt&vi(1)闪光;闪烁 eg:The driver is

4、 not supposed to flash his lights at the toming vehicles司机不应该朝着迎面开来的车辆闪灯。 His eyes flash with anger他眼中冒出怒火。 (2)闪现;掠过eg:The idea flashed into his mind这念头突然闪过他的脑海。 (3)飞驰eg:The car flashed汽车飞驰而过。 The days flashed by光阴似箭。相关链接:flash n闪光;闪光灯flashes of lightning闪电用法拓展:a flash of lightning一道闪电 a flash ofins

5、piration灵感的闪现 in a flash刹那 flash back回想eg: My mind fJashed back to last Christmas我回想起去年圣诞节的时候。特别提醒:It flashed upon me that我忽然想到 An idea flashed into念头闪过考题2 (典型例题l 分)He was thinking about it when a thought into his mind. A. went B. came C. flashed D. hit 考题2点拨:答案为c。根据语境flash into ones mind。一个想法闪过脑海”。

6、句意为:“他正在思考着这事,突然一个想法闪过脑海。” 二、重点短语3attend to处理;照顾 eg:Im sorry I cant help you;I have a lot of work to at tend to很抱歉,我不能帮你;我还有很多事要处理。 The nurse attended to the patient day and night这位护士日夜照顾这位病人。用法拓展:attend todeal with处理attend totake care of照顾 attend to ones work做好自己的工作 特别提醒:attend作及物动词,意思为“参加,出席”,用作不及

7、物动词,常和to连用,表示“处理;照顾”。考题3 The old man _by the girl came from a remote country. A. taken care B. taking care of C. attended to D. attending to专题3点拨:答案为c。根据题意“被女孩照顾的老人来自偏远的农村”,“照顾;照料”attend to 点take care of,且the old man和altend to为动宾关系,故选C。总结提示:attend to“照顾。照料”相当于take care of。4take pride in以为荣;对感到自豪 eg:

8、He took pride in being a student of Beljlng University他为成为北京大学的学生而深感自豪。 用法拓展:take prlde in以为荣;对感到自豪with pride自豪地 be proud of以自豪 特别提醒:分清take pride in和be proud of两短语的搭配。考题4 (典型例题1 分)They took in their beauty; in other words, they are of their beauty. A. proud; pride B. pride; proud C. proud; proud D.

9、pride; pride考题4点拨:答案为B。考查take pride in和be proud of“以自豪”两个固定搭配的用法。总结提示:分清take pride in及be proud of两短语的搭配。5at length最后;详细的 eg:At length,we began to understand what she wanted最后我们才开始明白她想要什么。 Can you tell us something about the meeting at great length? 你能非常详细地告诉我们关于会议的一些情况吗?用法拓展:to its fullIength达到最长长度

10、at full(grent)length极详细的 go to great lengths竭尽全力特别提醒:length为名词,其形容词是long。 考题5 First the professor gave us a brief introduc- tion to his research and then he showed us how to find out the secret of it at full A. depth B. length C. width D. height考题5点拨:答案为B。根据语境,考查at full length“详细的”的用法。句意为:“首先这个教授大体介

11、绍了他的研究,然后他极其详细地演示了他是怎样发现这个秘密的。” 总结提示:at full length“极详细的”。三、重点句型 6Tomorffow would be Christmas Day,and she had only $187 with which to buy Jim a present明天就是圣诞节了,而她却只有187美元来给吉姆买一份圣诞礼物。 这个句子中,with which to buy Jim a present是一个动词不定式短语作用相当于一个定语从句with which she COHld buy Jim a present。 eg: The poor famil

12、y owned only a Iittle patch on which to plant crops 这户穷人只有一小块土地来种庄稼。 I have no pen with which to write a composition我没有钢笔来写作文。 we only had 30 hands with whom to finish the work in a wee k我们只有30个人来在一周内完成这个工作。特别提醒:以上例句中的不定式短语作定语,且这些不定式短语与前面的被修饰词构成动宾关系时,必须为及物动词,故以上例句中的介词不可删去。考题6 I I dont think I can fi

13、nd some one to turn at this time of day. A. whom B. to whom C. for whom D. who考题6点拨:答案为B。考查turn to sb“向某人求助”。用to whom to turn不定式短语作定语修饰someone,相当于to whom I eould turn。句意为:“我认为这时候找不到人求助。” 总结提示:注意介词+which/whom+to do结构。7so lets forget about it now and have oar dinner,shall we?咱们不谈这事了,现在吃饭好吗? 祈使句的反意疑问句主

14、要有以下几种: (1)Lets,Shall we?=iShall we do sth?eg: Lets go and have a look at the picture show,shall we?我们去看画展,好吗?(2)Let sb,will youWill you let sbdo sth? eg: Let the boys do the job themselyes,will you?让孩子们自己干,好吗? Come and do me a favor,will you?过来帮我一把,行吗? Come in and have a coffee,wont you?进来喝杯咖啡,好吗?(4)Dont do sth,will you? eg: Dont hesitate to ask for advice,Will you?要随时讨教,对吗?特别提醒:特别注意lets do sth和1et us do sth这两个句型的反意疑问句的使用。考题7-1 Its a fine day. Lets go fishing, ? A. wont we



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