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1、1 八年级上期末质量检测英语试题 满分 100 分 90 分钟完卷 第一部分听力 每小题 1 分 共 20 分 第一节 听下面 5 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的A B C三个 选项中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 每段对话读两遍 1 What does the girl want to do A To play games B To play tennis C To watch TV 2 Who did the girl go to the mountains with A Her sister B Her brother C Her parents 3 What s the

2、 boy s favorite food A Chicken B Hamburgers C Fish 4 How is the weather now A Rainy B Snowy C Sunny 5 When does the boy often do exercise A At 6 00 B At 6 30 C At 7 00 第二节 听下面 5 段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的 A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 每段对话或独 白读两遍 听第 6 段材料 回答第6 至 7 题 6 What does Larry look like A Fat

3、B Short C Tall 7 What does Jeff like to do A To swim B To play tennis C To go camping 听第 7段材料 回答第8 至 9 题 8 What does the woman want to buy A A shirt B A sweater C A skirt 9 What color does the woman s daughter like A Yellow B Blue C White 听第 8 段材料 回答第10 至 12 题 10 Where are the two speakers A At the

4、bus stop B On the street C In the post office 11 The girl should first A walk to the bus B take No 16 bus C get off the King Street stop 2 12 What does the girl want to do A To find a bus stop B To find King Street C To buy some postcards 听第 9段材料 回答第13 至 16 题 13 What does Sally think of doing chores

5、 A It s boring B It s relaxing C It s hard 14 Who likes to make the bed A Sally B Sam C Sam s brother 15 Why do children do a lot of chores in the past A Because they want to live in clean rooms B Because their parents ask them to do C Because life is hard for them at that time 16 What did Sally s m

6、other ask her to do A Go back home B Take out trash C Go to school 听第 10 段材料 回答第17 至 20 题 17 What does the speaker often do before breakfast A He often does homework B He often listens to music C He often does morning exercises 18 Where does the speaker play ping pong A In the school B In the playgr

7、ound C In the park 19 How does the speaker go to school every day A By bike B By bus C By subway 20 When does the speaker often play basketball A In the morning B In the afternoon C At noon 第二部分笔试 共80 分 一 单项选择填空 选出符合每题的最佳选项 每小题1 分 共 15 分 21 How often does your sister use Internet She uses it at leas

8、t four times a week A the the B the C the D an 22 This car is fas ter than that one and it doesn t make that one A less noise than B as much noise as C fewer noise than D as many noise as 23 the books in the bookcase Jerry A Puts B To put C Putting D Put 24 I want to watch the ball game Can you the

9、TV A turn on B turn off C open D close 25 Look There are on the desk 3 A four glass of milk B four glasses of milks C four glasses of milk D four glass of milks 26 sugar do we need A How many B How often C How long D How much 27 Jim wants to do today A different something B something different C dif

10、ferent anything D anything different 28 he was very tired he didn t stop working A Though B Though but C but D Because 29 Can you go to Langlang s concert with me Sorry I have to finish my homework Maybe time A other B the other C another D others 30 My hair is longer than A her B hers C him D she 3

11、1 Mr Smith Chengdu next week A is leaving for B leaves for C leave D left 32 My good friend is than me but I am than her A athletic smarter B athleticer more smart C more athletic smarter D more athletic smart 33 We sports and we outgoing A like both are both B both like both are C both like are bot

12、h D likes both both are 34 This hall is for a hundred people to have a party Yes I think it s OK A too small B small too C enough large D large enough 35 Let s make fruit salad A Thank you B No I m not C It doesn t matter D That s a good idea 二 完形填空 选出最佳答案 完成短文 每小题 1 分 满分10 分 I don t do well in my s

13、tudy Most of my classmates are much better than me So I get very 36 You know it is 37 to keep on 继续 working hard And I think 38 I spend much time studying for the tests I can t get good grad es Luckily my father 39 gives me some help He tells me not to 40 about it He says many 41 people are 4 not so

14、 good at their subjects Edison the famous scientist had a bad headache for his 42 when he was a 12 year old boy But everyone knows that he did a lot for the people in the world And Newton had the 43 story like him After hearing that I believe I shouldn t give up 放弃 I 44 try my best And if I keep on

15、studying hard I can do much 45 My father is very happy to hear that and he says he will always help me and be with me 36 A happy B sad C tired D hungry 37 A traditional B easy C difficult D worse 38 A although B but C because D if 39 A hardly B not C often D never 40 A think B forget C talk D worry

16、41 A main B creative C famous D interesting 42 A hobbies B health C sports D studies 43 A different B same C big D available 44 A should B can C may D would 45 A less B more fun C better D worse 三 阅读理解 根据所读内容选择最佳答案 每小题 2 分 满分 40 分 A My home is far from my school I can t go home every day So I live in our school I usually go home from school on Saturday morning And I always come back to school by bus on Sunday afternoon Tina I m a school girl I m busy I have a lot of homework to do I have no time



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