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1、Module 10 A holiday journey综合能力演练I. 单项选择。1It took us one year _ the bridge Abuild Bbuilding Cto build Dto building2Last night we met Amy _ the airport Ain Bon Cat Dfor3We spent two days _ the novel Aread Bto reading Creading Dto read4Our teacher is over there;lets _ hello to her Asay Bspeak Ctell Dt

2、alk5Did you _ to the concert last night? Atook a taxi Bby taxi Ctake a taxi Dtake bus6Does Daniel _ after school? Awalk home Bwalk to home Cgo to home on foot Dgo home on feet7My parents didnt come with me _ they were tired Abut Bso Cbecause Dand8 When did you _ Beijing _ the USA? At 6:15 in the mor

3、ning Aleave;for Bleft;for Cleave;to Dleft;to9I hope _ Ayou can come Byou to come Cto coming Dcame here10We _ to California three weeks ago Ago Bgoes Cwill go Dwent11You had better _ because you have to drive back home Anot drinking Bnot drink Cdont drink Dnot to drink12_ he _ volleyball last Sunday?

4、 ADoes;play BDid;played CIs;playing DDid;play13Remember _ them down when you see them in a passage Awriting Bto writing Cwrite Dto write14 How did they go to school? _ ABy the bike BBy a bike CBy their bikes DBy bike15I took _ and _ them to you Amany photos;sent Bmany photos;sended Clots of photoes;

5、sent Dlots of photoes;sendedII. 完形填空。Jane was spending her holiday in ScotlandTwo days 1 she sent a letter 2 Mary and today Mr. and Mrs. Black 3 a card from her“What does Jane say in her card,mum? Let me have a look,”Mary said“Jane 4 in her card,I have visited lots of placesHow are you all? I miss y

6、ou very much”Mary stopped reading the card and said,“The card is much shorter 5 the letter to meHer letter 6 interesting thingsLet me 7 it to youI went to Edinburgh by trainI stayed there for three days,and then I 8 the mountainsI met 9 young people thereThey climbed some mountainsI have been to man

7、y famous lakesBesides,I have also visited several very famous places thereI find Scotland is much more beautiful than England 10 the way,the hotel is nice,and I have made many new friendsI am having a wonderful time here”1A/ Bago Cbefore Dlong2Ato Bfor Cfrom Dat3Areceived Breceives Creceive Dreceivi

8、ng4Asay Bsayed Csaid Dsays5Athan Bto Cmore Dfor6Abe full of Bfilled of Cwas full of Dhas full7Aread Breads Cto read Dlook8Awent Bwent to Cgo Dgo to9Aa lot Blot of Cmuch Da lot of10AOn BIn CAt DByIII. 阅读理解。A Mr. and Mrs. Turner live outside a small townThey have a big farm and they are always busy wo

9、rking on itTheir son,Peter,studied at a middle schoolThe young man studied hard and did well in his lessonsIt made them happy Last month Peter finished middle school and passed the entrance examinationMrs. Turner was very happy and told the farmers about it Yesterday morning the woman went to the to

10、wn to buy something for her sonOn the bus she told one of her friends how clever and able her son wasShe spoke very loudlyAll the people on the bus began to listen to her “Which university(大学) will your son study in?”A woman next to her asked “In the most famous university in our country!” Mrs. Turn

11、er said happily “The most famous university?” “Oxford(牛津) University” Most of the passengers(乘客) looked at her carefullySome of them said to her,“Congratulations!” The woman said“Im sure hell know Fred Smith” “Whos Fred Smith?” “Hes my son” “Does he study in the university,too?” “No,”said the woman“

12、He is one of the professors”1The story happened in _ AAmerica BFrance CGermany DEngland2Mr. and Mrs. Turner were happy because _ Atheir son did well in his lessons Bthey had a big farm Cthey had fl good harvest Dtheir son studied at a middle school3Mrs. Turner wanted everyone to know _ Aher son fini

13、shed middle school Bher son was handsome Cher son was going to study in a university Dher son was very friendly to others4Mrs. Turner spoke so loudly on the bus that _ Aher friend could hear her Bthe farmers could hear her Cshe hoped to make all the people happy Dshe hoped they would say congratulations to her5Which of the following is true? AThe woman wasnt interested in Mrs. Turners words BMrs. Turner knew nothing about the famous university


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