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1、2019春外研版九年级英语下册Module 6模块检测卷(120分90分钟)第一部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (D)1.I like fast food forbreakfast.Me too.I always have it withcup of coffee.A.a;aB.the;aC./;theD./;a(C)2.Here are some fish and chicken.Help,children.A.yourselfB.himselfC.yoursel

2、vesD.themselves(A)3.The food is too cold.We canin the microwave oven(微波炉).A.heat it upB.pick it upC.take it upD.give it up(C)4.Im very thankful to you for your kind,and Im sure to come to see your concert.A.suggestionB.inventionC.invitationD.information(A)5.Keep quiet,please!Talkingduring the meetin

3、g.A.is not allowedB.is allowedC.doesnt allowD.allows(A)6.I cant work out the maths problem.Its too difficult.Dont worry.Just doour teacher told you.A.asB.whileC.soD.until(C)7.My host family tried to cookfor me when I studied in New Zealand.A.different somethingB.different anythingC.something differe

4、ntD.anything different(B)8.The thirty-second Olympic Gamesin Tokyo on the 24th of July,2020.A.will holdB.will be heldC.was heldD.is holding(D)9.This shirt is Henrys.His is similarmine in colour.A.asB.fromC.withD.to(D)10.To my great surprise,the famous athletes storydifferently in the newspaper.A.rep

5、ortsB.reportedC.was reportingD.was reported(C)11.Hi,Tony.Lingling is my guest.Pleaseher food first.OK,I will.A.offerB.introduceC.serveD.donate(B)12.Dont get angry.You neednt befor such small things.A.pleasedB.crossC.strictD.kind(A)13.Even the simplest food will taste deliciousit is prepared with lov

6、e.A.ifB.thoughC.soD.but(B)14.I really like the photo of my familymy sister took in the city park last year.A.whatB.whichC.whoD.whom(B)15.Help yourselves to some fruits,children.A.Thats OKB.Thank youC.It doesnt matterD.Excuse me.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AOnce there

7、was a king and his daughter.The king asked his daughter how much she loved him.She said that she loved him as much as she loved16.Her answer made the king very happy.Salt is a simple thing,17it is very important.So the king thought his daughter cared a lot about him.Salt has many18.Our bodies need s

8、alt.If we dont have enough,our bodies cant work properly.We put salt on icy roads to make them19.We also use salt to produce other products,like paper and glass.But for many years,salts most important job was to20food.Like other living things,most bacteria(细菌) need water to live.Salt takes in plenty

9、 of water,so most bacteria cannot live21a salty environment.As a result,salt protects food and many other things.For much of human history,this ability has made salt22.Every ancient culture from Egypt to China depended on salt.Even today,the hard-working,useful people are23as “the salt of the earth”

10、.For centuries,salt was also hard to24.Its usefulness,together with rarity(稀有) made it very expensive.Salt could even be used like25.In fact,the word “salary(薪水)” comes from the word “salt”.Today,salt is used more widely and it will play an important role in our life.(A)16.A.saltB.airC.goldD.sugar(D


12、B.medicineC.earthD.foodBMost children love sweet food.However,eating too much candy or drinking too many sugary drinks is26for our health.Many countries have started to do27to control the amount of sugary drinks kids have. The sale and advertisement of28drinks have been limited(限制) in Boston,the US.

13、It will be impossible to buy sugary drinks in29.Its reported that about one half of the US population aged 2 and over30sugary drinks every day.One in five American children aged 12 to 18 are overweight. Many other31have taken similar actions.The governments of France and Hungary started a new tax(税)

14、 on sugary drinks.They32this will keep populations healthier.China is facing the same33.Middle school students in big cities in China each drink about 1,200 ml of sugary drinks every day according to a recent study.The number of overweight34has increased 5 to 10 times in the last 20 years. Gao Xiang

15、 of Harvard Medical School35the Chinese government to deal with the situation actively.Gao gave some suggestions,including limiting the sale of sugary drinks in schools and their advertising.(A)26.A.badB.healthyC.necessaryD.important(C)27.A.nothingB.anythingC.somethingD.everything(B)28.A.saltyB.sugaryC.awfulD.tasty(A)29.A.schoolsB.hospitalsC.supermarketsD.drugstores(A)30.A.drinksB.pro



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