Unit1.1第一单元专题1.1 SectionA-八年级英语人教版(下册)

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Unit1.1第一单元专题1.1 SectionA-八年级英语人教版(下册)_第1页
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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter? Words1. _ n. 问题;事情 v. 重要;要紧;有关系 2. _ n. 胃;腹部 3. _ n. 胃痛;腹痛 4. _(复数feet)n. 脚;足 5. _ n. 颈;脖子 6. _ n. 咽喉;喉咙 7. _ n. 发烧;发热 8. _ v.(lay) 躺;平躺 9. _ n. 放松;休息;剩余部分;其余 10. _ n. & v. 咳嗽11. _ n. X光;X射线 12. _ n. 牙痛 13. _ n. 头痛 14. _ n. & v. 间歇;休息;暂停;打破 15. _ v.(使)疼痛;受伤 16. _ n. 乘客;旅客 17

2、. _ adv. & prep. 离开(某处)不工作;从去掉 18. _ prep. 向;朝 19. _ n. 问题,苦恼 20. _ v.(用手或器具)击;打 21. _ pron.(she的反身代词)她自己 22. _ adj. 生病的;有病的23. _ n. 膝;膝盖 24. _ pron.(we的反身代词)我们自己25. _ n. 登山者;攀登者 26. _ n. & v. 危险;风险;冒险 27. _ n. 情况;状况 28. _ (=kilogram) n. 公斤;千克 29. _ n. 岩石 30. _ n. (pl. knives ) 刀;餐刀 31. _ n. 血 32. _

3、 v. 意思是;打算;意欲 33. _ n. 重要性,重要 34. _ n. 决定;抉择 35. _ n. & v. 限制;约束;管理 36. _ n. 勇气;意志 37. _ n. 死;死亡 38. _ n. 护士 Phrases1. _ 怎么了?出什么事了?2. _ 感冒 3. _ 胃痛 4. _ 躺下 5. _ 量体温 6. _ 发烧7. _ 休息 8. _ 下车 9. _ 使惊讶;出乎意料 10. _ 立即;马上 11. _ 陷入;参与 12. _ 习惯于;适应于 13. _ 冒险 14. _ 用尽;耗尽 15. _ 切除 16. _ 离开;从出来 17. _ 掌管;管理18. _ 放

4、弃Sentences1. What s the matter? 你怎么了?2. What should she do? 她该怎么办呢?3. Do you think it comes from a newspaper or a book? 你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢?4. I think I sat in the same way f or too long without moving. 我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。Grammar1.have + (a) +病症结构谈论健康问题;2. 情态动词should;3. 反身代词。【答案】words:1. matter2. stomach

5、3. stomachache4. foot5. neck6. throat7. fever8. lie9. rest10. cough11. X-ray12. toothache13. headache14. break15. hurt16. passenger17. off18. onto19. trouble20. hit21. herself22. sick23. knee24. ourselves25. climber26. risk27. situation28. kilo29. rock30. knife31. blood32. mean33. importance34. deci

6、sion35. control36. spirit37. death38. nursePhrases:1. Whats the matter?2. have a cold3. have a stomachache4. lie down5. take ones temperature6. have a fever7. take breaks (take a break)8. get off9. to ones surprise10. right away11. get into12. be used to13. take risks (take a risk)14. run out (of)15

7、. cut off16. get out of17. be in control of18. give up1. advice n. 建议,忠告,劝告(1)advice是不可数名词,表示一条建议两条建议一些建议可用:a piece of advice;two pieces of advice;some advice。不可用:an advice;two advices;some advices。(2)advice作名词时的常用搭配:ask sb for advice征询某人的建议give sb some advicegive some advice to sb 给某人提出一些建议give adv

8、ice on sth 在某方面给出建议take (follow) ones advice接受某人的建议 He often gives us some advice. 他经常给我们一些建议。He often gives some advice to us.Your _ is very helpful. I guess Ill take it.A. secretB. adviceC. promiseD. purpose【答案】B2. Whats the matter? 怎么了?I have a stomachache. 我胃痛。(1)Whats the matter? 意为怎么了? ,常用来询问身

9、体不适、疾病等健康方面的问题;也可用来询问有什么麻烦或出了什么事。常与with 连用,后可跟sb/sth,意为某人或某物怎么了?。 Whats the matter(with you)? (你)怎么了?I lost my pen. 我把我的钢笔弄丢了。(2)have a stomachache意为胃痛;腹痛。英语中常用have+a + _来表达身体的不适。 常见表达疼痛的四种方式:have a + 身体部位名词加词缀_have a _+ 身体部位名词身体部位+ _或ache(s)have a pain + _+ 身体部位名词 I have a cold/fever/toothache/head

10、ache/sore back. 我感冒/发烧/牙痛/头痛/背疼。【知识拓展】(你)怎么了?各种常见表达:Whats the matter (with you)?Whats the trouble (with you)?Whats the problem (with you)?What s wrong (with you)?Whats up?What happened?【温馨提示】此类句型中,matter,problem前需加定冠词the,trouble前可加the或形容词性物主代词;wrong是形容词,其前不加任何修饰词。此类句型中,what即为句子主语,本身构成陈述语序,故当句子以宾语从句身

11、份出现时,不可将be移至the matter/trouble/problem之后。1. 迈克喉咙痛。Mike _ a _ _. 2. Mr Brown has a fever. (对画线部分提问)_【答案】1. has;sore throat3. Whats the matter with Mr Brown? /Whats the trouble with Mr Brown? /Whats wrong with Mr Brown?3. At 9: 00 a.m. yesterday, bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. 昨天上午九点, 二十六路



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