Unit10.1第十单元专题10.1 SectionA-八年级英语人教版(下册)

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1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. Words1. _ n. 院子2. _ n. 记忆;回忆 3. _ n. 分;分币4. _ adj. 甜蜜的;甜的5. _ n. 玩具6. _n. 熊 7. _n. 生产者8. _ v. 检查;审查 9. _ adj. 软的;柔软的10. _ adj. 地位低下的11. _ n. 卧室 12. _ adj. 某种;某事;某人 13. _ adj. 诚实的;老实的14. _ v. 清理;清除 15. _ n. 一段时间 16. _ n. 家乡;故乡 17. _ v. & n. 搜索;搜查 18. _n. 羞耻

2、19. _ adv. 尤其;特别20. _ v. 将认为;把视为 21. _ v. 注视;仔细考虑 22. _ v. 拥有;抓住Phrases1. _察看;观察2. _ 至于;关于3. _老实说,说实在的 4. _不再5. _棋类游戏 6. _一会儿 7. _养狗8. _故乡情9. _一年一两次10. _把看成11. 与分开12. 以极大的兴趣关注着Sentences1. How long have you had that bike over there?你拥有那边那辆自行车多长时间了?2. Ive had it for three years= Ive had it since three

3、 years ago. 我已拥有它3年了/自从3年以前我就拥有它了。3. As they get bigger our house seems to get smaller. 随着他们的长大,我们的房子看起来变小了。4. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use. 我们已经决定,每一笑交易卖5样我们不再用的东西。5. Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed.许多象钟伟一样的人都带

4、着极大的兴趣关注着他们的家乡已经发生了怎样的变化。6. Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories. 艾米想留着她的旧东西,因为它们勾起甜美的回忆。7. You can also give old things away to people in need. 你也可以把旧东西捐赠给急需的人们。Grammar现在完成时()【答案】words:1. yard 2. memory 3. cent 4. sweet 5. toy 6. bear 7. maker 8. check 9. soft 10.

5、 junior11. bedroom 12. certain 13. honest 14. clear 15. while 16. hometown 17. search18. shame 19. especially20. regard21. consider 22. holdPhrases:1. check out 2. as for 3. to be honest 4. no longer 5. board games6. for a while 7. have a dog 8. hometown feelings 9. once or twice a year10. consider/

6、regardas 11. part with 12. regard with great interest课时1 Section A 1a-4c1. How long have you had that bike over there? 那边的那辆自行车你买了多长时间了? Ive had it for three years! 我买了它三年了!(1)how long “多久;多长时间”,常对时间段提问。此外,how long还可提问物体长度,意为“多长”。【易混辨析】how long/how soon/how often/how farhow long多久;多长时间常对时间段提问常用“for+

7、一段时间”或“since+时间点”“since+时间段+ago”来回答how soon多久以后对“in+时间段”提问,常用于一般将来时态的句子中其答语常用“in+时间段”how often多久一次对频率提问其答语常用“once(twice/)+时间段”,always,often等频度副词how far多远对距离提问其答语是表距离的内容How long did you stay here? 你在这里待了多久。 For two hours.两小时。 How far should I throw the ball? 我该把这球扔多远呢?How often do you play the piano?

8、你多久弹一次钢琴? Once a day.每天一次。How soon will you be ready? 你过多久才能准备好? Ill be ready in five minutes.5分钟后我可以准备好。 _ have you lived in Lanzhou? Since my parents found jobs here.A. How long B. How farC. How soon D. How old【答案】A【解析】how long“多长时间”,对“for+一段时间”或“since+时间点/从句”提问。how far“多远”,对距离提问;how soon“多久之后”,对“

9、in+一段时间”提问;how old“多大”,对年龄提问。根据答语Since my parents found jobs here.可知选A。(2)本句中have had相当于have bought, buy是非延续性动词,不可以接一段时间。若buy接一段时间要换 为延续性动词have。类似的有:borrow keep, come/go/reach/arrive be in/at, start/begin be on, leave be away from等。 I have bought a watch.我已经买了一块手表。 I have had the watch for two weeks

10、.这块手表我买了两周了。 She has kept the book for three days.这本书她借了三天了。 The film has been on for an hour.电影已经开始一个小时了。2. Jeffs family is having a yard sale. 杰夫一家在举行庭院拍卖会。(1) family意为“家,家庭;家庭成员”,如将其看作整体,用作集体名词,应按单数名词对待, 作主语时,其后的谓 语动词用单数形式;如果指家庭成员,则按复数名词看待, 作主语时,其后的谓语动词用复数形式。 My family is large.我的家很大。 My family a

11、re all watching TV.我的家人都在看电视。(2)sale用作名词,意为“出售,销售”,常与介词on或for连用,构成短语:on sale“减价出售”;for sale“待 售,供出售”,尤指从主人手里出售。 Chickens are on sale in the market. 小鸡在市场上出售。 Im sorry; its not for sale.抱歉,它不是卖的。 一Do you have Jays CDs? 一Sorry, They are ,but I will get some more next week because they .A. on sale; are

12、 sold well B. sold out; sell wellC. sold out; are sold well D. on sale; sell well【答案】B【解析】句意:你有周杰伦的光盘吗?抱歉,它们都卖出去了,但下周我会在购进一些,因为它们销售的很好。第一个空,结合句意“不好意思,已经卖光了”,sell out 意为“卖光,售罄”,句子是被动语态,故sold out 符合题意。第二个空,结合句意“但是我们下周会再进一些,因为它们卖的很好”,on sale 意为“促销”,sell well 意为“卖得好”,故 sell well 符合题意。因此B项符合题意。3. You can also give old things away to people in need. 你还可以把旧东西捐赠给需要的人们。in need“需要;在困难中”,在句中可以作后置定语或表语,其中need为不可数名词。A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。【知识拓展】be in need of意为“需要”。 Ill



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