Unit10.4第十单元专题10.4 Writing-八年级英语人教版(下册)

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1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.课时4 Writing 写作目标 本单元的主题是庭院售卖活动及家乡的变化。让学生通过售卖的物品所带来的回忆,运用现在完成时来谈论物品,亲身感受不同的生活经历。 写作指导能用现在完成时介绍某人拥有的物品,并分享其背后的特殊意义。1. 能用现在完成时“have done”的结构来介绍某人拥有的物品;2. 能在现在完成时中准确区分和使用since和for “三步法”介绍某地的文章:第一步:整体介绍你最喜欢的东西是什么;第二步:学出你喜欢的原因; 第三步:总结。 常用句型1. Our hometown has left

2、 many soft and sweet memories in our hearts.2. Its been around for at least 20 years.3. My favorite thing from childhood is4. I likeso much because5. Ive had it for/since(一)(2018湖北黄冈)美丽中国,美丽长江。黄冈是长江边一座美丽的城市。假如你是黄冈某中学的一名中学生李明,请你以“美丽的黄冈”为话題,向你的英国笔友Tom介绍一下你美丽的家乡黄冈。要点提示:1. 黄冈位于长江之边,大别山之南; 2. 黄冈历史悠久,名人辈出

3、; 3. 黄冈风景迷人,乡村秀美; 4. 人人参与,从小事做起,黄冈人正在努力地保护黄冈的自然环境; 5. 邀请Tom来中国,欣赏黄冈更美好的绿水青山、蓝天白云。写作要求:1. 词数90左右(短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数); 2. 根据要点提示,可以适当发挥; 3. 短文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名。参考词汇:lie(位于); Dabie mountains; plant; clean up; clear river and green mountains Dear Tom,Thanks for your last letter. You asked me about my hometown

4、, now let me tell you. _Best wishes!Yours, Li Ming【思路导航】【佳作展示】Dear Tom,Thanks for your last letter. You asked me about my hometown, now let me tell you.My hometown is Huanggang. It lies by the Yangtze River and at the southern foot of Dabie Mountains.Its a beautiful city with a long history. A numbe

5、r of famous people come from our city, such as Li siguang, Li shizhen, Wen Yiduo and so on. There are lots of beautiful mountains, rivers and lakes. They are so fascinating that thousands of tourists come to visit Huanggang every year. You can also see beautiful villages everywhere. We are proud of

6、our hometown.Now the people in Huanggang are trying to protect the natural environment. We plant trees as many as possible every year. We stop factories from throwing rubbish into the rivers. Volunteers go to the mountains, forests, parks and streets to clean them up on the weekends. Everyone is pla

7、ying a role in making our city more and more beautiful. We are taking action!Tom, would you like to come to Huanggang? You can see clear rivers and green mountains as well as blue skies and white cloud. I believe you will fall in love with our city and have a wonderful time. Looking forward to your

8、visit!Best wishes!Yours,Li Ming【名师点评】本文结构紧凑,语言简练。开头介绍了黄冈的地理位置,接下来介绍黄冈的历史、风景和环保情况,最后邀请Tom来中国,欣赏黄冈更美好的绿水青山、蓝天白云。此处ask sb about sth, a number of, be proud of, as. as possible, play a role in doing sth, fall in love with, have a wonderful time等这些词组的运用也让文章增色不少。(二)从小到大,你一定收到了很多玩具吧?你最喜欢的玩具是哪一件呢?请描述一件你最喜欢的玩

9、具,根据以下提示写一篇90词左右的文章。提示:1. What is your favorite toy?2. How long have you had it?3. Why do you like it?要求:1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥;2. 90词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。One of my favorite toys _【佳作展示】One of my favorite toys is a brown and white toy bear. I have had it for two years.Two years ago, my father got a new job i

10、n another city so I had to go to a new school. I felt sad because I didnt want to part with my classmates. One of my best friends named Mona gave the toy bear to me. She said although we couldnt be together, the toy bear could stay with me instead of her. Her words and the lovely toy bear made me feel better.Whenever I miss my friends, I will look at the toy bear, and it makes me feel happy and warm.【名师点评】本文先介绍作者最喜欢的玩具是一只玩具熊。处提到她拥有它已经2年了。然后介绍了作者喜欢玩具熊的原因。处进行总结。整体内容紧凑,语句连贯。 本文添彩 作者采用三步法进行介绍,使


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