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1、英语修辞格的语用学分析毕业论文Contents. Introduction.11.1Relationship between rhetoric and pragmatics. 1 1.2Classification of English rhetorical devices.2 1.3Purpose,approach and significance.4 1.4Literature review.7 1.5The main content of the thesis.9II.Literature review.102.1Definition of hyperbole.102.2 Product

2、ion of the rhetorical effect of hyperbole.112.3Pragmatic function of hyperbole.6III. Relationship between rhetoric and pragmatics.73.1Definition of irony.7 3.2 Positive expression of the negative meaning.9 3.3 Negative expression of the positive meaning.103.4 Pragmatic function of irony.13IV. Classi

3、fication of English rhetorical devices.154.1 Definition of oxymoron.154.1.1 Introduction to the interaction theory.15 4.1.2 Some defects of the interaction theory.164.2Production of the rhetorical effect of oxymoron.19 4.2.1 The philosophical basis of lakoffian theory.19 4.2.2 Lakoffian theory on th

4、e mechanism of metaphor.214.3 Pragmatic function of oxymoron.29 4.3.1 An introduction to the conceptual integration theory. Four mental spaces.29 Three processes of BT.334.3.1.3 Optimality principles of BT.34 4.3.2 The advantages of BT in solving the paradox of former theories344.3.

5、2.1 The generic mental space.344.3.2.2 The blending space and emergent structure.354.3.2.3 The other advantages of BT.40V.Pragmatic Analysis of Common English Figures of Speech5.1Hyperbole5.1.1Definition of hyperbole.5.1.2Production of the rhetorical effect of hyperbole5.1.3Pragmatic function of hyp

6、erbole5.2Irony.Chapter Six Metaphor6.1 Definition of metaphor6.2 Metaphor and Simile6.3 Production of the rhetorical effect of metaphor6.4 Pragmatic function of metaphorConclusion.41Bibliography.45Acknowledgements46 .专业.专注. I Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Relationship between rhetoric and pragmaticsI

7、t is universally acknowledged that rhetoric originated in Greece about 24centuries ago. During the time of Aristotle (384-332B.C.), rhetoric was considered to be one of the few important branches of learning. It was Aristotle who was the first one to define rhetoric as the art of persuasion. So he w

8、as regarded as the father of rhetoric. Today, rhetoric is regarded as a science of heightening linguistic effective expressions, and the art of effective communication. Rhetoric studies the optimal selection among multiple expressions of the similar meaning. The purpose of rhetoric is to help people

9、 express themselves better and communicate effectively in order to secure a desired result by employing rhetorical means efficiently. The highest principle of rhetoric is to adapt to specific situation, that is, adaptability or appropriateness. In order to achieve the best results, we have to unders

10、tand the person being written or spoken to, and do what is appropriate for that particular occasion. In other words, we use different words or different expressions for different situations. Rhetorical device is a practice of utterance, which pursues the optimal language effects.Atics is of great im

11、portance as a branch of linguistics that has been developing rapidly in recent years. The modern usage of the term atics is attributable to the philosopher Charles Morris (1938), the founding father of pragmatics, who was concerned to outline the general shape of a science of signs, or semiotics. Wi

12、thin semiotics, Morris distinguished three distinct branches of inquiry: syntactics, being the study of the formal relation of signs to one another, semantics, the study of the relation of signs to the objects to which the signs are applicable,and pragmatics, the study of whatever relations between

13、signs and their users or interpreters. Yule defines it as the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). 9 Leech defines it as the study of how utterances have meanings in situation. Pragmatics studies the appropriateness and effects of language communication. Pragmatic use of language is the communicational behavior between language signs and language users. Pragmatics is closely associated with rhetoric. Leech holds that pragmatics itself is a kind of rhetorical study. Morris also argues the inseparable


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