Lesson 1 A Trip to China

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《Lesson 1 A Trip to China》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Lesson 1 A Trip to China(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Iwanttoleadyouthisterm Unit1ATriptotheSilkRoad 1 Wouldyouliketogothere 2 DoyouknowabouttheSilkRoad 3 IstheSilkRoadmadeofsilk Warmup tripn 旅行 旅程 silkn 丝 丝绸 roadn 路 公路 noten 便签 笔记 chancen 机会 运气 newsn 新闻 消息 Reading Readthedialogueinthelessonandanswerthequestions 1 WhatisJenny sschoolplanning 2 Whowill

2、leadthetrip HerschoolisplanningatriparoundChinawithLiMing sschool Ms Martin 3 WhatdoesMrs Smiththinkaboutthetrip 4 WhywillJennysendLiMingane mail ShethinksthisisagoodchanceforJennytolearnaboutChina Shewantstotellhimthegoodnews Listenandwritetrue T orfalse F 1 JennyislearningabouttheSilkRoadthismonth

3、inschool 2 LiMing sschoolisplanningatriptoCanada 3 Ms MartinwillgotoChinawiththestudents T F T 1 Whowillleadthetrip leadv led led 带领 指路e g Sheledthewaydownstairsforus 她带着我们下楼 Languagepoints 2 IwillsendLiMingane mailandtellhimthegoodnews sendv sent sent 寄 送e g Isentacopytotheministerfortransport 我给交通

4、部长发送了一份副本 Tomsentmeanotethankingmefordinner 汤姆给我寄了张便笺感谢我招待的晚餐 动词send take和give在同一类型句子中表示不同意思 Ishallsendthebooktohimtomorrow 我会在明天把这本书 托人捎或从邮局寄 给他 自己并不去 Ishalltakethebooktohimtomorrow 我会在明天把这本书送到他那里 自己拿去 Ishallgivethebooktohimtomorrow 我将在明天把这本书赠给他 我自己也许去 也许不去 3 Guesswhat 猜猜看 你猜怎么着Guesswhat IsawTomeBr

5、ucetheotherday 你猜怎么着 那天我看见汤姆 布鲁斯了 GuesswhatIjustheard 猜猜看我刚才听到了什么 4 We relearningabouttheSilkRoadthismonthinschool learnabout学习 了解ShecanlearnaboutChinesehistory 她能学习到中国历史 WhatdowelearnaboutTonyfromtheconversation 从这个对话中我们能了解托尼的什么 Fillintheblankswiththewordsinthebox leadtripchancenewstravelnote 1 Ipl

6、antogoona toBeijingthissummer 2 Ihavesomefood foryou trip news 3 Manypeople toHainanfortheirwinterholiday 4 Followme Iwill youthere 5 IwanttogotoBeijing ThenIwillhavea toseetheGreatWall 6 Leavea foryourparentssotheywon tworryaboutyou travel lead chance note 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻将要发生的动作或将来某一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态

7、 一般将来时由助动词will 动词原形构成 will do Grammar 一般将来时用法 用will表示 助动词will 动词原形 这一形式 表示将来发生的事情 用于征求对方的意见或表示客气的邀请 在口语中will用于所有人称 书面语中第一人称常用shall e g TomorrowwillbeSunday 明天就是星期天 Therainwillstopsoon 雨很快就要停了 Shallwegothereatfive 我们五点钟去那儿 好吗 Willyoupleaseopenthedoor 请你把门打开 好吗 4 24 2020 1 There ameetingtomorrowaftern

8、oon A willbegoingtoB willgoingtobeC isgoingtobeD willgotobe2 Charlie herenextmonth A isn tworkingB doesn tworkingC isn tgoingtoworkingD won twork C D Exercises 4 24 2020 3 He verybusythisweek he freenextweek A willbe isB is isC willbe willbeD is willbe4 There adolphinshowinthezootomorrowevening A wa

9、sB isgoingtohaveC willhaveD isgoingtobe D D 4 24 2020 5 you freetomorrow No I freethedayaftertomorrow A Are goingto willB Are goingtobe willC Are goingto willbeD Are goingtobe willbe6 Mother meanicepresentonmynextbirthday A willgivesB willgiveC givesD give D B ReadthenotefromJenny sschoolandtaketurn

10、saskingforpermissiontogoonthetrip Workingroups Dearparents WeareplanningatriptoChinaduringtheMarchbreak WewilljoinoursisterschoolinChinaonatriptotheSilkRoad AllstudentsinGrade7areinvited Ms Martinwilltravelwiththestudents HerclassisdoingaChinaStudythisterm ThegroupwillleaveonMarch5andcomebackonMarch15 Formoreinformation pleasecometothemeetingonWednesdayat7p m Yourstruly Mr BrianFranklin Tasktips Whatdoyouwanttodo Where Whendoyouwanttogo Whowillyougowith 1 ReviewandrecitetheimporantpointsofLesson1 2 Trytowriteanoteaskingforpermissiontogoonthetrip 3 PreviewLesson2 Homework



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