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1、-Guangzhou Employee Labor ContractEmployer: Innovative Technology XXX Guangzhou Ltd. Address: Employee (Party B):ID Number: Printed by Guangzhou Labor BureauGuidance一、 Before signing the contract, the two parties shall carefully read every details of the contract. Legal validity shall take effect up

2、on the two parties signing the contract and the two parties shall strictly performance according to the terms of the contract.二、 The contract must be signed personally by the legal representative (or entrusted person) of the employer (Party A) and the employee himself/herself (Party B) with the chop

3、 of the employer (or Labor Contract Special Chop) that shall be deemed effective.三、 The contract is applicable to all employers of this city and all of their employees; Please note down the employees employment feature (Including contracted employee, contracted employee with Hukou transfer from the

4、other cities, contracted employee not transferring Hukou, employee without city or town Hukou) in the first paragraph, but the contract valid period for the employee without city or town Hukou (Excluding contracted employee not transferring Hukou) shall not exceed one year.四、 The blank column in the

5、 contract shall be decided by the two parties by negotiation and discussion, and the content must be clearly indicated; for the column with no indicated content, please mark with “/”.五、 With regard to the issued not covered in the contract, please list into the column of “Other issues shall be clari

6、fied by the two parties” or through signing other supplementary agreement as the attachment of the contract that fulfilled together with the contract.六、 The contract shall be filled with pen with clear letter, simple and accurate words, any unauthorized change shall not be allowed.七、 The original co

7、ntract (with attachment) is in triplicate, two held by Party A and Party B respectively after verified, one for filing by the verification institute, the three originals are of the same legal effect; any unauthorized change or illegal signature without authorization of the contract shall be deemed i

8、nvalid.Innovative Technology XXX Guangzhou Ltd._(Party A) herein employ _(Party B) the two parties sign the contract to build up labor relationship based on volunteer parity and mutual agreement according to the related laws and legal regulations of “Labor Law of The Peoples Republic of China” and “

9、Guangzhou Labor Contract Administration Regulations”, and follow and fulfill the contract together.一、Contract Valid Period(一)The two parties agree with the _ _ term as below to decide contract valid period:1. Fixed valid period: From_ _(Date)_ _(Month)_ _(Year) to _ _(Date)_ _(Month)_ _(Year); contr

10、act valid period is _ _(Years)_ _(Months);2. Unfixed valid period: From _ _(Date)_ _(Month)_ _(Year) to the time when the termination term stated in the contract happens.3. Valid period is decided by certain working task: From _(Date)_(Month)_(Year) to _when the working task finishes; the time when

11、finish of the working task and termination of the contract shall be determined by _.(二)The two parties agree with before _moths is the probation period of contract valid period.二、Job Description(一) Party Bs working post (location, department, job feature of title)_三、Labor Payment (一) Party A shall d

12、ecide Party Bs salary no lower than RMB _/ month according to the companys salary system based legal salary regulation; Part Bs probation salary shall be RMB_/month.(二)Party A shall pay salary to Party B in currency in monthly and regular way, the date of salary payment shall be _ (Date) of each mon

13、th.四、Social Insurance The two parties shall participate into social insurance including according to the national provincial and local regulations related to social insurance.五、Labor Protection and Labor Conditions(一)Upon approval of Party A and Party Bs working post, Party B shall work_ working hou

14、r according to Part As requirement.(二)Party A provide labor protection facilities and labor conditions conforming to national regulations according to the related national, provincial and local labor protection regulations to truly guarantee Party Bs safety and health during production and working.六

15、. Working DisciplinesBoth parties should obey national laws and regulation, and Party B should strictly obey all kinds of laws and national regulations from Part As impartation, obey all kinds of regulations and working disciplines prepared by Party A legally. 七、 The Change, Dismantlement, Termination and of the Labor Contract (一


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