冀教版三年级下册英语-Unit 2-课件

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1、 Lesson7AttheZoo zoo panda monkey elephant big small Theelephantisbig Thebirdissmall fat thin Thepandaisfat Themonkeyisthin Activities BlackboardDesign 板书设计 Lesson7AtthezoozoopandamonkeyelephantbigsmallTheelephantisbig Thebirdissmall Thepandaisfat Themonkeyisthin Lesson8TigersandBears zoo apanda amo

2、nkey asnake abear awolf anelephant atiger Twowolves Howmanywolvesarethere wolf wolves Ifyouknowit standup andsayitloudly Canyoudescribetheanimal Itiswhiteandblack It sbigandfat It sverycute 可爱的 Ilikeit Thisisapanda Thesnakeisgreen Itcan trunorjumporfly It sthinandlong long short Part3 Longorshort 长的

3、 短的 Itsnoseislong Itstailisshort Lookattheelephant Itstailis Itstailis Lookatthemonkey Lookattherabbit Itstailis Itstailis Lookatthetiger Lookatthecow Itsearsare Itsearsare long short Lookattherabbit Lookatthebear Fillintheblankswith long or short Thepencilis Thepencilis Theruleris Theruleris long l

4、ong short short 拿出你身边的物品进行比较吧 Listenandchoosetherightanswer 1 rabbit 2 monkey3 bear4 tiger5 long6 fat7 thin8 short9 big10 smallLookatthe Itsearsare Lookatthe Itsearsare The is and Look It sa It s and 2 monkey 5 long 3 bear 8 short 1 rabbit 7 thin 10 small 4 tiger 6 fat 9 big Let splayagame It sanani

5、mal Itcanrun Itcan tjump Itcan tswim It sbig Itsearsarebig Itsnoseislong Itsteeth 牙 arelong Whatisit Whatisit Let splayagame Whatisit It sananimal Itcanrun Itcanjump It ssmall Itsearsarelong It swhite Let splayagame It sananimal It sfat It sverycute It sbig It swhiteandblack Whatisit Homework Please

6、compare 比较 yourschoolthingswithyourdeskmate s Usebig small longorshort 和你的同桌比较一下你们的学习用具吧 用到big small long或short 写出5个句子来 Thankyou Good bye Lesson9HowMany Howmanymonkeysarethere Thereare monkeys 多少 有 three Howmanymonkeysarethere Thereare monkeys 多少 有 two Howmanymonkeysarethere Thereare monkeys 多少 有 ni

7、ne Howmanymonkeysarethere Thereare monkeys 多少 有 four Howmanymonkeysarethere Thereare monkeys 多少 有 ten Howmanyducksarethere Thereare ducks 多少 有 two Howmanyducksarethere Thereare ducks 多少 有 five Howmanyducksarethere Thereare ducks 多少 有 three Howmanyducksarethere Thereare ducks 多少 有 eight Howmanypandas

8、arethere Thereare pandas 多少 有 five Howmanypandasarethere Thereare pandas 多少 有 four Howmanypandasarethere Thereare pandas 多少 有 eight Lesson10 1Wheredotheylive GOODMORNING Wheredoesacowlive OnafarmWheredoesabirdlive IntheskyWheredoesalionlive AtthezooWheredoyoualllive Atourhome Imissmyfriendsandfamily

9、 forest The livesintheforest Thisismyfriend Littlefish The livesintheriver river Thisismyfriend Littlebird tree The livesinatree The livesonthegrass grass Wheredoyoulive Iliveinthe Pairwork showtime Wheredoeslive Wheredolive acow cows Wheredoesa live Wheredo slive GameTime Takemehome HOMEWORK 1 调查你喜

10、欢的3种小动物的生活环境 记录在A本上 2 选择一种力所能及的环保行为 并坚持下去 lesson10 2 WhereDoTheyLive orest f river ree t g rass Inariver Wheredoesabirdlive Inatree Wheredoesapandalive Inaforest WhereDoTheyLive Lesson11WhatDoTheyEat monkey bananabananas meat单复同型 fishchickensheepgrass单复同型meat Whatdotheyeat 它们吃什么 eat吃 Whatdo eat eat

11、Whatdomonkeyseat Monkeyseatbananas Whatdo eat eat whatdo eat eat Whatdo eat eat exercise 马吃草熊吃鱼象吃香蕉 第三人称单数后面的动词后面加s老虎吃肉 Atigereatsmeat 鱼生活在水里Afishlivesinariver Lesson12TheCleverMonkey Whatanimalsdoyouseeinthesepictures wolfsheepmonkey 1Whathappenedtothewolf 2Whydidthesheepagreetosavethewolf 3Howdidthewolftrickthesheep 4Whatdidthemonkeydotosavethesheep 5Whatdoyouthinkwillhappennexttothewolf Thankyou


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