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1、 1 Section The Language Points of Reading 课前重点检测 重点词汇 1 consume vt 消费 消耗 耗尽 吃完 consumer n 消费者 2 graph n 图表 坐标图 曲线图 3 random adj 胡乱的 任意的 4 phenomenon n 现象 phenomena 复数 现象 5 subscribe vt 签署 文件 捐助 vi 同意 捐赠 订阅 6 quantity n 量 数量 quality n 质量 7 tend vi 趋向 易于 照顾 vt 照顾 护理 tendency n 趋势 8 data n 资料 数据 9 oppo

2、se vt 反对 反抗 与 某人 较量 opposed adj 反对的 对立的 10 mild adj 温和的 温柔的 淡的 11 consequence n 结果 后果 影响 consequently adv 因此 所以 12 state vt 陈述 说明 statement n 说明 说法 表白 13 range n 种类 范围 14 glance vi 扫视 看一下 n 一瞥 15 steady adj 平稳的 持续的 稳固的 steadily adv 平稳地 持续地 16 result in 导致 17 subscribe to 同意 赞助 订阅 18 quantities of 大量

3、的 19 go up 上升 增长 升起 20 tend to 往往 倾向于 21 keep on 持续 22 build up 积累 增强 23 be opposed to 反对 24 come about 发生 25 even if 即使 教材原句 1 We depend on energy do many things in our daily lives 答案 to do 2 Make a list of the things consume energy in your home school or any other places you can think of 答案 that 2

4、 3 So has this come about and does it matter 答案 how 4 There is no doubt the earth is becoming warmer see Graph 1 and that it is human activity has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon 答案 that that 5 The problem begins when we add huge quantity of extra carbon dioxid

5、e into the atmosphere 答案 quantities 6 It means that more heat energy tends to be trapped in the atmosphere cause the global temperature to go up 答案 causing 7 They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted this increase in carbon dioxide 答案 in 8 On the other ha

6、nd there are those like George Hambley are opposed to this view and believe that we should not worry about high levels of carbon dioxide in the air 答案 who 9 They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequence 答案 consequences 10 It will make plants grow quicker crops wil

7、l produce more it will encourage a great range of animals all of will make life for human beings better 答案 greater which 课堂分段精讲 第 1 段 1 So how has this come about and does it matter 教材 P26 那么 这种温度的增长是怎么产生的呢 会产生什么影响呢 come about 发生 造成 3 The driver wouldn t tell me how the accident came about 司机就是不告诉我事

8、故是怎样发生的 How did it come about that you were an hour late 你怎么会迟到一小时 Generally speaking magazines come out at stated periods 一般来说 杂志定时出版 名师点津 come about 是不及物动词短语 不能用于被动语态中 常指事情不受人控制地突然发生 常用句型 How did it come about that 是怎么发生的 It came about that 发生了 辨析 happen break out take place come about与 occur happ

9、en 普通用语 指偶然 意外的 未能预见事情的发生或出现 其后接不定式或用在 It happens happened that 句型中 续表 break out 指 战争 火灾 疾病等 突然发生 爆发 4 take place 指 按计划 安排做 可引申为 进行 举行 come about 表示 发生 产生 多指事情已经发生了但还不知道为什么 常用于疑问 句和否定句中 occur 可指 偶然发生 也指 计划发生某事 occur 还表示 突然想到 常 用于 It occurs occurred to sb that 句型中 I ll never understand how it came ab

10、out that you were late three times a week 我永远不会理解你怎么会一周迟到三次 A leap year occurs every four years 每四年出现一次闰年 即景活用 单句写作 已经 10 点了 我在想那么短的路途她迟到两小时是怎么回事 It s already 10 o clock I wonder how it that she was two hours late on such a short trip 我偶然遇见了那个正睡在桥下的孩子 I the child sleeping under the bridge 在激烈讨论之后 我们

11、找到了这个问题的解决方法 After a heated discussion we the solution to the question 我突然想到第二天晚上将有一场中国队和韩国队的篮球比赛 It suddenly me that there would be a basketball match between China and South Korea the next evening 答案 came about came across came up with occurred to 第 2 段 2 There is no doubt that the earth is becomi

12、ng warmer see Graph 1 and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon 教材 P26 毫无疑问 地球是在转暖 见表 1 全球转暖是人为的 而不是随意的自然现象 There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 剖析 此句为主从复合句 名词doubt 后面为 that引导的两个并列的同位语从句 构 成结构 There is no doubt that 毫无疑问 5 There is no doubt

13、that the Syrians have suffered a lot from the war 毫无疑问 叙利亚人民因为战争而遭受了很多痛苦 There is some doubt whether these creatures can understand our means of communication 这些生物能否懂得我们的交流方式值得怀疑 I doubt whether if he can come on time 我怀疑他能否按时来 His honesty is beyond doubt 他的诚实毋庸置疑 名师点津 及物动词doubt 后接名词 代词或宾语从句 在否定句和疑问

14、句中 doubt 后面接that 引导的宾语从句 在肯定句中 doubt 后面一般接whether 或 if引导的宾语从句 即景活用1 单句写作 He had his doubts 他们是否会给 him another chance to have a try He is 毫无疑问 the cleverest student I ve ever taught Their acceptance of the contract is still 不确定 答案 w hether they would give without doubt in doubt random adj 胡乱的 任意的 The

15、 information is processed in a random order 信息是按随机顺序处理的 6 He took a book at random from the shelf 他从书架上随便拿了一本书 即景活用2 单句语法填空 The terrorists fired into the crowd random Names were chosen random from a list 答案 at randomly 第 3 段 3 All scientists subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth s tem

16、perature is due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal natural gas and oil to produce energy 教材 P26 所有科学家都同意这个观点 即地球温度的升高 是由于人们燃烧像煤 天然气和石油 这样的化石燃料来生产能量而引起的 subscribe to 同意 赞成 订购 定期捐款给 If you subscribe to the newspaper it ll be delivered to your door 如果你订阅报纸 它会被送到门口的 He subscribes to an environmental action group 他定期捐钱给一个环保行动组织 I have never subscribed to the view that schooldays are the happiest days of your life 我从未赞同过这样的看法 认为学生时代是一生中最快乐的日子 即景活用 单句语法填空 I subscribed a monthly magazine The numbe



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