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1、 1 Section The Language Points of Reading 课前重点检测 重点词汇 1 convey vt 传达 运送 2 concrete adj 具体的 3 contradictory adj 引起矛盾的 好反驳的 4 diamond n 钻石 菱形 5 flexible adj 灵活的 柔顺的 可弯曲的 flexibly adv 灵活地 易弯曲地 flexibility n 灵活性 柔韧性 弹性 6 pattern n 模式 图案 式样 7 tease vi with 8 It is easy to write and like the cinquain can

2、give a clear picture and create a special feeling use the minimum of words 答案 using 9 A lot of Tang poetry translate into English 答案 has been translated 10 With so many different forms of poetry choose from students may eventually want to write poems of their own 答案 to choose 课堂分段精讲 第 1 段 1 Others t

3、ry to convey certain emotions 教材 P10 其他诗试图表达某种情感 convey vt 传送 输送 传达 表达 感情 意见 思想等 3 All the information can be conveyed in a simple diagram 所有这些信息可以通过一张简单的图表来表示 It is fairly convenient to convey things through courier service 通过快递运送东西相当地方便 即景活用 单句语法填空 I want to convey children that reading is one of

4、life s greatest treats He was sent convey a message to the UN Secretary General 答案 to to convey 第 2 段 2 The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory but they are easy to learn and recite 教材 P10 这些诗可能没意义 甚至看来自相矛盾 但它们很容易学和背诵 主语 be adj to do 句型 剖析 they are easy to learn and recite是 主语 be ad

5、j to do 句型 该 句型中不定式和句子的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系 但不定式用主动形式表达被动意义 My new teacher and classmates are all easy to get along with 我的新老师和新同学都很好相处 The new freeway bridge is hard to complete in such a short time 新的高速路大桥很难在这么短的时间内完工 The double bed is quite comfortable to lie in 这张双人床躺上去很舒服 即景活用 1 单句语法填空 The picture is p

6、leasant to look The mountain is challenging climb 答案 at to climb 4 2 单句写作 世上没有免费的午餐 Nothing in the world 这起事故令人费解 但却实实在在发生了 The accident was but it happened actually 答案 is free to get possess gain hard difficult to understand 第 3 段 3 Some rhyme like B while others do not like C 教材 P10 有些押韵 如 B 而有些不押

7、韵 如 C while 作连词的并列句 剖析 这是一个并列句 此句中的while 作并列连词 表示前后两者的对比 意为 而 然而 They arrived while we were having dinner 他们来时我们正在吃饭 While I accept that he isn t perfect in many respects I do actually like him 尽管我承认他在很多方面不完美 但是确实还是喜欢他 City schools tend to be better equipped while the country ones are relatively poo

8、r 城里学校设施往往要好一些 而乡村学校则相对差一些 At last he could relax for a while 他终于可以放松一下了 名师点津 并列连词while 与 but 的区别 while 与 but 虽然都有 而 然而 之意 但while强调两者的对比 而but 强调前后的 5 转折关系 即景活用 1 单句语法填空 There is no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery another man also intelligent fails 答案 while 2 单句写作 手术后需要一段时间恢复

9、It takes from the operation 趁这会儿光线充足我必须把这项工作完成 I must finish the work 走路的时候讲电话或发短信在这个城市是违法的 Talking on your phone or texting is illegal in this city 虽然我很同情 但也不能帮上多少忙 I sympathize I can t really do very much to help 答案 some time a while to recover while the light is good while walking While Though Al

10、though 4 if we hadn t taken it easy 教材 P10 如果我们没有放松警惕 take it easy 轻松 不紧张 从容 Take it easy Don t get mad 放轻松点 别生气 You need to always think about your decision and not take it for granted 需要你时时刻刻思考你的决定 而不要想当然 I was only joking who would have thought he would take it seriously 我是开玩笑 谁知他竟当真了 辨析 take it

11、easy与 take one s time 6 Take your time we still have 20 minutes left 别着急 我们还有20 分钟 即景活用 单句语法填空 The doctor advised me to take easy and stop working so hard There is no need to rush just take your Take it serious Try to avoid a second failure Mom warned me against taking for granted that everyone came

12、 for support 答案 it time seriously it 5 if we hadn t run out of energy 教材 P10 如果我们没有精疲力竭 run out of 用完 7 辨析 run out run out of give out与 use up By the time the traffic clears we will have run out of our gas 到了交通通畅的时候 我们的油也就用完了 His strength gave out after he ran that long distance 跑了这么长的距离 他已经精疲力竭 Our

13、 money has been used up but I can pay through WeChat 我们的钱花没了 但是我可以微信支付 即景活用 单句写作 情况越来越糟 给养也快耗尽了 Conditions are getting worse and supplies are 我们将在2025 年用完储备金 而长长的账单在等着我们 We will funds by 2025 and long bills are waiting 答案 running out run out of use up 第 4 段 6 Another simple form of poem that student

14、s can easily write is the cinquain a poem made up of five lines 教材 P10 另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行组成的 叫五行诗 be made up of 由 构成 8 Life is made up of little things 谚 人生是由琐碎的事物构成的 Women officers make up 13 percent of the police force 13 percent of the police force is made up of women officers 13 percent of the po

15、lice force is composed of women officers Women officers consist of 13 percent of the police force 女警察构成警力的13 名师点津 be made up of 由 构成 其主动形式为make up 表示 部分构成整体 用于主动语 态 如果用整体作主语 必须用被动结构be made up of 即景活用 单句写作 根据原子理论 所有的元素都是由原子构成的 According to the theory of atoms all elements are atoms 我认为你编造关于他的故事是很不厚道的

16、 I think it s very unkind of you stories about him 我们如何能弥补你的损失 How can we what you have lost 答案 made up of to make up make up for 7 Teasing shouting laughing 教材 P11 爱闹 爱叫 又爱笑 9 tease vi about 第 6 段 8 Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry Tang poems from China in particular 教材 P11 你知道吗 说英语的人也喜欢其他类型的亚洲诗 尤其是中国的唐诗 in particular 尤其 特别 The headmaster talked about the curriculum the core courses in particular 校长谈到了课程 尤其是主课 Marty s very particular about over his food


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