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1、 1 Section Grammar 虚拟语气 课前自主预习 例句 体验 1 If the new safety system had been put to use the accident wouldn t have happened 要是新的安全系统被投入使用的话 这起事故就不会发生了 2 We would rather our daughter stayed at home with us but it is her choice and she is not a child any longer 我们希望女儿待在家里和我们在一起 但这是她的选择 她不再是个孩子了 3 It was J

2、ohn who broke the window Why are you talking to me as if I had done it John 打坏了窗户 为什么跟 我 谈话 好像是 我 打坏了窗户似的 4 My mom suggests that we should eat out for a change this weekend 妈妈建议我们这周末换换口味出去吃饭 5 Eye doctors recommend that a child s first eye exam should be at the age of six months old 眼科医生建议 孩子的第一次眼睛检

3、查应该在6 个月大时进行 6 I suggested that we should send him to hospital 我建议 我们应该把他送往医院 7 It is necessary that we should master a foreign language in order to succeed in business 为了在商业中成功 我们有必要掌握一门外语 8 It is high time that she went should go to bed 该是她上床睡觉的时候了 9 They would rather that we went there with them

4、tomorrow 他们更愿意明天我们和他们一起去那里 10 If only I had been given that award 要是我得了那个大奖多好啊 课堂合作探究 2 语法 讲座 一 虚拟语气在名词性从句中的用法 1 在名词性从句中 常用来表示命令 建议 要求 愿望等的词后宾语从句和同位语从 句中用虚拟语气 形式为 should 动词原形 常用的动词有 advise劝告 demand 要 求 desire渴望 command命令 insist坚持 prefer宁愿 urge主张 order命令 recommend推荐 request要求 require需要 suggest建议 以及这些

5、词的名词形式 常见的句子结构如下 1 suggest advise recommend demand require insist urge request order desire ask propose等 that should 动词原形 2 It is suggested advised recommended demanded required ordered proposed等 that should 动词原形 助记 一坚持二命令三建议四要求 一坚持 insist 二命令 order command 名词是 order command 三建议 advise suggest propo

6、se 名词是advice suggestion proposal 四要求 demand require request desire 名词是 demand requirement request desire 注意 suggest意为 表明 暗示 时 不用虚拟语气 His face suggested that he was very sad 他的表情表明了他非常伤心 insist作 坚决要求 讲时 用虚拟语气 作 坚持说 坚持认为 讲时 用陈述语 气 The man insisted my little brother was a thief 那个男人坚持认为我弟弟是小偷 3 2 It is

7、 was necessary a pity等 that引导的从句须用虚拟语气 其句子结构如 下 It is was important natural necessary advisable essential strange etc that should 动词原形 It is important that we should have a good knowledge of computer 我们应该掌握好电脑知识 这是很重要的 It is a pity that you should be absent from the meeting 你居然没参加会议 真是可惜 3 would rat

8、her prefer that 从句 从句用虚拟语气 表示愿望与现在或将来事实相反从句用一般过去时 表示愿望与过去事实相反从句用过去完成时 I would rather you were not here with me now 我宁可你现在不在我身边 从句是对现在时态的虚拟 I would rather you hadn t done that 我宁可你没做过那件事 从句是对过去时态的虚拟 二 定语从句中的虚拟语气 在句型 It is high about time 后面也可跟虚拟语气 从句中常用过去时 有 时也用 should 动词原形 意为 该是 的时候了 It is time that

9、 we went home It s time that we should go home It s time for us to go home 我们该回家了 名师点津 注意对比 It This is the first second time that 主语 has have done 这 是某人第几次做某事了 不是虚拟 It is the second time that I have visited Beijing 这是我第二次来北京游玩 三 if only 引导的感叹句中的虚拟语气 在 if only 引导的感叹句中 要求用虚拟语气 表示愿望 表示愿望与现在或将来事实相反从句用一般

10、过去时 表示愿望与过去事实相反从句用过去完成时 If only I had not been ill last week 要是上周我没病该多好啊 对过去时态的虚拟 4 If only you told me the news now 要是你现在告诉我那个消息就好了 对现在时态的虚拟 四 目的状语从句中的虚拟语气 1 so that in order that 从句 从句用 can could may might 动词原形 We got up early in order that we could catch the first bus 为了能赶上第一班车我们起得很早 2 for fear t

11、hat in case that lest that 从句 从句用 should 动词原形 以防万一 发生 We got up early for fear that lest that we should miss the early bus 我们早起以防万一错过早班车 五 几种特殊用法 1 某些简单句的固定句型 表示祝愿 祝福的表达中用动词原形表达 Heaven help you 老天爷会帮助你 祝愿 May you succeed 祝你成功 祝愿 倒装形式 Long live the People s Republic of China 中华人民共和国万岁 祝愿 倒装形式 2 某些固定的

12、词组和句型 was were supposed to have done 理应做 本应该做 was were to have done本计划做 had thought believed but 本以为 had planned intended but 本计划 本打算 had wished hoped but 本希望 The little girl had meant to tell her mother about it but her mother was away 这位小女孩本打算告诉她母亲这件事的 但是她母亲不在 对过去的虚拟 课堂 总结演练 单句语法填空 1 It is high ti

13、me that we stop cutting down the trees 答案 stopped should stop 2 I would rather I not come here yesterday 答案 hadn t come 3 He insisted that she be seriously ill and that she send to hospital at once 5 答案 was should be sent 4 It s necessary that we study hard 答案 should study 5 If only I see the film 答

14、案 had seen 单句写作 1 你应该遵从医嘱 这很重要 It is important that you 答案 should follow the doctor s orders 2 我倒希望我们今晚不去看电影 I d rather we this evening 答案 didn t go to see a film 3 祝你周末愉快 May you 答案 have a good weekend 4 她通红的脸表明她对你的行为很生气 因此我建议你现在不要打扰她 Her red face suggested that she your deed so I suggested that yo

15、u 答案 was angry at should not bother her now 5 上尉命令他的军队立刻向敌军宣战 The captain gave the order that his troops at once 答案 should declare war on the enemy 演练通关提升 夯实 基础知识 单句语法填空 1 We lost our way in that small village otherwise we visit more places of interest yesterday 答案 could might should would have visi

16、ted 2 Had they known what was coming next they have second thoughts 答案 would could should might have had 3 Would you have told him the answer had it been possible I would have but I be busy then 答案 was 4 It is quite natural that my coming late again make them very angry 6 答案 should make 5 He acted as if he know everything in the world 答案 knew 6 It s high time we stop cutting down the rainforests 答案 should stop stopped 7 If only I listen to the lecture 答案 had listened 8 He give you more help even



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