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1、 1 写作园地 幻想故事写作 感悟范文 最近 某英文报社正在举行英文幻想故事大赛 请你根据所给出的故事的开头 续写一 篇幻想小故事参赛 A young man was walking through a wood when he saw a shining ring lying on the ground He just stood and wondered and then the ring said Young man a kind girl is trapped by a witch in the castle ahead If you are brave enough to rescu

2、e her you will gain happiness Put me on and I will help you 注意 词数120 左右 精彩范文 A young man was walking through a wood when he saw a shining ring lying on the ground He just stood and wondered and then the ring said Young man a kind girl is trapped by a witch in the castle ahead If you are brave enough

3、 to rescue her you will gain happiness Put me on and I will help you The young man didn t hesitate and put the ring on his finger Much to his surprise he discovered that he disappeared and was invisible to any other people Only when he took it off could people see him He felt more confident and head

4、ed for the castle On approaching the castle he put the ring on and entered the castle He eventually found the crying girl on whom the witch had put a spell learning that the girl couldn t move unless someone destroyed the witch s magical club removing the spell Having learned about this the young ma

5、n put the ring on looking around for the witch s magical club Finally he found it in a golden box he destroyed it removing the spell on the girl and saving the girl The young man together with the girl defeated the witch The girl saved by the young man turned out to be a princess and the king marrie

6、d her off to the young man the young man and the princess living a happy life 亮点分析 1 文中 only 位于句首的倒装句 on doing sth 结构以及独立主格结构的使用 使文章 内容表述清晰 句子结构更加复杂高级 2 2 文中非限制性定语从句和现在分词短语的使用 丰富了所在句子的相关信息 使句子 更有层次感 技法讨论 本模块要求写一篇幻想故事 幻想故事一般有环境 人物 情节以及文学的艺术性 在 体裁上属于记叙文 情节的发展多以时间 地点的转移为线索 虚幻故事的写作步骤 1 仔细审题 确定文章结构 虚幻故事的

7、写作一般可分为三部分 第一部分为故事的开始 第二部分为故事发展的过 程及结果 最后一部分提出故事的教育意义 2 根据需要确定时态 虚幻故事通常是发生在过去 因此应以一般过去时为主 3 筛选词汇 虚幻故事一般为虚构的故事 要求语言比较夸张 为了吸引读者 故事的语言要生动 富于虚幻性 类文演练 假设你要给参观你校的外籍人员 讲解中国的传统文化 一名外国朋友对中国成语 自 相矛盾 发生了兴趣 请你根据图片 把这个古代的寓言故事讲给他们听 词数130 左右 参考词汇 矛spear 盾 shield 刺 pierce 联想词汇 1 自相矛盾的 答案 self contradictory 2 adj 锋利

8、的 答案 sharp 3 v 吹嘘 夸大 答案 boast 4 在古代中国 答案 in ancient China 5 众所周知 答案 be known to all 单句写作 1 中国成语 自相矛盾 众所周知 Zi Xiang Mao Dun is all 答案 The Chinese idiom known to 3 2 世界上没有东西能刺穿他们 can pierce them 答案 Nothing in the world 3 世上没有完美的东西 in the world 答案 There are not perfect things 连句成章 精彩范文 The Chinese idio

9、m Zi Xiang Mao Dun is known to all which is used to laugh at someone whose words or behaviors are self contradictory It tells us a story that happens in the State of Chu in ancient China We see a man selling spears and shields in the marketplace in the center of the picture A lot of people gather ar

10、ound him My spears are the sharpest he boasts that there is nothing they cannot pierce My shields are also the strongest so nothing in the world can pierce them One of the people in the crowd then laughs So what if the spear pierces the shield The man can not answer a word From the story we can know

11、 that there are not perfect things in the world We shouldn t say anything in the world is good to the limit 课外拓展阅读 中国优秀传统文化专题练 对应学生用书P034 阅读下面短文 在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正 确形式 These days modern buildings are everywhere But if you want to see 1 life was back in the old days China still has many beautiful

12、 water 2 town to visit CNN has chosen four of the country s most beautiful ones The village of Zhouzhuang in Jiangsu calls 3 it the oldest water town in China The village which 4 build in 1086 is crossed with canals Taking a boat ride through town the red lanterns might make you think of China s rom

13、antic past 4 Hongcun 5 fill with lakes and beautiful Anhui style buildings is 900 years old It was built to look like a big ox Huangshan Mountain is the head the town is the body and the bridges are legs Fenghuang in Hunan doesn t look like a bird 6 its name means phoenix 凤 凰 in Chinese The town is

14、as beautiful as the 7 magic bird The stilted 吊脚的 buildings on each side of the Tuojiang River make the area look like a scene from 8 postcard While most water towns are in the south Shandong s Tai erzhuang stands out in the north The town 9 be on the bank of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal In the town there are ancient bridges a canal and temples 10 make you think of its past glory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 1 how 2 towns 3 itself 4 was built 5 filled 6 but 7 magical 8 a 9 is 10 making


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