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1、 1 写作园地 说明文 语言介绍 感悟范文 请根据以下要点提示 为英语报社写一篇介绍汉语的英语短文 参考词汇 汉语标准语standard Chinese 普通话Putonghua Mandarin 精彩范文 The language of Chinese Chinese is one of the most ancient languages in the world Although English is used all around the world more and more people speak Chinese nowadays You will hear Chinese sp

2、oken in many countries and areas Chinese is also one of the official languages of the United Nations Now that China is becoming stronger Chinese will certainly play a more important part in international communications More and more people in the world are learning Chinese and many famous universiti

3、es have offered Chinese courses I m sure that it is a good idea for people from other countries to learn Chinese 亮点分析 1 文章使用although now that引导状语从句 体现出人们对汉语的重视以及汉语国 际地位提升的必然趋势 2 2 one of more and more以及过去分词spoken 作宾语补足语的使用 彰显了作者 扎实的语言基本功 为文章增色不少 3 it作形式主语以及I m sure that句式的使用 使文章句式变化更显灵动 值得借鉴 技法讨论 介绍

4、语言的说明文属于事物介绍类说明文 要写好此类文章 应注意以下几点 1 准确把握介绍的对象 根据写作目的和要求 抓住事物最主要的特点 做到有的放矢 让读者更容易了解所介绍的事物 2 语言要求准确 简洁 贴切 写介绍类说明文 语言要通俗易懂 实事求是 3 说明事物的过程要清晰 有条理 方便读者的理解 4 表达时 通常采用一般现在时 人称多为第三人称 类文演练 假设你是新华中学的学生李华 不久前在学校举办的英语竞赛中获得一等奖 校报请你 写一篇稿件刊登在英文版面上 介绍你课外学习英语的经验 请根据以下提示用英语写一篇 短文 1 参加英语角的益处 2 坚持写英语日记的作用 3 英语阅读网站 Enjoy

5、 Reading 对你的帮助 注意 1 词数 120 150 2 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 联想词汇 1 和 又 同 答案 as well as 2 参加 答案 take part in 3 此外 答案 what s more besides 4 非常有益 答案 be of great benefit beneficial 5 养成一个习惯 答案 form a habit of 6 开阔某人的视野 答案 broaden one s horizons 单句写作 1 我经常参加英语角 在那里我可以自由地表达自己 3 I often take part in the English Corne

6、r 答案 where I can express myself freely 2 每天记日记是有益处的 因为它不仅能帮你养成学英语的好习惯 而且能提高你的写 作能力 It is of great benefit to keep a diary every day because not only but it can also improve your writing ability 答案 can it help you to form a good habit of studying English 连句成章 精彩范文 To learn English well you need some

7、learning skills as well as hard work I ll share my learning skills here In my spare time I often take part in the English Corner where I can express myself freely What s more it is of great benefit to keep a diary every day because not only can it help you to form a good habit of studying English bu

8、t it can also improve your writing ability What is the most important is that I often surf an English website Enjoy Reading which offers the latest news reading materials and so on All of these have enriched my knowledge and broadened my horizons which is of vital importance to improve my English Of

9、 course everyone has his own method of learning so I hope the experience of mine will be helpful useful and beneficial to you in your English study 课外拓展阅读 中国优秀传统文化专题练 阅读下面短文 在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 Longjing tea 1 has topped the list of the ten most famous teas in China with its color taste and sha

10、pe 2 name after its production region Longjing Village of West Lake The good environment and water resources have contributed much to the 3 grow of the tea confirming the saying that Longjing tea is the 4 good among all of the teas in the world Thanks 5 the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty the t

11、ea has earned a high reputation The story went that the Qianlong Emperor visited a mountain during his Hangzhou travels and he saw some ladies picking the tea at 6 foot of the mountain He was so interested in their movements that he decided to have a go himself While 7 pick the tea he received the n

12、ews of his mother s illness so he 4 carelessly put the leaves in his right sleeve and 8 leave Hangzhou for Beijing He visited his mother 9 immediate upon his arrival in Beijing and his mother smelt the fragrance of the tea leaves from his right sleeve and wanted to have a taste After drinking a cup of tea she found herself completely 10 refresh and she even praised it as a cure for all illnesses From then on it was listed as the tribute tea 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 答案 1 which 2 is named 3 growth 4 best 5 to 6 the 7 picking 8 left 9 immediately 10 refreshed



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