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1、Unit5Doyouhaveabasketball Period1SectionA1a 2b 学习目标 1 词汇 do have tennis ball ping pong bat soccer soccerball volleyball basketball2 句型 I We Theyhavea an He shehasa an Doyouhave Yes Ido No Idon t Doesshe hehave Yes she hedoes No she hedoesn t 3 掌握have和has的区别 4 理解听力内容 1 Doyou theyhave 你 他们有 Yes I they

2、do 是的 我 他们有 或 No I theydon t 不 我 他们没有 2 Doeshe shehave 他 她有 Yes he shedoes 是的 他 她有 或 No he shedoesn t 不 他 她没有 重点句型 basketball baseball volleyball soccerball tennisball ping pongball baseballbat ping pongbat havev 有 doauxv 用于构成否定句和一般疑问句 soccerball basketball baseball volleyball tennisball ping pongba

3、ll baseballbat ei e ping pongbat I I have do I u 仔细观察 小组讨论 你能说出这些红色字母或者字母组合的发音吗 Iabasketball Iabasketball 肯定句 否定句 have don thave have donot don t donot don t 仔细观察 小组讨论 这个句子是怎样由肯定句变成否定句呢 Iabasketball youhaveabasketball Yes Ido No Idon t donot don t 肯定句 一般疑问句 Do have 肯定句变成一般疑问句时 要借助于助动词 放在句首 第 人称变第 人称

4、 号变 号 语调用 do 一 二 句 问 升调 仔细观察 小组讨论 这个句子是怎样由肯定句变成一般疑问句呢 basketball Doyouhaveabasketball Yes Ido Ihaveabasketball tennisball Doyouhaveatennisball No Idon t Idon thaveatennisball soccerball Doyouhaveasoccerball Yes Ido Ihaveasoccerball ping pongbat Doyouhaveaping pongbat No Idon t Idon thaveaping pongba

5、t baseballbat Doyouhaveabaseballbat Yes I I abaseballbat do have hat Doyouhaveahat No I I ahat don t don thave computer you acomputer Yes I I acomputer do have Do have you aruler Do have No I I aruler don t don thave A Doyouhavea B Yes Ido Ihavea Doyouhavea A No Idon t Idon thavea 1 tennisball 2 pin

6、g pongbat 3 soccerball 4 volleyball 5 basketball 6 baseballbat a e f d b 1a c Doyouhaveaping pongbat Yes Ido Doyouhaveaping pongball No Idon t f c d e a b Listenandcirclethewordsyouhear ping pongbatsoccerballvolleyballping pongball 1b Pleasefindtheanswers 1 有一个乒乓球拍 2 有一个乒乓球 3 有一个足球 4 有一个 5 有一个网球 6 有

7、一个排球 7 想去打篮球 8 见到你 9 让我们去 10 找他 haveaping pong haveasoccerball haveone haveavolleyball Wanttoplaybasketball haveatennis meetyou Let sgo findhim haveaping pongbat Doyouhaveaping pongball Yes Ido No Idon t h v du d nt Ihaveaping pongball Idon thaveaping pongball Doyouhaveabasketball Yes Ido No Idon t

8、Ihaveabasketball Idon thaveabasketball Doyouhaveavolleyball Yes Ido No Idon t Ihaveavolleyball Idon thaveavolleyball Doeshehaveabasketball Yes hedoes Doeshehaveasoccerball Yes hedoes Doesshehaveaping pongballandaping pongbat No shedoesn t Doeshehaveatennis No hedoesn t Doeshehavea Yes hedoes No hedo

9、esn t Doesshehavea Yes shedoes No shedoesn t Doesshehave MemoryChallenge Doesshehave Doesshehave A Doesshehave B Yes shedoes No shedoesn t A Doeshehave B Yes hedoes No hedoesn t HeisJim Hehasabasketball he abasketball Yes he Does have does HeisMike He avolleyball he abasketball No he has Does have d

10、oesn t Dale 1 3 4 2 Paul 2a Listentotheconversationsandnumberthepictures 1 4 Listenagain 2b P26 3 1 4 2 Paul Dale SectionA P262aListenandfillintheblanks Conversation1Bob you asoccerball Paul Paul No I Bob yourbrotherAlan one Paul Yes he Conversation2John Hi Mike Hi John Iwant you abasketball Mike Ye

11、s I Mike have don t Do Does have does Mike John toplaybasketball Do have do Great 1 wanttodosth 2 Wantsb todosth 3 wouldlike Play 球类 SectionA P262aListenandfillintheblanks Conversation3Jane Hi Sally Sally Hi Jane Jane Sally myfriend Anna Sally Hi Anna Nice you Anna tomeetyou Sally Sally you atennisb

12、allball Jane Jane Sorry I Conversation4Frank you a Dale Dale No I Butmybrother and him thisis tomeet Nice Let splaytennis Do have don t Do have Volleyball don t does Let s go find Letus Letsb dosth Play 球类 Letus SheisMary Shehas and She haveavolleyball atennis atennisracket does not TheyareTomandhis

13、father They abaseballbat they abaseball No they have Do have don t 2dRole playtheconversation 分角色表演对话 Cindy HeyHelen let sgo We relate Helen OK Cindy Doyouhavethebaseball Helen Yes Ido It sinmybag Cindy Andwhere sourbaseballbat Helen Billhasit Cindy Oh yeah Anddoyouhaveyourjacket Helen Oh no Idon t

14、It sonthechair Letmegetit Cindy Andyourhat too Helen OK Ihavemyjacketandhat Let sgo 二 句式转换 Ihaveasoccerball 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答 否定回答 Idon thaveasoccerball Doyouhaveasoccerball Yes Ido No Idon t Exercise Exercise 一 按要求完成下列句子 I 有 abookandtwopens 2 I notdo haveasister 3 you have abasketball Yes I No I have

15、don t Do have do don t I threefriendsinEngland 2 They abigroominChina 3 Harry twocats 4 JeffandJeanason 5 She abigapple 6 Doyouabag 7 Bob sbrotheranicewatch 8 DoesBob atennis have have has have has have 一 用haveorhas填空 has have 自我检测 Exercise 三 翻译句子 1 你有一个网球吗 2 我有一张地图 是的 我有 不 我没有 3 我没有手表 Doyouhaveaten

16、nisball Yes Ido No Idon t Idon thaveawatch Ihaveamap 三 将下列汉语翻译成英文 1 你有足球吗 是的 我有 2 有篮球吗 是的 她有 3 她有铅笔吗 不 她没有 4 你父亲有汽车吗 是的 他有 5 托尼没有一个好朋友 Doyouhaveasoccer Yes Ihave Doesyousisterhaveabasketball Yes shedoes Doesshehaveapencil No shedoesn t Doesyourfatherhaveacar Yes hedoes Tonydoesn thaveagoodfriend Homework 1 Reviewthenewwords 复习新单词 2 Lookthrough Grammarfocus 仔细查看 语法重点 3 Practicetheconversations 练习会话 Pairwork 两人根据图片练习对话 1 3 4 WangNan A Doesshehave B Yes shedoes No shedoesn t 2 LiuXiang A Doesheh


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