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1、Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ballSection B (1a1d).根据图片及首字母提示完成句子或对话,每空一词1. A: Lets playv_!B: OK. That is f_2A: Lets play s_ after school.B: Good. Its i_3A: Lets play b_!B: Sorry. I dont like playing basketball. I think its too d_4Mrs. Dog likes to play t_She thinks its r_5I dont like playing c_ games

2、. Its b_.词汇(A)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1I dont like soccer.It is _(困难的) for me.2This is an _ (有趣的) game.3He _ (看) TV every day.4Do you have a baseball _ (球棒)?5I have five_ (排球)6Lets play basketball.That _ (听起来) great.(B)用方框中所给的单词填空。interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing, tidy1. Some people think computer gam

3、es are _, but I think they are boring.2. He cant play baseball. Its _ for him.3. His room is not _. Books are everywhere. 4Do you like music?Yes. I think its _5. Jane, lets watch TV.Its _. Lets make a model plane. It is interesting. .单项填空()1._ Li Ming _ a volleyball?ADoes; have BDo; haveCDoes; has D

4、Do; has()2.My sister _ a nice room.Ahave BhasCthere is Dthere are()3.Lets play baseball.Oh, no, that sounds _Aboring BgoodCinteresting Drelaxing()4.I _ every day.Awatch a TV Bwatches TVCwatch TV Dwatches a TV()5.I like these storybooks. They are very_Aboring Beasy Cdifficult Dinteresting.任务型阅读Do you

5、 know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, and the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular(受欢迎的) in China. But Chinese dont call it soccer. They call it football. There are eleven players in a team. And the ball is round. Only the

6、goalkeeper(守门员) can touch(触碰) the ball with hands. The other players must touch the ball with feet.In America soccer is not very popular. I like playing American football more than playing soccer. There are also eleven players in a team. The ball is not round. All the players touch the ball with han

7、ds and feet. American football is different(不同的) from soccer.根据短文内容,完成下列句子。1Chinese call soccer _2There are_ players in a team of soccer and also in a team of American football.3In the USA, people play football with hands and _.4Only the_ can touch the soccer ball with hands in England.5American foo

8、tball is_ from soccer.详解详析Section B (1a1d).1. volleyball; fun2.soccer; interesting3basketball; difficult4.tennis; relaxing5computer; boring.(A)1.difficult2.interesting3.watches4bat5.volleyballs6.sounds(B)1.interesting2.difficult3tidy4.relaxing5.boring.1.A2.B3.A4.C5D考查形容词辨析。由上句“我喜欢这些故事书”可推知,它们都非常有趣。故选D。.1.football2.eleven/113.feet4goalkeeper5.different5


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