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1、Unit4Makingthenews 基础知识自测 1 vt totellthetruth2 vt 获得 学到3 vt 评定 估价4 vt 帮助 促进5 vt 需要 查询6 adj 欣喜的 高兴的 delighted inform acquire assess assist demand 7 vt 集中 聚集8 vt 指责 控告9 v 赞成 认可 批准10 vt 加工 过程11 journalistn 12 photographern 13 admirableadj 值得赞扬的 令人钦佩的 concentrate accuse approve process 记者 新闻工作者 摄影师 14 p

2、rofessionn 15 amateurn 16 updatevt 17 deliberatelyadv 18 departmentn 19 appointmentn 20 accurateadj 精确的 正确的 职业 专业 业余爱好者 更新 使现代化 故意地 部门 部 系 约会 任命 1 admirev 佩服 羡慕 赞美 n 钦佩 n 崇拜者 爱慕者 adj 令人钦佩的 值得赞扬的 admirable admiration admirer Hisbraveryis admire Hecameupwithan admire idea admirable admirable Thepopsta

3、rhasmany admire ShespeaksEnglishsowellthatherfriendsarefilledwith admire admirers admiration 2 eageradj 热切的 渴望的 热心的 adv 热切地 n 渴望 热心 搭配 渴望干某事 beeagertodosth eagerly eagerness Heiseager knowledgeaboutthepartyconstructionbecauseheiseager join theparty Theseyoungpeopleshowgreat eager fornewknowledge The

4、childrenwere eager lookingforwardtotheparty for tojoin eagerness eagerly 3 giftedadj 有天赋的 n 礼物 天赋 搭配 在 有天赋 begiftedin或haveagift talentfor gift Itisknownthathewasgifted paintingwhenhewasyoung Whenhegrewup heturned gift artist Hehasagift music for in gifted 4 appointmentn 约会 任命 vt 任命 委派 搭配 与某人约会 make

5、fixanappointmentwithsb appoint Tommadean appoint withKatetomeetunderthattree Katepromisedshe keep anappointment atlastshebroketheappointment appointment wouldkeep but 5 assistvt 帮助 协助 n 助理 助手 n 帮助 援助 assistance assistant The assist askedthebossfor sothathecouldassisttheworkers improvingtheefficiency

6、 Wouldyouliketoassistme myEnglish with assistant assistance in 1 全神贯注于 2 指控或控告 3 为了 做 4 把事情弄清楚 5 对 非常敏感 6 拍照 7 诀窍 atrickofthetrade concentrateon accuse of soasto getsth straight haveanosefor takeaphotograph 8 提前 9 最后 10 渴望做 11 takeacourse 12 getabsorbedin 13 settowork 14 cover goonastory 去采访 aheadof

7、time lastofall beeagertodo 上课 专心于 开始工作 15 dependon 16 tellthetruth 17 lookforwardto 18 makeanappointment 19 workexperience 20 arrangeaninterview 安排采访 依靠 取决于 说出真相 期待 约会 工作经验 1 Thereporterwascoveringtheaccidentwhilethephotographer 2 Thedriver killingtwopersonsintheroadaccident wastakingphotographs was

8、accusedof 3 Concernedaboutthecomingexam Tomcouldn t whattheteachersaidthough 4 MyteachersaysI goodmathmaterialsandIhavethe tosolvingtheproblems concentrateon takingacourse haveanosefor trickofthetrade 5 letmedrawaconclusionoftheactivity 6 Themanageraskedtheassistant andreportittohim Lastofall togett

9、hefactsstraight 7 Thefans seetheiridolandwaitedlonginfrontofthestadium 8 SheregardedTomthesortofperson inallherlife soshe him wereeagerto todependon madeanappointmentwith 9 Thenewreporterwithout 工作经验 期待 采访 byhimself 10 They 开始工作 early finishthework aheadoftime workingexperience looksforwardto coveri

10、ngastory settowork soasto ZhouYangwillneverforgethisfirstassignment1 areporterinChinaDaily Attheofficehistalkwithhisnewbossinfluencedhislifestrongly Hisbosstoldhimnottogoouttocoveranevent2 aprofessionalphotographer as without Duringtheinterviews hehadtolistentoalotoffactsindetail3 gettingwellprepare

11、dforthenextquestionbasedon4 thepersonsaid Iftheperson5 interview agreed heshouldusearecordertorecordwhattheintervieweesaid when what interviewed Thebossalsogavehim6 exampleoftheimportanceofarecorder Onceafootballerwasaccusedoftakingmoneyfor7 deliberate notscoringgoals Headmittedthatsomeone8 try tobr

12、ibehim butdeniedtakingthemoney Withtherecording 9 wasprovedthathewasguilty Hewasangryandtriedtostopit 10 failed an deliberately hadtried it but 1 Wecanmakegreatachievementonlyinthisway wemakegreatachievement 2 Ihaveneverreadabooklikethat readabooklikethat NeverhaveI Onlyinthiswaycan 3 Themotherdidn

13、tleavetheroomuntilthechildfellasleep didthemotherleavetheroom 4 Henotonlymadeapromise butalsohemadeitcometrue butalsohemadeitcometrue Notonlydidhemakeapromise Notuntilthechildfellasleep 5 Hewassofrightenedthathedidn tdaretotouchthesnake thathedidn tdaretotouchthesnake 6 Hegetsupatsix Kategetsupatsix

14、 Hegetsupatsix sodoesKate Sofrightenedwashe 7 Sincethenwehaveneverseenhimandwehaven theardfromhim Sincethenwehaveneverseenhim 8 Aboyfrombehindthedoorrushedout aboy Frombehindthedoorrushedout neither norhaveweheardfromhim 9 Thoughwearesuccessful wemustn tbearrogant 骄傲自满 wemustn tbearrogant 10 Ifhehad

15、listenedtome hewouldhavepassedtheexam hewouldhavepassedtheexam Hadhelistenedtome Successfulthough asweare 掌握重要考点 1 covern 书的 封皮 封面 覆盖物 v 覆盖 占用 包括 走过 采访 报导 becoveredwith被 覆盖underthecoverof在 的掩护下 趁着 运用 体会下列句子中cover的不同含义 Heboughtabookwithahardcover Shecoveredherfacewithherhands ThisstorywrittenbyDanBro

16、wncoversonlyonedayandisveryinteresting 封皮 hardcover精装 掩盖 遮盖 包括 Wecoveredmorethan60milesbeforedarkthatday Areportermustbesenttocoverthenationalelection Thetroopsmarchedunderthecoverofnight 趁着 行走 采访 2 acquirevt 获得 养成 学到 get gain obtain acquirea good knowledgeof得到 知识 精通 运用 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 我们逐步获得了做这工作的经验 Graduallywe inhowtodothework acquiredexperience 我们应该努力养成良好的习惯 Weshouldtryto 我们必须用功学习才能精通英语 Wemustworkhardto English acquireagoodknowledgeof acquiregoodhabits 3 accusevt 指责 谴责 控告 accusesb ofsth 因 指责或控告某



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