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1、Unit 6 Movies and Theater单词闯关1.海岸;海滨_2手提包_3在中间;被所围绕_4卫兵;看守_5女王;王后_6.为服务_7疯的;发怒的_8servant _9crash _短语互译1. (灯)熄灭;停止运转_2立刻;马上_ 3.look around_4. no problem_句型在线1.我能为你做什么吗?_ _ I _ _ you? 2你能让我的妻子成为一个贵妇人吗?Could you please_ _ _ _ _ _?3立刻去,否则我要惩罚你!Go _ _, or I will punish you!4. 能听到巨大的海浪声。Strong waves _ _ _

2、5她还想让所有的鱼为她服务。She also _ all the fish _ _ her.课文初探根据课文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1. At first, the fisherman and his wife lived a poor life.()2. The fisherman caught a goldfish that can talk.()3. The fishermans wife wants a new house for the second time.()4. The fishermans wife became the Queen of the Sea.()5.

3、At last, the old couple became poor again.1 among prep. 在中间;被所围绕观察 You can make a choice among those TV programs.你可以在那些电视节目中做一个选择。探究 among一般用于_者或_以上的人或物之间。辨析 among与betweenThe village lies among the mountains. 这个村庄位于群山之中。There is a railway between the two cities.这两座城市之间有一条铁路。1(1)2017贵港Mr. Smith is si

4、tting_(在其中) a group of children, telling the story.(2)2017无锡Theres one taken by the River Seine_ these photos. Can you find it out?AexceptBincludingCbetween Damong 2serve v. 为服务观察 What time is dinner served in your restaurant?你们饭店什么时候供应晚餐?探究 serve用作_(及物/不及物)动词,意为“提供(饭菜),伺候(某人)”,后可接名词或代词作_语,也可接双宾语(即s

5、erve _)或serve _ to _。 2.This restaurant _ tea from 2:00 to 5:00 every afternoon in England.AsendsBshowsCserves Dgives3mad adj. 疯的;发怒的观察 You are mad! 你疯了!探究 mad的比较级和最高级分别为_和_,副词为_。常用短语是be mad at,意为“对生气”,其同义短语为_。3Some parents will _ their kids when they do something wrong.Abe angry at Bbe mad at Cbe a

6、ngry to Dbe mad inGo right now, or I will punish you!立刻去,否则我要惩罚你!探究 (1)“_句or陈述句”表示在以祈使句为条件下的相反假设,or意为“_”。(2)right now 意为“_”或“_”,侧重指时间,一般用于现在或将来时态。 The doctor is busy right now. 医生此刻正忙着。(3)punish是及物动词,意为“_”,后面可以直接加名词、代词作宾语。Why were you punished? 为什么你被惩罚了?拓展 (1)right now 的同义词组为right away,主要用于美式英语中,语气稍

7、弱于at once,强调动作迅速,可用于过去或将来时态。He didnt answer right away. 他没有马上回答。(2)punish sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而惩罚某人His mother often punishes him for copying others homework.他的妈妈经常因为他抄别人的作业而惩罚他。(1)2017永州改编Tony, come on_ well miss the World Cup.AsoBand Cor Dbut(2)他现在不在办公室。He isnt in the office _ _(3)2017成都Youl

8、l be p_ if you break the traffic rules.(4)2017威海改编A classmate of mine was_(punish) for breaking the school rules.1. He _ it but let it go.2. The goldfish could give him_ he wanted.3. She ordered him to _ _ many things from the goldfish.4. They _ _ _ life at first.5. They became _ again because the w

9、ife was too greedy.教师详解详析【课前自主预习】单词闯关1coast2.handbag3.among4.guard5queen6.serve7.mad8仆人; 雇工9.撞击; 坠落短语互译1. go off2.at once/right now3四处看4. 没问题句型在线1What can; do for2make my wife a rich lady3right now4. can be heard5wants; to serve课文初探15 TTFFT【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1 三; 三者(1)among(2)D2 及物; 宾; sb. sth.; sth.; sb.C3 madder; maddest; madly; be angry withBbe mad at意为“对生气”,其同义短语为be angry with。句意:当孩子做错事情时,有些家长会生他们的气。故选B。句型透视 祈使; 否则,要不然; 现在; 立刻,马上; 惩罚(1)C(2)right now(3)punished(4)punished课文回顾1. caught2. whatever3. ask for 4. led/lived a poor5. poor 4


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