
上传人:caoka****i123 文档编号:129920984 上传时间:2020-04-24 格式:PPT 页数:42 大小:894KB
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1、易错题练习 语音题 1 prefer fishermanB performC percentD refer 2 Britain A certainB trainC againstD contain D A 3 captain A curtainB paintC mountainD certain C 5 smooth A faithB clothC theoryD bathe 6 blanket A languageB instituteC strangeD design D A 7 danger A longB kingC singD land D 8 wooded chooseB fool

2、C notebookD flood C 9 watched trustedB destroyedC copiedD punished D 10 houses booksB potatoesC radiosD teaches D 11 rise purseB elseC housesD horses C 12 official A officeB officerC medicineD ocean D 语法和词汇 1 Many astronautwantstobe secondYangLiwei a theB an aC aD a a B 2 Cherriesaresoldby weightand

3、bookscanbemailedby dozen A aB the theC the aD the D 3 Isthisfactory youvisitedlastyear Isthisthefactory youvisitedlastyear Isthisthefactory youworkedlastyear theoneB thatC WhenD where A B D 4 Thereason hedidn tcometoschoolyesterdayisthathewasill Thereason heexplainedatthemeetingisthathewasill A wher

4、eB whenC thatD forwhich willneverforgetthedays wespenttogether willneverforgetthedays livedinthesmallvillage which why when where Thisistheonlyoneofthestudentswho toAmerica Thisisoneofthestudentswho toAmerica havebeen hasbeen 7 isknowntoall BeijingisthecapitalofChina isknowntoallthatBeijingisthecapi

5、talofChina isknowntoallisthatBeijingisthecapitalofChina A ItB WhatC ThatD As D A B 8 Sheissuchalovelygirl wealllikeher Sheissuchalovelygirl wealllike whichB thatC whoD as B D 9 Myhometownisnolongertheone itusedtobe Myhometownisnolonger itusedtobe whatB whenC thatD where C A 10 CharlieChaplin for lif

6、ewashard beganactingattheageoffive whoB whoseC whomD his C 11 Itisreallyhot JanuaryinBeijingnow Bettertakeoffyourcoat A inB duringC forD on C 12 After seemedaverylongtime thebadlywoundedsoldiercamebacktolife A ItB thatC whatD which C 13 thefinancialcrisisspreads moreandmorecountriesgetinvolved thefi

7、nancialcrisisspreading moreandmorecountriesgetinvolved WithB AsC WhenD While B A 14 Itwasnotuntilthemotorbikelookedalmostnew repairingandcleaning A hestoppedB didhestopC thathestoppedD hedidstop C 15 TheboywantedtowatchTV buthismothertoldhim nottodoB nottoC notdoD notdoit B 16 Ifparentsneverexpectth

8、eirchildrentobehelpfulathome theyaresure notB nottoC nottobeD nottobeso C 17 A Johnisawiseperson B Butinmyopinion heis thanwise muchbraverB braverC morebraverD morebrave D 18 Wheredidyoumeetherforthefirsttime Itwasatthemarket weoftenboughtvegetables thatB inwhichC whereD when c 19 After whattheteach

9、ersaid thegirl sfaceturnedred tohearB tobeheardC sheheardD hearing C 20 After whattheteachersaid thegirlwasencouraged tohearB heardC tobeheardD hearing D 21 WhilestayinginScotlandalone lonelinesswasalwaysaroundmeB manyinterestingplaceswerevisitedC IwasabithomesickD myfriendsinChinaencouragedme C 22

10、WhenIwalkedin hewassittingathisdesk thenewspaper beforehim spreadsB tobespreadC spreadD wasspreading C 23 Sofarallclonedanimalshavesufferedfromsomedifferentseriousdisorders dyingsoonafterbirth manyofwhichB manyofwhomC manyofthemD manyofthat C 24 Thenumber2008isaspecialnumber Ithink thatwasberemember

11、edbytheChineseforever WhichB whatC oneD it C 25 Longtimenosee Haven tyougraduatedfromcollege Yes I EnglishforfouryearsinZhengzhou A studyB havestudiedC amstudyingD studied D 26 Thewarandthesuffering causedaffectedhimgreatly whatB itC whichD that B 27 Whatgreatdamagethefiredid Wasitmidnight youfellas

12、leepwhilereading withthecandlestillburning A thatB inwhich C thenD when D 28 Itisn tthesamepen Ilostyesterday andI llbuythesameone Ihavelost as thatB that asC as asD that that B 29 Mr Johnmusthavecomebackyesterday Mr Johnmusthavecomeback doesn theB didn theC hasn theD hashe B C 30 Heisunfitforthejob

13、 Heisfitforthejob Heishardlyfitforthejob isn the isn the ishe 31 Itwastoonoisyoutside NotuntilIshoutedatthetopofmyvoice hishead didheturnB hadheturnedC hedidn tturnD hehadn tturn A 32 Idon tthinkhedesignedthebuilding didhe Hedoesn tthinkhissondesignedthebuilding doeshe 33 Iwillputthebook youplaceditandmakeamarkattheplace Iputit A where atwhichB atwhich whereC where whichD atwhich atwhich A 34 Todayshedoeshavenothingtoreadathomebut A tolendanoveltothelibraryB lendanoveltothelibraryC tobuysomemagazinesfromthestallD buysomemagazinesfromthestall C Goodbye 4 mouths A monthsB mathsC pathsD classes



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