【创新设计】2020高中英语 第3章 还原句子结构挑出陷阱训练(江苏专用)

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《【创新设计】2020高中英语 第3章 还原句子结构挑出陷阱训练(江苏专用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【创新设计】2020高中英语 第3章 还原句子结构挑出陷阱训练(江苏专用)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三章还原句子结构点拨命题人可以利用强调句、被动句、疑问句、倒装句、感叹句、拆分句等特殊结构来改变句子的正常词序,造成搭配上的假象,从而达到干扰的目的。这类题有相当大的迷惑性,极易导致学生上当。解此类题最可靠的方法是“还原法”。只要恢复了它的庐山真面目,答案就一目了然了。训练每小题0.5分,共30小题;满分15分得分:_1.Bob seems to have never been _ his wifes parents, even herself, seriously.Afacing Btaking Cseeing Dtelling答案Btake.seriously是“认真对待”的意思。2Th

2、e number of people _ this happens is not very large.Awith whom Bto whichCto whom Don which答案C这是sth.happens to sb.结构。句意:发生过这事的人的数目不是很大。3_ part women _ in society is great.AThe;play BA;takeCA;play DThe;take答案A由play a part in搭配可排除B、D,part后跟了定语从句,那就表示特指了,所以要用the。4The old woman had a letter from her son

3、in the army _ to her.(2020四川成都七中高三上学期入学考试)Aread Bwrite Cwritten Dreceived答案Ahave a letter read是“请人读信”的意思。5How _ he looked and turned and looked, _ and even a little _, at the boy!Asurprised;surprisedly;angrilyBsurprisedly;surprised;angryCangrily;surprisedly;angryDangry;surprised;angrily答案A第一个looked是

4、“看起来”的意思,所以该用:look adj.;第二个looked.(at)为“看”的意思,所以该用:look adv.。故选A。6Which do you feel like _ time on the train, chatting with friends or just reading something?Ato kill Bto shareCkilling Dsharing答案Awhich作了feel like的宾语,此空需填不定式表目的,kill time是固定短语,意为“打发时间”。7Is this factory _ you visited last year?Awhich B

5、that Cthe one Dwhere答案C此空需填定语从句的先行词,变为陈述语序:This factory is the one (that)you visited last year.。8Is _ he told us true?Awhat Bthat Cone Dit答案A此句变为陈述语序:What he told us is true.9What way are you thinking of _ rid of the flies?Ato get BgettingCbeing got Dto be getting答案A不定式表目的。10Is this the tape recorde

6、r you want to _?Arepair it Bhave it repairedCbeing repaired Dhave repaired答案Dthe tape recorder后接一个定语从句,have the tape recorder repaired“叫人修理录音机”。11What did she _ so much money?Nothing but a necklace made of glass.(2020重庆万州二中高三秋季开学测试)Aspend on Bpay forCcost for Dsell for答案D句意:她卖了什么得这么多的钱?若选A、B则需将so mu

7、ch money置于spend/pay之后才正确;若选C主语一般需是“物”。12What do you imagine _ to Jim in the past few weeks?Ahappened Bhas happenedChappening Dto happen答案Bdo you imagine 是插入语,所以此空该填谓语动词,即可排除C、D,“in the past/last段时间”常与现在完成时连用。故选B。13Is _ likely to be any food at the party on Sunday?Ahe Bit Cthere Dthat答案C这是there be句型的

8、一个将来时形式。意为:星期天的晚会上会“有”吃的吗?14_ either you or I to go?AAm BAre CIs DWas答案B不管是陈述句还是疑问句,either.or.的主谓一致要根据就近原则,故选B。15If your mother and wife are very ill at the same time and you can only help one at a time, whom would you rather have _ to the hospital first?Asend BsendingCsent Dto be sent答案C人是被送到医院的,所以

9、该用被动,排除A、B,正常语序应为:.you would rather have whom sent to the.。16Who would you rather _ you tomorrow?(2020江西修水一中高三上学期第一次月考)Ahad helped BhelpCto help Dhelped答案Dwould rather 从句,常用一般过去时表达对将来的愿望。17_ there with you?AIsnt he to go BIsnt he goCIs he not go DIs he not to going答案A可变为陈述语序:He isnt to go there with

10、 you.,其中be to do sth.是一种将来时态。18What has he given up _ us physics?Ais to teach Bto teachCteaching Dtaught答案B不定式表示目的。注意:.given up的宾语是what。19Was the wood _ this bridge cut out from that hill?Aused to building Bused to buildCwas used to building Dwas used to build答案B相当于.the wood that / which was used to

11、 build.。20The Chinese premier has stated that at _ time will China use the nuclear weapon first.Ano Bone Cany Dsome答案Aat no time是“决不”的意思,位于句首时,主谓需要部分倒装。21Zhang Hua is clever and works hard at his lessons._.ASo is Li MingBSo does Li MingCIt was the same with Li MingDSo it is with Li Ming答案D前一句里出现了两个不

12、同的谓语动词,所以该用“so it is主语”或“It is the same with 主语”。注:C项中的was改为is就对了。22Ill spend my holiday in Shanghai, _ lives my uncle.(2020江苏盐城市高三上学期摸底考试)Awho Bwhich Cwhere Dthat答案C这是定语从句,从句中使用了倒装语序,my uncle是主语,lives是谓语,从句缺地点状语。故选C。23The question came up at the meeting _ we had enough money for our research.Athat

13、Bwhich Cwhether Dif答案C这是一个同位语从句。句意:会上提出了我们“是否”有足够多的钱来进行研究的问题。注:if 一般不引导同位语从句。24On the grass _ sheep.Alies Blie Clying Dlaid答案Bsheep的单复数同形,由于sheep前没限定词,所以必须看作复数,该句的正常语序为:Sheep lie on the grass.。25Jenny looks hot and dry.So _ you if you had a high fever.(2020长沙雅礼中学高三第一次月考)Awill Bdo Care Dwould答案D这是虚拟语气。26There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _ road conditions need to be improved.Athat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhen答案A这是一个同位语从句,解释a new problem具体内容。that在从句中不作成分,仅起连接作用。27How many students do you consider _ the meeting?Ahad attended Bbeing attendedCto have atte



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