2020届高三英语二轮 单项选择精选专练秘密文档(24)

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1、2020;2020届高三英语二轮单项选择精选专练秘密文档(24)1. Mr. Smith, tired of the _ speech, started to read a novel.A. boringB. boreC. boredD. bores2. She is said to be connected _ the Smith.A. toB. withC. forD. in3. They walked _ the direction of the village.A. toB. towardC. forD. in4. As he had worked in the army as an

2、electrical engineer for many years, he has every _ for the job.A. abilityB. obligationC. qualificationD. quality5. Keep quiet, please. The headmaster _ in a minute.A. is about to come B. is to come C. was about to come D. was to come6. He has _ arguments with his father.A. continual B. continuousC.

3、continued D. constant7. He makes a living _.A. begging B. by beggingC. with beggingD. to beg8. It was not _ he came back that _ the truth.A. before; did we knowB. until; we knew C. for; had knownD. because; had we known9. _ her, I would have drowned.A. But for B. Except for C. For D. Besides10. -Can

4、 you lend me $10,000? -Sorry, I have owed the bank $ 50,000. If I _ the house, I would satisfy you.A. didnt buy B. should buyC. shouldnt buyD. hadnt bought11. The work _ much more difficult than I had expected.A. is provedB. was proved C. is provingD. proved12. I to wait here until the teacher arriv

5、es.A. am instructedB. have instructed C. have been instructed D. am taught13. Its time you _ the problem at the meeting.A. discussB. are discussingC. discussedD. had discussed14. It is the first time that we _ football together now.A. are playingB. playedC. were playingD. play15. He understands ever

6、ything _ why she left him.A. exceptB. except for C. besidesD. aside from16. What _ it will be when we all go on holiday together!A. a funB. funnyC. funD. funs17. _ practice is very important to us all.A. ContinuousB. ContinualC. ContinuingD. Keep18. Can you succeed _ doing nothing?A. inB. throughC.

7、onD. by19. _ the exam, you were not here studying together with us.A. You had passedB. If you have passed C. Had you passedD. Have you passed20. The car manufacture has _ 1,000 workers because of the drop of sales.A. picked outB. gave upC. dealt with D. laid off21. Ive smoked cigarettes for years, b

8、ut now Im going to _ them as the doctor advised.A. lay offB. lay inC. lay intoD. lay on22. I got _ talking to Susan, for she was _.A. bored; boredB. boring; boring C. bored; boringD. boring; bored23. Without enough evidence, the man could not _ himself to be innocent.A. say B. makeC. prove D. tell24

9、You should read the _ in the car repair manual(手册) carefully before you start to work on it.A. instructionB. instructions C. introductionsD. explanations25. _ it rained last night, the ground would be wet now.A. Should B. Would C. IfD. Had26. I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she _ , she wo

10、uld have met my brother.A. has come B. did come C. came D. had come27. My goodness, how lucky we are! If there had been places for us on the aeroplane, we _ dead now.A. will beB. would beC. would have been D. had been28. If you were to do it, the result _ different.A. will be B. would be C. should be D. would have been1. ABDCB 6. ABBAD 11. DCCAA 16. CBDCD 21. ACCBD26. DBB


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